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Friday, March 16, 2018

Quizzes Mar 20, 22

T 21 - Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, DR 14 (390-425), LH 6-8, FL 27-28

1. What religion did Augustine espouse before his conversion to Christianity, and how did it account for evil?

2. To what did Augustine return, that most of the first philosophers had rejected?

3. What form does Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy take, what does it never explicitly mention, and how does it account for the compatibility of real choice with the existence of an omniscient deity?

4. How did Anselm define God, and what is his famous "proof" called?

5. Who was Heloise's boyfriend, what was his greatest misfortune, and how did he go beyond established traditions?

6. Who wrote Guide for the Perplexed? What did he try to do in it?

7. Who had a "razor," and what was it for?

8. Who declared that there are other worlds, and was burned at the stake?

LH 6-8
9. How did Augustine "solve" the problem of evil in his younger days, and then after his conversion to Christianity? Why wasn't it such a problem for him originally?

10. What does Boethius not mention about himself in The Consolation of Philosophy?

11. What uniquely self-validating idea did Anselm say we have?

12. What was Aquinas' 2d Way?

FL 27-28
13. Who pretended to slap and body-slam the head of the WWF on stage before entering politics?

14. At what annual event do adults go to the desert and dress up as unicorns, birds, mermaids, geishas etc.? 

15. Who was a hideous and tragic victim of "Kids 'R' Us Syndrome?


  • Which is more plausible, that God exists but is not more powerful than Satan, or that neither God nor Satan exists? Why?
  • Are supernatural stories of faith, redemption, and salvation more comforting to you than the power of reason and evidence? 
  • What do you think of the Manichean idea that an "evil God created the earth and emtombed our souls in the prisons of our bodies"? 392 
  • Do you agree with Augustine about "the main message of Christianity"? 395 If not, what do you think the message is?
  • What do you think of Boethius' solution to the puzzle of free will? 402
  • Did Russell "demolish" Anselm's ontological argument? (See below)

  • COMMENT: “The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.”
  • COMMENT: “Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light‐years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual. So are our emotions in the presence of great art or music or literature, or acts of exemplary selfless courage such as those of Mohandas Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”  Carl Sagan
  • If you were falsely imprisoned, tortured, and scheduled for execution, would you be able to achieve "consolation"? How?
  • Can the definition of a word prove anything about the world?
  • Is theoretical simplicity always better, even if the universe is complex?
  • Does the possibility of other worlds somehow diminish humanity? 
  • How does the definition of God as omniscient, omnipotent, and perfectly good make it harder to account for evil and suffering in the world? Would it be better to believe in a lesser god, or no god at all?
  • Can you explain the concept of Original Sin? Do you think you understand it?

Quiz Mar 22 - The Renaissance, DR 15, LH 9-10, FL 29-30 

1. What effect did the new Renaissance humanist movement have on philosophy?

2. What did Vespucci mean when he said New Worlders were more Epicurean than Stoic?

3. What "prophet of modern science" nonetheless wanted to "build on astrology, alchemy, and magic"? Why?

4. What 15th century "remarkable development" gave rise to mass literacy?

5. What did Luther refuse to accept? What was the essence of Protestantism?

6. Whose cousin first mentioned "scientific method" and said it could support only "limited claims about the appearances"? 

7. Who "revamped Epicurus' picture of the universe" to make it more Bible-friendly? How?

8. With what metaphor did Descartes propose to support the new scientific worldview of Galileo?

9. What did Machiavelli say a leader needs to have?

10. Life outside society would be what, according to Hobbes?

FL 29-30
11. For what American president was "the world of legend and myth a real world"?

12. What made it possible, beginning in the '90s, for "cockamamie ideas and outright falsehoods" to spread fast and wide?

13. What percentage of Americans say they never doubt the existence of God?

14. What was Augustine's instruction, 1,600 years ago?


  • Is there a sharp difference between writing well and thinking logically? Why do you think so many scholastic/medieval philosophers were poor writers? How can you become a better writer and clearer thinker?
  • Was Machiavelli right, about how power works in the real world?
  • If European explorers like Vespucci understood that European knowledge was at best incomplete, at worst just wrong, why were so many of them still so confident that the natives they encountered in the New World were sub-human? Why in general are humans still so quick to denigrate those who are different, or who have different customs?
  • Is there any proper place for astrology and magic in the modern world?
  • COMMENT: 'The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read." -Mark Twain. 
  • It's been estimated that the average social media user could read 200 books in the time they spend online. What would they gain? What would they lose? What's the right balance?
  • Do you trust your own conscience and experience more than that of religious leaders like the Pope? Why? 441
  • Does knowledge need foundations? Why or why not?
  • Can you agree with Machiavelli about leadership without being a sexist or an autocrat?
  • Are people fundamentally selfish, in your experience? Are you? Can selfish people change?

