Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Utopias cant be real

For my final report I'm going to go over why there can never be a dystopia or a utopia in the real world. Nowadays people are throwing around that we live in a dystopia or that the government is out to get them. Before I get into my logic I have to define what a dystopia and utopia is. Utopia itself literally translates to no-place but now it means the perfect society. Dystopia is the opposite to a utopia and put into simple terms it is not a good place. So in a utopia everyone is happy because its perfect and in a dystopia everyone is miserable. For my example I'm going to be using the 1984 by George Orwell. From our perspective we would call it an evil regime or dystopian one. However from the perspective of some random background character in the book they can see the world around them as a utopia. To the character a large controlling government keep them safe from foreign invaders, also the lack of social identity creates unwavering order. From the same respect of the character looking on to the real world they would see it as a dystopia. Riot on the streets, people abusing the system, mass killings , they would see these things as elements of a dystopia. So each side thinks other is a dystopia It's because of this I believe there's no such thing as a dystopia or utopia. Utopia by definition has to be perfect no matter what side and perspective you're looking at it from. The utopia has to be perfect no matter whose perspective and as soon as one person disagrees with it is not perfect. On the other hand in a dystopia everyone has to disagree with it but if one person agree with it not a dystopia anymore. Not everyone has read the book 1984 so I'm going to use a real world example, the Third Reich. I'm going to use the Reich because it is easy target to examine. Nazi germany did unspeakable acts so it's commonly thought as a dystopia but that's wrong. To be a dystopia nothing can be a positive about it. To a german at the time who grew up in a time of hyperinflation the Third Reich would be a utopia to them. Everyone can agree with me the Third Reich is not utopia, we literally use Nazis as an insult. Nowadays even within america people disagree with the government. So the end result is that nothing is totally positive or negative. So fundamentally a utopia and dystopia cannot exist because of someone else's opinion on the matter. The only reason why we can tell between the two is because of our own biased.

 My comments on others projects 


1 comment:

  1. The existence of Nazis and Nazi fellow-travelers who profit from a corrupt regime does not make a fascist dictatorship any less horrific or horrendously imperfect, and the impossibility of attaining a perfect society does not make dreams of utopia any less constructive in motivating improvement in that direction. You don't quite spell it out, but you're flirting with relativism in suggesting that all we ever have is a varied mix of differing points of view. It's not merely our own bias that predisposes us to dislike Nazis or to like social justice.


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