Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, April 23, 2018

When, if ever, is taking human life justified?

Taking a human life should never be justified. There is always another way. Taking a humans life should ever be an option. In certain circumstances people argue that its “ok” to kill humans when it comes to self-defense, revenge, or punishment. I believe that when it comes to self-defense you are always going to be able to find a better option than taking a person’s life. Killing someone shouldn’t even be an option. There are so many other ways that one can defend themselves. When it comes to revenge, I still don’t think it gives you the right to kill someone. If you're killing someone in order to take revenge than what is the difference between you and the other person? Revenge is like a domino effect. As Mahatma Gandhi use to say, “An eye for an eye would make the whole world go blind.” Nowadays killing is becoming more and more justifiable by terrorism, wars, mass shootings etc. how can we expect the future generations to be positive when we ourselves have made something so negative justifiable. These days people tend to forget that killing a killer also makes you a killer. You can never justify yourself as good person for killing a bad person.

 Mahatma Gandhi also stated that, “destruction is not the law of humans, Man lives freely only by the readiness to die, if need be, at the hand of his brother, never by killing him. Every murder or injury, no matter for what cause, committed or inflicted on another is a crime against humanity.” I completely agree with this quote. I believe that no matter what the situation might be one shall never deliberately hurt another human, let alone kill someone. Being human is given, but keeping our humanity is choice. Who are we as humans if we ignore the sufferings of others?  If someone kills your loved one. This does not give you the right to go kill the person. We spend millions of dollars building prisms for the ones that offend the laws and kill another human. Everyone deserves a second chance. Yes, even the ones that already have killed another human beings. If god himself is merciful and forgives everyone than why can’t we do the same. if God is the one who gave us this life than he should be the one who decides whether or not one should die. This gives us humans no right to take another humans life. The best way to stop everyone form killing themselves is by understanding that we’re all humans and we must not lose faith in humanity. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “humanity is like an ocean, if a few drops of the ocean are dirty. The ocean does not become dirty.” I truly believe that if everyone just learned how to forgive and forget than there would be no conflicts. Since, there are no conflicts, there would be no reason for people to kill one another.


  1. #8
    I too believe that people deserve a second chance but should there be an extent to that. What if we had just captured Hitler. Would it be better to have him serve his sentence until his death or for him to be given the death sentence? Some would say the death sentence would be the easy way out of avoiding consequences, others would say he doesn't deserve life. Its not a black and white solution and both options could be the right one, its all a matter of relativity.

  2. Mena Sargios #8

    I agree with Gavin, but what if we gave a second chance to anyone who went to the extreme to do what they did, but they end up doing it again on a bigger scale.

  3. #3
    I do not think it is okay to kill people and think some people should get a second chance. However, if the argument is that God should decide when people die then why and not people then why did God allow people to be stoned to death for committing adultery in bible times? I think God has a plan and he is only one who knows his plan so that person dying could be a part of his plan.

  4. People always deserve a second chance unless we know that if we give that person a second chance, they won't correct their wrong and will just try what they failed on the first try again. Take a mass murder for example. We can't just give a man/woman a second chance because they will probably try to kill more people the second time.

  5. #8
    I really think this topic is interesting and I agree with you that we should not lose faith in humanity. I'm not sure if I fully agree with you that it's never justifiable to kill a bad person. Murder should be avoided at all costs, however I feel like when it comes to certain unavoidable circumstances, it becomes hard to not lean toward taking a life, as bad as that sounds.

  6. #8
    Great discussion. Taking a human life is a certainly a question that raises many concerns for people. Many believe in the death penalty for reprehensible crimes, whereas individuals such as yourself would never want to resort to the death penalty. Still not decided on this issue myself, but great job at inspiring discussion!

  7. "killing is becoming more and more justifiable by terrorism, wars, mass shootings etc." - well, it's more and more rationalized by people who would like to justify their own participation in violence, but whether it's ever justifiable is precisely the point you're challenging. If we all followed Gandhi's example, if there were no violent aggressors against whom we had to defend ourselves and our loved ones, there's be no question of rationalizing OR justifying it. I think most of us hope never to be in a position of having to respond to a potentially-fatal aggression in kind, but most of us are also prepared to do so in the event. Is that justifiable? That may not be quite the right question, if it is in fact in our species nature to preserve ourselves and our kith and kin. Is it reformable? Does our reflexive self-defensiveness need to be reformed? Must we surrender to violence, in the name of non-violence? The answer really depends on situation and context, doesn't it?

  8. #3
    I strongly agree with you since God is the only person can controls our life either to die or to live in the world. And I agree when you said that "I still don’t think it gives you the right to kill someone. If you're killing someone in order to take revenge than what is the difference between you and the other person?" but what about if someone tell you to shoot somebody and take a million dollars to shoot this person for no reason and the person doesn't do anything bad.


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