from Russell's History-

...Saint Augustine taught that Adam, before the Fall, had had free will, and could have abstained from sin. But as he and Eve ate the apple, corruption entered into them, and descended to all their posterity, none of whom can, of their own power, abstain from sin. Only God's grace enables men to be virtuous. Since we all inherit Adam's sin, we all deserve eternal damnation. All who die unbaptized, even infants, will go to hell and suffer unending torment. We have no reason to complain of this, since we are all wicked. (In the Confessions, the Saint enumerates the crimes of which he was guilty in the cradle.) But by God's free grace certain people, among those who have been baptized, are chosen to go to heaven; these are the elect. They do not go to heaven because they are good; we are all totally depraved, except in so far as God's grace, which is only bestowed on the elect, enables us to be otherwise. No reason can be given why some are saved and the rest damned; this is due to God's unmotived choice. Damnation proves God's justice; salvation His mercy. Both equally display His goodness. The arguments in favour of this ferocious doctrine--which was revived by Calvin, and has since then not been held by the Catholic Church--are to be found in the writings of Saint Paul, particularly the Epistle to the Romans. These are treated by Augustine as a lawyer treats the law: the interpretation is able, and the texts are made to yield their utmost meaning. One is persuaded, at the end, not that Saint Paul believed what Augustine deduces, but that, taking certain texts in isolation, they do imply just what he says they do. It may seem odd that the damnation of unbaptized infants should not have been thought shocking, but should have been attributed to a good God. The conviction of sin, however, so dominated him that he really believed new-born children to be limbs of Satan. A great deal of what is most ferocious in the medieval Church is traceable to his gloomy sense of universal guilt. There is only one intellectual difficulty that really troubles Saint Augustine. This is not that it seems a pity to have created Man, since the immense majority of the human race are predestined to eternal torment. What troubles him is that, if original sin is inherited from Adam, as Saint Paul teaches, the soul, as well as the body, must be -365- propagated by the parents, for sin is of the soul, not the body. He sees difficulties in this doctrine, but says that, since Scripture is silent, it cannot be necessary to salvation to arrive at a just view on the matter. He therefore leaves it undecided. It is strange that the last men of intellectual eminence before the dark ages were concerned, not with saving civilization or expelling the barbarians or reforming the abuses of the administration, but with preaching the merit of virginity and the damnation of unbaptized infants. Seeing that these were the preoccupations that the Church handed on to the converted barbarians, it is no wonder that the succeeding age surpassed almost all other fully historical periods in cruelty and superstition...
...Boethius is a singular figure. Throughout the Middle Ages he was read and admired, regarded always as a devout Christian, and treated almost as if he had been one of the Fathers. Yet his Consolations of Philosophy, written in 524 while he was awaiting execution, is purely Platonic; it does not prove that he was not a Christian, but it does show that pagan philosophy had a much stronger hold on him then Christian theology. Some theological works, especially one on the Trinity, which are attributed to him, are by many authorities considered to be spurious; but it was probably owing to them that the Middle Ages were able to regard him as orthodox, and to imbibe from him much Platonism which would otherwise have been viewed with suspicion. The work is an alternation of verse and prose: Boethius, in his own person, speaks in prose, while Philosophy answers in verse. There is at certain resemblance to Dante, who was no doubt influenced by him in the Vita Nuova. The Consolations, which Gibbon rightly calls a "golden volume," begins by the statement that Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are the true philosophers; Stoics, Epicureans, and the rest are usurpers, whom the profane multitude mistook for the friends of philosophy. Boethius says he obeyed the Pythagorean command to "follow God" (not the Christian command). Happiness, which is the same thing as blessedness, is the good, not pleasure. Friendship is a "most sacred thing." There is much morality that agrees closely with Stoic doctrine, and is in fact largely taken from Seneca. There is a summary, in verse, of the beginning of the Timaeus. This is followed by a great deal of purely Platonic metaphysics. Imperfection, we are told, is a lack, implying the existence of a perfect pattern. He adopts the privative theory of evil. He then passes on to a pantheism which should have shocked Christians, but for some reason did not. Blessedness and God, he says, are both the chiefest good, and are therefore identical. "Men are made happy by the obtaining of divinity." "They who obtain divinity become gods. Wherefore every one that is happy -370- is a god, but by nature there is only one God, but there may be many by participation." "The sum, origin, and cause of all that is sought after is rightly thought to be goodness." "The substance of God consisteth in nothing else but in goodness." Can God do evil? No. Therefore evil is nothing, since God can do everything. Virtuous men are always powerful, and bad men always weak; for both desire the good, but only the virtuous get it. The wicked are more unfortunate if they escape punishment than if they suffer it. (Note that this could not be said of punishment in hell.) "In wise men there is no place for hatred." The tone of the book is more like that of Plato than that of Plotinus. There is no trace of the superstition or morbidness of the age, no obsession with sin, no excessive straining after the unattainable. There is perfect philosophic calm--so much that, if the book had been written in prosperity, it might almost have been called smug. Written when it was, in prison under sentence of death, it is as admirable as the last moments of the Platonic Socrates. One does not find a similar outlook until after Newton. I will quote in extenso one poem from the book, which, in its philosophy, is not unlike Pope Essay on Man. If Thou wouldst see God's laws with purest mind, Thy sight on heaven must fixed be, Whose settled course the stars in peace doth bind. The sun's bright fire Stops not his sister's team, Nor doth the northern bear desire Within the ocean's wave to hide her beam. Though she behold The other stars there couching, Yet she incessantly is rolled About high heaven, the ocean never touching. The evening light With certain course doth show The coming of the shady night, And Lucifer before the day doth go. This mutual love Courses eternal makes, -371- And from the starry spheres above All cause of war and dangerous discord takes. This sweet consent In equal bands doth tie The nature of each element So that the moist things yield unto the dry. The piercing cold With flames doth friendship heap The trembling fire the highest place doth hold, And the gross earth sinks down into the deep. The flowery year Breathes odours in the spring, The scorching summer corn doth bear The autumn fruit from laden trees doth bring. The falling rain Doth winter's moisture give. These rules thus nourish and maintain All creatures which we see on earth to live. And when they die, These bring them to their end, While their Creator sits on high, Whose hand the reins of the whole world doth bend. He as their king Rules them with lordly might. From Him they rise, flourish, and spring, He as their law and judge decides their right. Those things whose course Most swiftly glides away His might doth often backward force, And suddenly their wandering motion stay. Unless his strength Their violence should bound, And them which else would run at length, Should bring within the compass of a round, That firm decree Which now doth all adorn Would soon destroyed and broken be, Things being far from their beginning borne. This powerful love Is common unto all. -372- Which for desire of good do move Back to the springs from whence they first did fall. No worldly thing Can a continuance have Unless love back again it bring Unto the cause which first the essence gave. Boethius was, until the end, a friend of Theodoric. His father was consul, he was consul, and so were his two sons. His father-in-law Symmachus (probably grandson of the one who had a controversy with Ambrose about the statue of Victory) was an important man in the court of the Gothic king. Theodoric employed Boethius to reform the coinage, and to astonish less sophisticated barbarian kings with such devices as sun-dials and water-clocks. It may be that his freedom from superstition was not so exceptional in Roman aristocratic families as elsewhere; but its combination with great learning and zeal for the public good was unique in that age. During the two centuries before his time and the ten centuries after it, I cannot think of any European man of learning so free from superstition and fanaticism. Nor are his merits merely negative; his survey is lofty, disinterested, and sublime. He would have been remarkable in any age; in the age in which he lived, he is utterly amazing. The medieval reputation of Boethius was partly due to his being regarded as a martyr to Arian persecution--a view which began two or three hundred years after his death. In Pavia, he was regarded as a saint, but in fact he was not canonized. Though Cyril was a saint, Boethius was not. Two years after the execution of Boethius, Theodoric died. In the next year, Justinian became Emperor. He reigned until 565, and in this long time managed to do much harm and some good. He is of course chiefly famous for his Digest. But I shall not venture on this topic, which is one for the lawyers. He was a man of deep piety, which he signalized, two years after his accession, by closing the schools of philosophy in Athens, where paganism still reigned. The dispossessed philosophers betook themselves to Persia, where the king received them kindly. But they were shocked--more so, says Gibbon, than became philosophers--by the Persian practices of polygamy and incest, so they returned home again, and faded into obscurity...
...Saint Anselm was, like Lanfranc, an Italian, a monk at Bec, and archbishop of Canterbury ( 1093- 1109), in which capacity he followed the principles of Gregory VII and quarrelled with the king. He is chiefly known to fame as the inventor of the "ontological argument" for the existence of God. As he put it, the argument is as follows: We define "God" as the greatest possible object of thought. Now if an object of thought does not exist, another, exactly like it, which does exist, is greater. Therefore the greatest of all objects of thought must exist, since, otherwise, another, still greater, would be possible. Therefore God exists. This argument has never been accepted by theologians. It was adversely criticized at the time; then it was forgotten till the latter half of the thirteenth century. Thomas Aquinas rejected it, and among theologians his authority has prevailed ever since. But among philosophers it has had a better fate. Descartes revived it in a somewhat amended form; Leibniz thought that it could be made valid by the addition of a supplement to prove that God is possible. Kant considered that he had demolished it once for all. Nevertheless, in some sense, it underlies the system of Hegel and his followers, and reappears in Bradley's principle: "What may be and must be, is." Clearly an argument with such a distinguished history is to be treated with respect, whether valid or not. The real question is: Is there anything we can think of which, by the mere fact that we can think of it, is shown to exist outside our thought? Every philosopher would like to say yes, because a philosopher's job is to find out things about the world by thinking rather than observing. If yes is the right answer, there is a bridge from pure thought to things; if not, not. In this generalized form, Plato uses a kind of ontological argument to prove the objective reality of ideas. But no one before Anselm had -417- stated the argument in its naked logical purity. In gaining purity, it loses plausibility; but this also is to Anselm's credit. For the rest, Anselm's philosophy is mainly derived from Saint Augustine, from whom it acquires many Platonic elements. He believes in Platonic ideas, from which he derives another proof of the existence of God. By Neoplatonic arguments he professes to prove not only God, but the Trinity. (It will be remembered that Plotinus has a Trinity, though not one that a Christian can accept as orthodox.) Anselm considers reason subordinate to faith. "I believe in order to understand," he says; following Augustine, he holds that without belief it is impossible to understand. God, he says, is not just, but justice. It will be remembered that John the Scot says similar things. The common origin is in Plato. Saint Anselm, like his predecessors in Christian philosophy, is in the Platonic rather than the Aristotelian tradition. For this reason, he has not the distinctive characteristics of the philosophy which is called "scholastic," which culminated in Thomas Aquinas. This kind of philosophy may be reckoned as beginning with Roscelin, who was Anselm's contemporary, being seventeen years younger than Anselm. Roscelin marks a new beginning, and will be considered in the next chapter. When it is said that medieval philosophy, until the thirteenth century, was mainly Platonic, it must be remembered that Plato, except for a fragment of the Timaeus, was known only at second or third hand. John the Scot, for example, could not have held the views which he did hold but for Plato, but most of what is Platonic in him comes from the pseudo-Dionysius. The date of this author is uncertain, but it seems probable that he was a disciple of Proclus the Neoplatonist. It is probable, also, that John the Scot had never heard of Proclus or read a line of Plotinus. Apart from the pseudo-Dionysius, the other source of Platonism in the Middle Ages was Boethius. This Platonism was in many ways different from that which a modern student derives from Plato's own writings. It omitted almost everything that had no obvious bearing on religion, and in religious philosophy it enlarged and emphasized certain aspects at the expense of others. This change in the conception of Plato had already been effected by Plotinus. The knowledge of Aristotle was also fragmentary, but in an opposite direction: all that was known of him until the twelfth -418- century was Boethius translation of the Categories and De Emendatione. Thus Aristotle was conceived as a mere dialectician, and Plato as only a religious philosopher and the author of the theory of ideas. During the course of the later Middle Ages, both these partial conceptions were gradually emended, especially the conception of Aristotle. But the process, as regards Plato, was not completed until the Renaissance...

An old post-
1. What did young Augustine pray for?

2. What did Augustine believe about God, during his Manichaean period?

3. How did Augustine differ from Plato and Aristotle regarding time and creation?  

4. What does Russell find odd about Augustine's preoccupations, on the eve of the dark ages?
5. Platonic philosophy had a greater hold on Boethius than what?

6. What obsession did Boethius not share with Augustine?
7. It's impossible to be what, according to Gros, when walking?

8. What turns everything into nonsenese?


  • Do you agree with Russell that Augustine's extreme sense of sin made him and his philosophy stern and inhuman? 345
  • Do sin and moral evil adquately explain "how a beneficent Deity can cause men to suffer"? 346
  • How does free will explain suffering due to natural phenomena like earthquakes, hurricanes, and disease?
  • Do you agree that "even infants... are full of sin"? 347
  • What do you think of Manicheanism?
  • Does it solve the mystery of existence to say that time and space were created when the world was created, that God "preceded" both, and that there was no "sooner"? 353
  • Why do you think Boethius, a Christian, called his book Consolation of Philosophy(not Theology)?
  • Why should Boethius' pantheism have shocked Christians? 370
  • Do you enjoy solitude and alone-time? Or do you hate being by yourself?
  • Do you ever converse with yourself? Is it a dialogue between body and soul, between different aspects of your self, or what?
  • Do you enjoy silence, or must you fill every moment with chatter, music, background noise, etc.? Do you ever try to just be, wordlessly, without internal narration or commentary?
Old posts-

Augustine (LH); WATCH:Augustine (SoL); LISTEN:Neuroscience & free will (HI)

podcast... dawn post: Choosing free will

1. (T/F) Augustine was a chaste and pious youth, converting to Christianity while still a boy.

2. Augustine's early "Manicheaean" solution to the problem of suffering was to claim what about God?

3. Augustine's later solutions were the Free Will Defense and what?

4. Like Maimonides and Avicenna, Augustine represents what tendency of religious medieval thinkers between the fifth and fifteenth centuries?

5. What's the difference between "natural" and "moral" evil? Give an example of each.

6. Augustine thought that if God had programmed humans always to be good, we'd be like what?

BONUS: Which cartoon character says free will is an illusion?

BONUS: What recent controversialist said "good" means supportive of human well-being and flourishing?


1. Is it better to embrace (or renounce) religious faith early in life, or to "sow your wild oats" and enjoy a wide experience of the world before committing to any particular tradition or belief? Were you encouraged by adults, in childhood, to make a public profession of faith? If so, did you understand what that meant or entailed?

2. Does the concept of a never-ending struggle between good and evil appeal to you? Does it make sense, in the light of whatever else you believe? Would there be anything "wrong" with a world in which good was already triumphant, happiness for all already secured, kindness and compassion unrivaled by hatred and cruelty?

3. Do you find the concept of Original Sin compelling, difficult, unfair, or dubious? In general, do we "inherit the sins of our fathers (and mothers)"? If yes, give examples and explain.

4. Should religious traditions attempt to combine with, or assimilate themselves to, philosophical traditions? What do religion and philosophy generally have in common, and in what ways are they different?

5. Does the free will defense work, even to the extent of explaining "moral" evil? Is there in fact a logical contradiction between the concept of free will and an omniscient deity? Why or why not?

6. Would we be better off without a belief in free will? 

Strange Gods


Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
—Paul, Colossians 2:8

AUGUSTINE, a teenager studying in Carthage in the 370s, begins to ponder what he will one day consider the inevitable shortcomings of human philosophy ungrounded in the word of God. This process begins, as Augustine will later recount in his Confessions, when he reads Cicero’sHortensius, written around 45 b.c.e. The young scholar, unacquainted with either Jewish or Christian Scripture, takes away the (surely unintended) lesson from the pagan Cicero that only faith—a faith that places the supernatural above the natural—can satisfy the longing for wisdom.

“But, O Light of my heart,” Augustine wrote to his god in Confessions (c. 397), “you know that at that time, although Paul’s words were not known to me, the only thing that pleased me in Cicero’s book was his advice not simply to admire one or another of the schools of philosophy, but to love wisdom itself, whatever it might be. . . . These were the words which excited me and set me burning with fire, and the only check to this blaze of enthusiasm was that they made no mention of the name of Christ.”

The only check? To me, this passage from Confessions has always sounded like the many rewritings of personal history intended to conform the past to the author’s current beliefs and status in life—which in Augustine’s case meant being an influential bishop of an ascendant church that would tolerate no dissent grounded in other religious or secular philosophies. By the time he writes Confessions, Augustine seems a trifle embarrassed about having been so impressed, as a young man, by a pagan writer. So he finds a way to absolve himself of the sin of attraction to small-“c” catholic, often secular intellectual interests by limiting Cicero to his assigned role as one step in a fourth-century boy’s journey toward capital-“C” Catholicism. It is the adult Augustine who must reconcile his enthusiasm for Cicero with the absence of the name of Christ; there is no reason why this should have bothered the pagan adolescent Augustine at all. Nevertheless, no passage in the writings of the fathers of the church, or in any personal accounts of the intellectual and emotional process of conversion, explains more lucidly (albeit indirectly) why the triumph of Christianity inevitably begins with that other seeker on the road to Damascus. It is Paul, after all, not Jesus or the authors of the Gospels, who merits a mention in Augustine’s explanation of how his journey toward the one true faith was set in motion by a pagan.

It is impossible to consider Augustine, the second most important convert in the theological firmament of the early Christian era, without giving Paul his due. But let us leave Saul—he was still Saul then—as he awakes from a blow on his head to hear a voice from the heavens calling him to rebirth in Christ. Saul did not have any established new religion to convert to, but Augustine was converting to a faith with financial and political influence, as well as a spiritual message for the inhabitants of a decaying empire. Augustine’s journey from paganism to Christianity was a philosophical and spiritual struggle lasting many years, but it also exemplified the many worldly, secular influences on conversion in his and every subsequent era. These include mixed marriages; political instability that creates the perception and the reality of personal insecurity; and economic conditions that provide a space for new kinds of fortunes and the possibility of financial support for new religious institutions.

Augustine told us all about his struggle, within its social context, in Confessions—which turned out to be a best-seller for the ages. This was a new sort of book, even if it was a highly selective recounting of experience (like all memoirs) rather than a “tell-all” autobiography in the modern sense. Its enduring appeal, after a long break during the Middle Ages, lies not in its literary polish, intellectuality, or prayerfulness—though the memoir is infused with these qualities—but in its preoccupation with the individual’s relationship to and responsibility for sin and evil. As much as Augustine’s explorations constitute an individual journey—and have been received as such by generations of readers—the journey unfolds in an upwardly mobile, religiously divided family that was representative of many other people finding and shaping new ways to make a living; new forms of secular education; and new institutions of worship in a crumbling Roman civilization.

After a lengthy quest venturing into regions as wild as those of any modern religious cults, Augustine told the story of his spiritual odyssey when he was in his forties. His subsequent works, including The City of God, are among the theological pillars of Christianity, butConfes­sions is the only one of his books read widely by anyone but theologically minded intellectuals (or intellectual theologians). In the fourth and early fifth centuries, Christian intellectuals with both a pagan and a religious education, like the friends and mentors Augustine discusses in the book, provided the first audience for Confessions. That audience would probably not have existed a century earlier, because literacy—a secular prerequisite for a serious education in both paganism and Christianity—had expanded among members of the empire’s bourgeois class by the time Augustine was born. The Christian intellectuals who became Augustine’s first audience may have been more interested than modern readers in the theological framework of the autobiography (though they, too, must have been curious about the distinguished bishop’s sex life). ButConfessions has also been read avidly, since the Renaissance, by successive generations of humanist scholars (religious and secular); Enlightenment skeptics; nineteenth-century Romantics; psychotherapists; and legions of the prurient, whether religious believers or nonbelievers. Everyone, it seems, loves the tale of a great sinner turned into a great saint.

In my view, Augustine was neither a world-class sinner nor a saint, but his drama of sin and repentance remains a real page-turner. Here & Now==
An old post-

Augustine & string theory

Is anyone, from God on down, “pulling our strings”? We’d not be free if they were, would we? If you say we would, what do you mean by “free”? Jesus and Mo have puzzled this one, behind the wheel with with Moses and with "Free Willy." But as usual, the Atheist Barmaid is unpersuaded.

(As I always must say, when referencing this strip: that’s not Jesus of Nazareth, nor is it the Prophet Mohammed, or the sea-parter Moses; and neither I nor Salman Rushdie, the Dutch cartoonists, the anonymous Author, or anyone else commenting on religion in fictional media are blasphemers. We're all just observers exercising our "god-given" right of free speech, which of course extends no further than the end of a fist and the tip of a nose. We'll be celebrating precisely that, and academic freedom, when we line up to take turns reading the Constitution this morning.

No, they’re just a trio of cartoonish guys who often engage in banter relevant to our purposes in CoPhi. It’s just harmless provocation, and fun. But if it makes us think, it’s useful.)

Augustine proposed a division between the “city of god” and the “earthly city” of humanity, thus excluding many of us from his version of the cosmos. “These two cities of the world, which are doomed to coexist intertwined until the Final Judgment, divide the world’s inhabitants.” SEP

And of course he believed in hell, raising the stakes for heaven and the judicious free will he thought necessary to get there even higher. If there's no such thing as free will, though, how can you do "whatever the hell you want"? But, imagine there's no heaven or hell. What then? Some of us think that's when free will becomes most useful to members of a growing, responsible species.

Someone posted the complaint on our class message board that it's not clear what "evil" means, in the context of our Little History discussion of Augustine. But I think this is clear enough: "there is a great deal of suffering in the world," some of it proximally caused by crazy, immoral/amoral, armed and dangerous humans behaving badly, much more of it caused by earthquakes, disease, and other "natural" causes. All of it, on the theistic hypothesis, is part and parcel of divinely-ordered nature.

Whether or not some suffering is ultimately beneficial, character-building, etc., and from whatever causes, "evil" means the suffering that seems gratuitously destructive of innocent lives. Some of us "can't blink the evil out of sight," in William James's words, and thus can't go in for theistic (or other) schemes of "vicarious salvation." We think it's the responsibility of humans to use their free will (or whatever you prefer to call ameliorative volitional action) to reduce the world's evil and suffering. Take a sad song and make it better.

Note the Manichaean strain in Augustine, and the idea that "evil comes from the body." That's straight out of Plato. The world of Form and the world of perfect heavenly salvation thus seem to converge. If you don't think "body" is inherently evil, if in fact you think material existence is pretty cool (especially considering the alternative), this view is probably not for you. Nor if you can't make sense of Original Sin, that most "difficult" contrivance of the theology shop.

"Augustine had felt the hidden corrosive effect of Adam's Fall, like the worm in the apple, firsthand," reminds Arthur Herman. His prayer for personal virtue "but not yet" sounds funny but was a cry of desperation and fear.
Like Aristotle, Augustine believed that the quality of life we lead depends on the choices we make. The tragedy is that left to our own devices - and contrary to Aristotle - most of those choices will be wrong. There can be no true morality without faith and no faith without the presence of God. The Cave and the Light

Bertrand Russell, we know, was not a Christian. But he was a bit of a fan of Augustine the philosopher (as distinct from the theologian), on problems like time.

As for Augustine the theologian and Saint-in-training, Russell's pen drips disdain.
It is strange that the last men of intellectual eminence before the dark ages were concerned, not with saving civilization or expelling the barbarians or reforming the abuses of the administration, but with preaching the merit of virginity and the damnation of unbaptized infants.
Funny, how the preachers of the merit of virginity so often come late - after exhausting their stores of wild oats - to their chaste piety. Not exactly paragons of virtue or character, these Johnnys Come Lately. On the other hand, it's possible to profess a faith you don't understand much too soon. My own early Sunday School advisers pressured and frightened me into "going forward" at age 6, lest I "die before I wake" one night and join the legions of the damned.

That's an allusive segue to today's additional discussion of Aristotelian virtue ethics, in its turn connected with the contradictions inherent in the quest to bend invariably towards Commandments. "Love your neighbor": must that mean, let your neighbor suffer a debilitating terminal illness you could pull the plug on? Or is the "Christian" course, sometimes, to put an end to it?

We also read today of Hume's Law, Moore's Naturalistic Fallacy, the old fact/value debate. Sam Harris is one of the most recent controversialists to weigh in on the issue, arguing that "good" means supportive of human well-being and flourishing, which are in turn based on solid facts. "The answer to the question, 'What should I believe, and why should I believe it?' is generally a scientific one..." Brain Science and Human Values

Also: ethical relativism, meta-ethics, and more. And maybe we'll have time to squeeze in consideration of the perennial good-versus-evil trope. Would there be anything "wrong" with a world in which good was already triumphant, happiness for all already secured, kindness and compassion unrivaled by hatred and cruelty? I think it might be just fine. Worth a try, anyway. Where can I vote for that?
Boethius (LH); Consolation of Philosophy Bk V (* below); LISTEN: Religious freedom as constraint (HI) and IOT [this is a late addition, not required but strongly recommended]; WATCH: Boethius & Philosophy... dawn post: Boethius... **Anselm & Aquinas (LH); WATCH: Aquinas & 1st Cause (HI) LISTEN:Anthony Kenny on Aquinas' Ethics (PB)....Podcast

1. Who consoles Boethius in his prison cell but also reprimands him for having forgotten her? 

2. What paradox puzzles and perplexes Boethius?

3. Why does "Philosophy" say divine foreknowledge does not rob us of free will?

4. Why did Anselm conclude that God must exist?

5. Why did Aquinas think there couldn't be an infinite regress of causes?

6. Is "Nothing" obviously the best answer to "What caused the cosmos?


  • How hard would you find it to take consolation from Philosophy, if you were awaiting your execution? Do you think you could become more "mindful" and less fearful, by studying and reflecting philosophically on the vicissitudes and randomness of "fortune"?
  • Comment: "Luck is the residue of design." (Branch Rickey) Can you improve your luck? Why do some succeed and others fail in life? Is it all luck?
  • Is the Christian God similar enough to the Platonic form of the Good that a Platonist should be a Christian, or vice versa? Do both offer the same sort of "consolation"? Would Boethius's "Philosophy" be better named "Theodicy"? What's the difference between philosophical consolation and theological justification?
  • Do you agree that divine foreknowlege and human free will are not mutually contradictory "if you believe that God is all-knowing?"
  • What's your definition of free will? Even if you could not have acted otherwise, in any particular situation, are you still "free" just because you did not know that?
  • Why do you think Boethius wrote Consolation of Philosophy as an imagined dialogue, instead of a soliloquy?
  • Do you think not existing is an imperfection? What, exactly, is made less perfect by its failure to actually exist? Can we think our way to an understanding of what must be real, and what is merely imaginary?
  • Can you infer from a (hypothetically-) necessary First Cause to an omnipotent, omniscient, omni-benevolent God? Can you rule out the possibility that a First Cause might be malevolent or Satanic?
  • Bertrand Russell said he gave up belief in God when he encountered J.S. Mill's Autobiography account of not getting a satisfactory answer to the question "What caused God?" Is that a good question, and a good response?
  • And there was this great question from Zach: "What would you miss most, in solitary confinement?" People, things, things that give you virtual contact with people...?

"Boethius in his cell imagined his visitor: Philosophy personified as a tall woman wearing a dress with the letters Pi to Theta on it. She berates him for deserting her and the stoicism she preached. Boethius’s own book was a response to her challenge..." (from Nigel's essay "Philosophy Should Be Conversation")
COLLEGE students tell me they know how to look someone in the eye and type on their phones at the same time, their split attention undetected. They say it’s a skill they mastered in middle school when they wanted to text in class without getting caught. Now they use it when they want to be both with their friends and, as some put it, “elsewhere.” These days, we feel less of a need to hide the fact that we are dividing our attention. In a 2015 study by the Pew Research Center, 89 percent of cellphone owners said they had used their phones during the last social gathering they attended. But they weren’t happy about it; 82 percent of adults felt that the way they used their phones in social settings hurt the conversation.I’ve been studying the psychology of online connectivity for more than 30 years. For the past five, I’ve had a special focus: What has happened to face-to-face conversation in a world where so many people say they would rather text than talk? I’ve looked at families, friendships and romance. I’ve studied schools, universities and workplaces. When college students explain to me how dividing their attention plays out in the dining hall, some refer to a “rule of three.” In a conversation among five or six people at dinner, you have to check that three people are paying attention — heads up — before you give yourself permission to look down at your phone. So conversation proceeds, but with different people having their heads up at different times. The effect is what you would expect: Conversation is kept relatively light, on topics where people feel they can drop in and out... (from Sherry Terkle's "Stop Googling. Let's Talk")
Sherry Turkle is a singular voice in the discourse about technology. She’s a skeptic who was once a believer, a clinical psychologist among the industry shills and the literary hand-wringers, an empiricist among the cherry-picking anecdotalists, a moderate among the extremists, a realist among the fantasists, a humanist but not a Luddite: a grown-up. She holds an endowed chair at M.I.T. and is on close collegial terms with the roboticists and affective-computing engineers who work there. Unlike Jaron Lanier, who bears the stodgy weight of being a Microsoft guy, or Evgeny Morozov, whose perspective is Belarussian, Turkle is a trusted and respected insider. As such, she serves as a kind of conscience for the tech world.

Turkle’s previous book, “Alone ­Together,” was a damning report on human relationships in the digital age. By observing people’s interactions with robots, and by interviewing them about their computers and phones, she charted the ways in which new technologies render older values obsolete. When we replace human caregivers with robots, or talking with texting, we begin by arguing that the replacements are “better than nothing” but end up considering them “better than anything” — cleaner, less risky, less demanding. Paralleling this shift is a growing preference for the virtual over the real. Robots don’t care about people, but Turkle’s subjects were shockingly quick to settle for the feeling of being cared for and, similarly, to prefer the sense of community that social media deliver, because it comes without the hazards and commitments of a real-world community. In her interviews, again and again, Turkle observed a deep disappointment with human beings, who are flawed and forgetful, needy and unpredictable, in ways that machines are wired not to be. Her new book, “Reclaiming Conversation,” extends her critique, with less ­emphasis on robots and more on the dissatisfaction with technology reported by her recent interview subjects. She takes their dissatisfaction as a hopeful sign, and her book is straightforwardly a call to arms: Our rapturous submission to digital technology has led to an atrophying of human capacities like empathy and self-­reflection, and the time has come to reassert ourselves, behave like adults and put technology in its place... (Jonathan Franzen review of Reclaiming Conversation, continues)
A follow-up from Sherry Turkle on the lost art of conversation:
My recent Sunday Review essay, adapted from my book “Reclaiming Conversation,” made a case for face-to-face talk. The piece argued that direct engagement is crucial for the development of empathy, the ability to put ourselves in the place of others. The article went on to say that it is time to make room for this most basic interaction by first accepting our vulnerability to the constant hum of online connection and then designing our lives and our products to protect against it.

Some readers agreed with me. Others, even as they disagreed, captured the fragility of conversation today... (continues)

Though one goal of visiting a professor during office hours is certainly transactional — to increase your knowledge and improve your grade — the other is to visit someone who is making an effort to understand you and how you think. And a visit to a professor holds the possibility of giving a student the feeling of adult support and commitment.

But students say they don’t come to office hours because they are afraid of being too dull. They tell me they prefer to email professors because only with the time delay and the possibility of editing can they best explain their work. My students suggest that an email from them will put me in the best position to improve their ideas. They cast our meeting in purely transactional terms, judging that the online transaction will yield better results than a face-to-face meeting.

Zvi, a college junior who doesn’t like to see his professors in person but prefers to email, used transactional language to describe what he might get out of office hours: He has ideas; the professors have information that will improve them. In the end, Zvi walked back his position and admitted that he stays away from professors because he doesn’t feel grown-up enough to talk to them. His professors might be able to help him with this, but not because they’ll give him information.

Studies of mentoring show that what makes a difference, what can change the life of a student, is the presence of a strong figure who shows an interest, who, as a student might say, “gets me.”

You need face-to-face conversation for that. nyt 
*From Consolation of Philosophy, Book V-'Since, then, as we lately proved, everything that is known is cognized not in accordance with its own nature, but in accordance with the nature of the faculty that comprehends it, let us now contemplate, as far as lawful, the character of the Divine essence, that we may be able to understand also the nature of its knowledge.
'God is eternal; in this judgment all rational beings agree. Let us, then, consider what eternity is. For this word carries with it a revelation alike of the Divine nature and of the Divine knowledge. Now, eternity is the possession of endless life whole and perfect at a single moment. What this is becomes more clear and manifest from a comparison with things temporal. For whatever lives in time is a present proceeding from the past to the future, and there is nothing set in time which can embrace the whole space of its life together. To-morrow's state it grasps not yet, while it has already lost yesterday's; nay, even in the life of to-day ye live no longer than one brief transitory moment. Whatever, therefore, is subject to the condition of time, although, as Aristotle deemed of the world, it never have either beginning or end, and its life be stretched to the whole extent of time's infinity, it yet is not such as rightly to be thought eternal. For it does not include and embrace the whole space of infinite life at once, but has no present hold on things to come, not yet accomplished. Accordingly, that which includes and possesses the whole fulness of unending life at once, from which nothing future is absent, from which nothing past has escaped, this is rightly called eternal; this must of necessity be ever present to itself in full self-possession, and hold the infinity of movable time in an abiding present. Wherefore they deem not rightly who imagine that on Plato's principles the created world is made co-eternal with the Creator, because they are told that hebelieved the world to have had no beginning in time,[S] and to be destined never to come to an end. For it is one thing for existence to be endlessly prolonged, which was what Plato ascribed to the world, another for the whole of an endless life to be embraced in the present, which is manifestly a property peculiar to the Divine mind. Nor need God appear earlier in mere duration of time to created things, but only prior in the unique simplicity of His nature. For the infinite progression of things in time copies this immediate existence in the present of the changeless life, and when it cannot succeed in equalling it, declines from movelessness into motion, and falls away from the simplicity of a perpetual present to the infinite duration of the future and the past; and since it cannot possess the whole fulness of its life together, for the very reason that in a manner it never ceases to be, it seems, up to a certain point, to rival that which it cannot complete and express by attaching itself indifferently to any present moment of time, however swift and brief; and since this bears some resemblance to that ever-abiding present, it bestows on everything to which it is assigned the semblance of existence. But since it cannot abide, it hurries along the infinite path of time, and the result has been that it continues by ceaseless movement the life the completeness of which it could not embrace while it stood still. So, if we are minded to give things their right names, we shall follow Plato in saying that God indeed is eternal, but the world everlasting.

'Since, then, every mode of judgment comprehends its objects conformably to its own nature, and since God abides for ever in an eternal present, His knowledge, also transcending all movement of time, dwells in the simplicity of its own changeless present, and, embracing the whole infinite sweep of the past and of the future, contemplates all that falls within its simple cognition as if it were now taking place. And therefore, if thou wilt carefully consider that immediate presentment whereby it discriminates all things, thou wilt more rightly deem it not foreknowledge as of something future, but knowledge of a moment that never passes. For this cause the name chosen to describe it is not prevision, but providence, because, since utterly removed in nature from things mean and trivial, its outlook embraces all things as from some lofty height. Why, then, dost thou insist that the things which are surveyed by the Divine eye are involved in necessity, whereas clearly men impose no necessity on things which they see? Does the act of vision add any necessity to the things which thou seest before thy eyes?'

'Assuredly not.'

And yet, if we may without unfitness compare God's present and man's, just as ye see certain things in this your temporary present, so does He see all things in His eternal present. Wherefore this Divine anticipation changes not the natures and properties of things, and it beholds things present before it, just as they will hereafter come to pass in time. Nor does it confound things in its judgment, but in the one mental view distinguishes alike what will come necessarily and what without necessity. For even as ye, when at one and the same time ye see a man walking on the earth and the sun rising in the sky, distinguish between the two, though one glance embraces both, and judge the former voluntary, the latter necessary action: so also the Divine vision in its universal range of view does in no wise confuse the characters of the things which are present to its regard, though future in respect of time. Whence it follows that when it perceives that something will come into existence, and yet is perfectly aware that this is unbound by any necessity, its apprehension is not opinion, but rather knowledge based on truth. And if to this thou sayest that what God sees to be about to come to pass cannot fail to come to pass, and that what cannot fail to come to pass happens of necessity, and wilt tie me down to this word necessity, I will acknowledge that thou affirmest a most solid truth, but one which scarcely anyone can approach to who has not made theDivine his special study. For my answer would be that the same future event is necessary from the standpoint of Divine knowledge, but when considered in its own nature it seems absolutely free and unfettered. So, then, there are two necessities—one simple, as that men are necessarily mortal; the other conditioned, as that, if you know that someone is walking, he must necessarily be walking. For that which is known cannot indeed be otherwise than as it is known to be, and yet this fact by no means carries with it that other simple necessity. For the former necessity is not imposed by the thing's own proper nature, but by the addition of a condition. No necessity compels one who is voluntarily walking to go forward, although it is necessary for him to go forward at the moment of walking. In the same way, then, if Providence sees anything as present, that must necessarily be, though it is bound by no necessity of nature. Now, God views as present those coming events which happen of free will. These, accordingly, from the standpoint of the Divine vision are made necessary conditionally on the Divine cognizance; viewed, however, in themselves, they desist not from the absolute freedom naturally theirs. Accordingly, without doubt, all things will come to pass which God foreknows as about to happen, but of these certain proceed of free will; and though these happen, yet by the fact of their existence they do not lose their proper nature, in virtue of which before they happened it was really possible that they might not have come to pass.

'What difference, then, does the denial of necessity make, since, through their being conditioned by Divine knowledge, they come to pass as if they were in all respects under the compulsion of necessity? This difference, surely, which we saw in the case of the instances I formerly took, the sun's rising and the man's walking; which at the moment of their occurrence could not but be taking place, and yet one of them before it took place was necessarily obliged to be, while the other was not so at all. So likewise the things which to God are present without doubt exist, but some of them come from the necessity of things, others from the power of the agent. Quite rightly, then, have we said that these things are necessary if viewed from the standpoint of the Divine knowledge; but if they are considered in themselves, they are free from the bonds of necessity, even as everything which is accessible to sense, regarded from the standpoint of Thought, is universal, but viewed in its own nature particular. "But," thou wilt say, "if it is in my power to change my purpose, I shall make void providence, since I shall perchance change something which comes within its foreknowledge." My answer is: Thou canst indeed turn aside thy purpose; but since the truth of providence is ever at hand to see that thou canst, and whether thou dost, and whither thou turnest thyself, thou canst not avoid the Divine foreknowledge, even as thou canst not escape the sight of a present spectator, although of thy free will thou turn thyself to various actions. Wilt thou, then, say: "Shall the Divine knowledge be changed at my discretion, so that, when I will this or that, providence changes its knowledge correspondingly?"

'Surely not.'

'True, for the Divine vision anticipates all that is coming, and transforms and reduces it to the form of its own present knowledge, and varies not, as thou deemest, in its foreknowledge, alternating to this or that, but in a single flash it forestalls and includes thy mutations without altering. And this ever-present comprehension and survey of all things God has received, not from the issue of future events, but from the simplicity of His own nature. Hereby also is resolved the objection which a little while ago gave thee offence—that our doings in the future were spoken of as if supplying the cause of God's knowledge. For this faculty of knowledge, embracing all things in its immediate cognizance, has itself fixed the bounds of all things, yet itself owes nothing to what comes after.

'And all this being so, the freedom of man's will stands unshaken, and laws are not unrighteous, since their rewards and punishments are held forth to wills unbound by any necessity. God, who foreknoweth all things, still looks down from above, and the ever-present eternity of His vision concurs with the future character of all our acts, and dispenseth to the good rewards, to the bad punishments. Our hopes and prayers also are not fixed on God in vain, and when they are rightly directed cannot fail of effect. Therefore, withstand vice, practise virtue, lift up your souls to right hopes, offer humble prayers to Heaven. Great is the necessity of righteousness laid upon you if ye will not hide it from yourselves, seeing that all your actions are done before the eyes of a Judge who seeth all things.'

EPILOGUE. Within a short time of writing 'The Consolation of Philosophy,' Boethius died by a cruel death. As to the manner of his death there is some uncertainty. According to one account, he was cut down by the swords of the soldiers before the very judgment-seat of Theodoric; according to another, a cord was first fastened round his forehead, and tightened till 'his eyes started'; he was then killed with a club.
An old post
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Boethius & Bentham & animal rights

Today in CoPhi it's the pagan/stoic/Christian/Platonist martyr Boethius, and then the rights of animals. 

We saw last time that Bertrand Russell had little regard for how Augustine, despite his philosophical sophistication when it came to hard-nut conceptual problems like time, ironically squandered much of his own on a preoccupation with sin, chastity, and staying out of hell.

Russell liked Boethius, or aspects of his thought at least. Boethius was also perplexed by time, and initially unimpressed by the alleged capacity of timeless divinity to accommodate both omniscience and free will. Like Russell, I'm struck by this "singular" thinker's ability to contemplate happiness (he thought all genuinely happy people are gods) while practically darkening death's door.

Boethius was consoled by the thought that God’s foreknowledge of everything, including the fact that Boethius himself (among too many others) would be unjustly imprisoned and tortured to death, in no way impaired his (Boethius’s) freedom or god's perfection. Consoled. Comforted.Calmed. Reconciled.

That’s apparently because God knows things timelessly, sees everything “in a go.” I don’t think that would really make me feel any better, in my prison cell. The real consolation of philosophycomes when it contributes to the liberation of mind and body (one thing, not two). But it’s still very cool to imagine Philosophy a comfort-woman, reminding us of our hard-earned wisdom when the going gets impossible.

And then, of course, they killed him. The list of martyred philosophers grows. And let’s not forgetHypatia and Bruno. [Russell] The problem of suffering (“evil”) was very real to them, as it is to so many of our fellow world-citizens. You can’t chalk it all up to free will. But can we even chalk torture or any other inflicted choice up to it, given the full scope of a genuinely omniscient creator’s knowledge? If He already knows what I’m going to do unto others and what others will do unto me, am I in any meaningful sense a free agent who might have done otherwise? The buck stops where?

For those keeping score, add Boethius to Aristotle's column.

[Christians 2, Philosophers 0... Christians & Muslims...JandMoandPaul...Mystics, scholastics, Ferengi... faith & reason...]


  1. 1. I think that neither existing is more plausible, from a scientific perspective.
    2. Both can be very comforting, I think the packaging is really what determines the effectiveness. How the stories of faith, redemption, and salvation, or reason and evidence are presented can have very different impacts on different people. For me, the more positive outlook the better.
    5. I guess by trying to accept the things I could not change. A person can drive themselves mad worrying about all the things they have no power over. In letting those things go I believe you can have a much more fulfilling life.
    6. I don't think the definition of a word can prove anything about the world. Who decided upon that definition? and can any definition truly be worldly or universal? I think a single word can have infinite meanings to many people.
    8. I believe that the possibility of other worlds does not diminish humanity, but rather expands it, infinitely!

    1. #9
      Really good perspectives! I agree. It's really difficult to accept things you cannot change and by having a religion to follow, I think it helps people get through hard times. Sometimes it really doesn't matter if the stories are false or illogical. I feel like religion will never make sense to me and I have a hard time believing in a benevolent supernatural force, but it is comforting to believe that good will ultimately overcome evil. Everything is arbitrary, and it's better to believe in something rather than nothing, even if it's astrology. It will drive you mad to overthink. It drives me crazy thinking that nothing matters and we have no purpose, but I feel like that a lot.

  2. 8 AQQ 4-21
    1.What was Giordano Bruno refused because of his bbeliefs?
    2.Copernicanism thrived in what?
    3.The documents of Brunos trial can be found where?
    4.Who knows which of Brunos heresies were singled out by the Inquisition?
    5.Brunos wide-ranging works offer many brands of what?
    6.What did Bruno lecture on?
    7.What did Bruno write treaties on?
    8.Bruno openly casted doubt on what?
    9.Bruno sometimes announced himself to be what?
    10. Brunos real denomination was barely what?
    11. Bruno was fascinated by what?
    12.Bruno was obsessed with all manner of what?
    13. Bruno was especially keen on ancient what?
    14. Bruno endorsed Copernicus pictures of what?
    15.Bruno argued that a richly populated universe was the most fitting what?
    16.Some 14th century thinkers toyed with the idea of what?
    17.Bruno enthusiastically endorsed what?

    1. #10 AQA

      1.) the usual courtesy of being garrotted
      2.) bad company
      3.) they have been lost
      4.) nobody
      5.) unorthodoxy to choose from
      6.) theology, natural philosophy, an eccentric form of logic and art of memorization
      7.) magic, diatribes against Aristotle, criticisms of the Bible, cosmological poems, and philosophy dialogues
      8.) Christian doctrines
      9.) Lutheran, sometimes Calvinist
      10.) Christian
      11.) magic
      12.) occult fantasies
      13.) Egyptian religions
      14.) the cosmos
      15.) manifestation of God's immeasurable greatness
      16.) a plurality of worlds without going so far as to believe them
      17.) the crowded cosmology as a wonderful discovery

    2. #10 AQA
      1. The usual courtesy of being garrotted
      2. Bad company
      3. They have been lost
      4. Nobody
      5. Unorthodoxy to choose from
      6. Theology, natural philosophy, an eccentric form of logic and art of memorization
      7. Magic, diatribes against Aristotle, criticisms of the Bible, cosmological poems, and philosophy dialogues
      8. Christian doctrines
      9. Lutheran, sometimes Calvinist
      10. Christian
      11. Magic
      12. Occult fantasies
      13. Egyptian religions
      14. The cosmos
      15. Manifestation of God's immeasurable greatness
      16. A plurality of worlds without going so far as to believe them

  3. 8 AQQ 4-23
    1.Was it only in physics that Gassendi drew imspiration from?
    2.Did Gassendi accept Epicurus's doctrine?
    3.Did Gassendi try to give his doctrine a Christian slant?
    4.Gassendi also echoed Epicurus's what?
    5.What is Epicurus's empiricism?
    6.A genuine science must pay far more attention to what?
    7.Galilean science performed far better than what?
    8.Gassendi believed that the scope of human knowledge was what?
    9.The best science can do is give us what?
    10.Gassendi and Mersenne were awed by what?
    11.Neither of them could see how to what?
    12.They were convinced that Galilean science was along what?
    13.The new science was a useful what?
    14.Only God could know for certain whether mechanical atomism was what?

    1. #10 AQA

      1.) No
      2.) Yes
      3.) Yes
      4.) empiricism
      5.) "experience is the balance in which the truth of any matter is to be weighed"
      6.) observation than to theory
      7.) its Aristotelian predecessors
      8.) severely limited
      9.) some provisional knowledge about appearances
      10.) the challenge of Pyrrhonist Scepticism
      11.) answer the challenge directly
      12.) the right lines
      13.) tool for practical investigators of nature
      14.) actually true

  4. DQ's - 3/21
    It is more plausible that neither Satan nor God exist because they are ideas written down in a book. There is no solid proof for their existence, so it is more plausible that they just do not exist at all.

    2. Personally, I am a numbers guy. I follow logic and reason. Without solid evidence of an entity's truth or existence, then it makes it hard for me to comprehend why I would want to invest anytime in it.

    3. I 100% agree with this. There is no time to waste on stories of grandeur with little evidence to support them when life has so much to offer us that we can touch, see, smell, hear, taste, and feel, tangible things that are here for us to enjoy. All we have to do is live it, for the brief period in time which are able to be alive.

    4. I agree with Sagan in that science is itself a profound source of spirituality. Science is not compatible with religion, which is it what we typically think of when we hear spirituality, but spirituality is much more than just belief in some higher power. Spirituality is about finding peace within yourself, and if religion does that then great, but science can provide that proof of existence which brings solace to those who practice it.

    5. I think I could reach consolation in that I no longer control my fate. They have shackled me up and sentenced me to die. What can I do other accept death and hope for the best future of those still living.

    6. The only thing the definition of a word proves is that there is a set of letters in an agreed upon order with some agreed upon meeting by some committee. But what if the definition was or will be changed to mean a soft, furry rug because Webster said so? Words prove nothing other than some people of power to make it so.

    7. I would not say that theoretical simplicity is always better because trying to explain such a complex world with simple theories would be unfathomable; however, theoretical simplicity can be a very important tool for understanding the more complex theories.

    8. the possibility of other worlds with life forms doesn't necessarily diminish humanity, but it does make you wonder if we ever met who would be the more superior life form?

    9. Well if there is some omniscient, omnipotent, and perfectly good being that controls our daily lives, then it makes it almost impossible to account for evil and suffering. If this being is perfectly good then why would such pain come from death? We should see this as a good thing because this being made it so. Or your mother gets hooked on heroin, but we should be happy because this being made it so. That is just inconceivable to me.

    10. The concept of Original Sin stems from the story of Adam and Eve and their rebellion and disobedience in the Garden of Eden by eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge. I personally do not understand it because I cannot fathom that two people appeared because God wanted it leading to the whole story being a fallacy in my mind.

  5. Maddy Russell 10
    1. I think it is more plausible that neither or them exist.
    2. I am not a religious person, so personally I find arguments of logic and reason more comforting.
    3. I agree with this for sure. This basically means you should not waste your time with petty stories and worrying about things.
    4- I agree with this quote as well, when people hear science and spiritually they think that they can not go together. I think they can go hand and hand.
    5- There would be a point where you would realize that you can not change anything. At that point you could find consolation.
    6- No I do not think so.
    7- Yes I think so as understanding the complex universe is difficult, but understanding simple things is easier.

  6. 1. I cannot and will not answer to either "plausible" theory, because both would not make any logical sense. If God existed but could not overpower Satan, there would be no hope in humanity because we, as humans, would know Satan was in control. Secondly, if there was neither a God nor Satan, there would be no standard for "good" or "bad", therefore, our morals would be astray, if not absent.

    2. To me, this question seems like it is built as if saying faith, redemption, and salvation are NOT backed up with reasoning and evidence; therefore discrediting it. However, these qualities are backed up with more reason and evidence than one would think, which is why stories of faith and salvation are more comforting to me. For example, the Bible's numerous stories of miracles have been backed up by dug up manuscripts and other sacred texts throughout history.

    3. I like this statement. The world is filled with so much love at great depths, yet there is still so much hate in the world. If we fear death we have nothing to stand for.

    5. After being falsely imprisoned, tortured, and scheduled for execution, I would have no clue.

    6. I don't think a word's definition can prove anything about the world, because that definition could be misleading or incorrect.

    7. I believe theoretical simplicity is better because we will never understand the universe to its full content.

    8. Life outside of earth has been a marvel of our generation because no other generation has been as close to finding out as we have. Although it may sound exciting, I think it devalues human existence and development in the search for other life.

    9. This is the easiest and, in my opinion, the least educated question to ask one who believes God is all powerful. What if God created a world where people could not choose? God could force everyone to stop before they were able to carry out evil behavior. But is such a world where freedom does not exist good? We live in a world of pain and suffering because we are able to choose. There has to be evil in order for there to be good.

    10. Original Sin is our innate habit to act against what is right. As a Christian, I understand that we are all born as sinners. Even after becoming saved, I am still a sinner. It is a struggle for each and everyone of us, Christians and non-Christians, that we must combat every day for the rest of our lives.

  7. Section 8- DQ

    1. I do not believe that either God or Satan exist. If they did, I do not think that one would exist without the other. Because, if God is the embodiment of good and Satan is the embodiment of evil, then, how does one know what good is without knowing evil? I do not think we can know what either are without the feelings of joy or discomfort associated with those thoughts.

  8. DeTrayce Sawyers 10 DQ's
    1.It’s more plausible that neither exist because there is no tangible evidence that proves otherwise.
    2.I do find comfort in faith, redemption, and salvation. I also find comfort in reason and evidence. I live my life trying to combine the two even though they contradict each other.
    5 . I don’t think I could find peace because the person who committed the crime would still be free, and I am being punished for something I did not do.
    6. The definition doesn’t prove anything about a word. A word can be defined as one thing and can mean several things to many people.
    7. It isn’t always better because the simple solution is not always best.
    8. It just makes you question whether they would be a more advanced life form.
    9. If you believe in God, then you must believe in the Devil because you can’t have one without the other. There are two side you should consider just like with most things in life. There can be no good without evil. There should be balance. Evil and suffering is all around us, but we must remember so is happiness and joy.

  9. 10- D.Q.

    1.) That neither God nor Satan exists on a scientific standpoint because, if God did exist ( in scientific standpoint) and was less powerful than Satan, then evil could possibly devour the world.

    2.) Biblical scriptures and accounts of faith, redemption, and salvation are comforting to me because of the believe in the religion it is pertaining to, which is Christianity. Opposing to pure logic and evidence, believing in what you cannot see is the struggle in religion on whether people are accepting of it or not, but the evidence would be that of scriptural accounts.

    6.) I do not believe that the definition of a word can prove anything but the meaning of the word being defined.

    7.) i believe theoretical simplicity is better and comforting only due to the fact that there is more in this world, universe, etc. than we can every truly grasp and comprehend.

    8.) of course, the possibility of other worlds lowers the significance of mankind.

    9.) The defining of God to be omniscient makes it harder to understand why suffering and hardship occurs in the world we live in. This is because people tend to think, 'if God was perfectly good then why does evil still occur'. Although God is perfectly good, our freewill also needs to be considered in the equation, that we can make choices in life, whether or not our choices are the best ones or not, coincides with hardship and (or) suffering that can soon follow thereafter.

  10. 10.
    1. I choose to believe that God is more powerful than Satan.
    2. I think they're comforting in different ways. Spirituality and religion give you peace of mind and contentment, logic and reason help you say to day when making decisions. You need both.
    3. I definitely think we should appreciate everything we've been given in life and take advantage of every moment.
    4. I don't think they should be held mutually exclusive to each other.
    5. It would be very hard for me to accept it but I feel like it's all you can do in that situation. I would sit back and think about all the good times I had in my life, and try to convince anyone that would listen that I was innocent.
    6. Not necessarily, words can have different meanings for different people.
    7. I think theoretical simplicity is better, there is so much of the world to explore and so much to do and I'd rather go out and explore than spend my time trying to understand absolutely everything.
    8. I don't think it diminishes humanity, it just makes you wonder what else is out there.
    9. It could make you wonder how bad things can still happen, but it's comforting to believe in a God that is there for you, can help you in times of need, and loves you unconditionally.

  11. If God were to exist, he would be less powerful than Satan. As God would be confined by his morals and rules, where Satan is not. By being "good", you are putting yourself in a position to be weaker than your "bad" counterpart.

    Supernatural stories and myths are made to comfort us. Even though I do not personally believe them, but they do provide a sense of comfort for me.

    No system is ever perfect. There will always be a price to pay. However, if I were in this situation I do not believe I would be able to accept that the real offender is getting away free.

    Definitions are fluid in society. A definition is not useful if it is not in the same point of time, or in the same society.

    While most people look at humanity as the ultimate product of evolution, I disagree. We use significantly more resources than any other species. We have done nothing to positively impact the universe, we only consume what the universe has given us.

    To me it is easier to accept that there is no god than a god that isn't powerful.

  12. Discussion question responses:
    1. I think it more plausible that neither of them exist. The whole concept of divine entities, especially two that battle against each other using humans, just doesn't make sense.
    2. No, I like to explain things with reason. The "supernatural" scares me.
    3. I agree that we need to be grateful for everyday that we have alive, because it can literally end at any moment.
    4. I agree that science and spirituality go hand in hand.
    5. Possibly. If you were a believer in that every person is here for a reason and we are sent on a path then sure, because you would be fulfilling your destiny.
    6. No. The meaning of words are made up by people.
    7. Yes.
    8. I don't think it diminishes humanity. The universe does not revolve around us and I guess if you thought it did then it would diminish it. But we are here just like we have been since humans evolved and that doesn't make us anymore important than other life.
    9. Because if there is a being that is all good and perfect, how can he let such evil happen on our planet?
    10. I have no idea what that is.

    Alternate quiz questions from DR 14:
    1. What was the key text of theology from the late 1100's?
    2. In 1210, teachers at the university of Paris were banned from lecturing on what topic?
    3. What did the Bishop of Paris condemn?
    4. What portion of the medieval era had the most sophisticated philosophy published?
    5. Did Albert always agree with Aristotle?
    6. When were Europe's dark ages?
    7. What was one of Abelard's most influential writings?
    8. What is the difference between a morally good action and a morally bad action?
    9. What is the only thing god will consider on the day of judgement?
    10. Abelards analysis of moral concepts was what in comparison with Aristotles?

  13. Section 8-DQ
    1. Neither God or Satan exist because otherwise if God was real why let people die, and why let bad things happen to people? I have more faith in science than an imaginary thing.
    2.Well I don't believe in supernatural stuff or anything else so no. I believe in the power in reasoning and evidence.
    3.I can stand with this statement. I believe we should we should look death in the eye and not be afraid if we are grateful each day.
    4.I don't believe science and spiritaulity should be kept separate because it might confuse people. Also science is more logical in my eyes.
    5.Yeah I would. I would to cherish the moments I had and accept the fact that I will face death.
    6. Yes it can give a meaning to the word we are using.
    7.Yes making everything simple would be nice in this world.
    8.No it actually does the opposite. It can change everything how we think about life and other certain things.
    9.No because I don't believe in God so no words describing him will change that. It would be better to live with no God at all because it makes life easier, and certainly did for me. I can live life to the fullest without limitations.
    10.Original sin? I don't believe people making sins if were speaking on a religion term otherwise I think people just make mistakes.

  14. Which is more plausible, that God exists but is not more powerful than Satan, or that neither God nor Satan exists? Why?
    *Really is that neither God nor satan exist. It makes no sense that an all powerful being who in benevolent would allow it's malevolent other side to exists. they are either equal or don't exists.

  15. Discussion responses:
    1. If you can write well you are probably writing logically. If you are able to convince your reader of something, even if it is not right, you're writing with logic.
    2. Possibly, I don't know how I feel about the "supernatural" and magic.
    3. I think it was the minds way of understanding their actions, and how could Europeans be so far "advanced" when another group of people wasn't, surely they were not also people? Surely this is not how we started out? Who knows?
    4. Absolutely.
    5. That's not necessarily true. People who read generally have more experience and more opinions because they just know more than those who haven't read. But you could say that someone who reads does not have an advantage over someone who doesn't in a subject the person who doesn't read knows a lot about.
    6. Social media is very biased. Most books don't have the same risk of "false information" as the internet does.
    7. Yes. Because they are my own experiences that I know for a fact have happened to me and I know how I feel about them.
    8. Sure. Everything needs a strong foundation to build off of.
    9. Nope.
    10. I think everyone is selfish and you are taught not to be.

  16. Maddy Russell 10
    1. I think there is a difference between writing well and logically thinking. A person can think ad talk well and still not be able to write well.
    2. I think Machiavelli was right.
    10. I think that people are selfish. They can be taught to be or not to be selfish.
    5. Reading is a such wonderful and powerful talent, and a person who has the power to read and does not use it is just as bad as a person who can not read.
    6. Social media really does not do any good. All of it has no substance, so if users read books they would gain only knowledge.

  17. Clayton Thomas (10)10:19 AM CDT

    3/23 - DQ's
    1. There is a sharp difference between writing well and thinking logically because writing well requires creativity and smooth transitioning which is controlled by the hemisphere of the brain which logic is not in. I think so many philosophers were poor writers because 1) education wasn't as important or as stressed as it now and 2) they tried to use their logic and reason to explain things rather than just observe the phenomena and record it in it's beauty. Becoming a better writer and a clearer thinker requires me to stray away from my heavy background in logic and reason and think with emotion and feeling. I think these two things would help to expand my mind.

    2. I think Machiavelli is in accurate in his description of power. Maintaining power requires an absence of morality because with your gaining of power someone is losing power and others potentially more. A moral person could not take a position of high power in today's world without failing miserably.

    3. When it comes to humans and their cultures, we typically have this idea of ethnocentrism embedded into our natural systems. Which means that we innately see our culture as the correct culture and any deviance from that is considered bad or wrong. Which can be applied to any of the New World'ers and their views towards the natives discovered in that New World.

    4. I would say that there is a proper place for astrology in the modern world because star patterns and celestial bodies are the reason why earth is exactly where it is and can sustain life upon it. It helps dig deeper into the question of "How did we get here?". Magic, ehh. I would say magic is more of an entertainment thing, but not much other practical use in the modern world.

  18. Clayton Thomas (10)10:20 AM CDT

    3/23 - DQ's (Cont.)
    5. If you can read then you have an advantage over those who can't being able to interpret signs, messages, read books, etc. However, if you choose not to read then what real advantage do you have? You don't. If you do not read you might as well not have able to ever read because it is a wasted art.

    6. If the average social media user could read 200 books in the time they spent online, I would say they would gain knowledge and insight towards things they may have never even knew existed, an expanded vocabulary, and maybe a new hobby other than that of staring at a computer. They would all those precious seconds with their internet friends and exposure to screen lighting, and they may even lose track of time. The right balance I would say is 70/30, where you should spend 70% of the time you would've spent on the internet laughing at cats, just read a book, or a newspaper, or even use your computer to read things; however, time yourself is a good thing so feel free to spend that other 30% on mind-numbing pictures and half-typed words to fit the 160 character limit.

    7. By far, I trust my own conscience and experiences because they have provided legitimate proof and real world experience into whatever it is which I'm looking for an answer to. Religion makes no sense to me because their is no concrete evidence for religious texts to say I would blindly follow some God or some godly principle which may have no effect on anything or cause more questions without ever answering the original.

    8. I would say knowledge does not need any foundations because knowledge encompasses everything a person knows, knows about, or knows how to do. Even when we are first born, we may not know much of anything, but we do know breathe, sleep, scream, cry. We may not be able to fully understand them yet, but we nonetheless do have a very basic knowledge of these things.

    9. I would say Machiavellian leadership wouldn't have the quality of sexism, that would be an individual trait exclusive to that person. However, in order to be Machiavellian leader one would pretty much have to be an autocrat and maintain absolute power. Machiavellian leadership believes that the end's justify the mean's and excel in control and manipulation. Full control and power is the ultimate goal and if one shows a weakness in their power or show signs or morality then they are not classified as Machiavellian.

    10. Fundamentally, people are selfish. Everyone wants what is best for them, that is not to say we are 100% selfish and ONLY want what's best for ourselves, but if it came down to your life or theirs and they had the choice. Most people would probably pick you. I'm a but selfish in that I appreciate myself and wouldn't want something negative to happen, but I try to help people out the best I can even at my own expense. Just not always. Selfish people can change, anyone can change under the correct circumstances.

  19. 10- D.Q.

    2.) I believe Machiavelli was right in his idea that a ruler would rather be feared than loved due to the low possibility of a ruler who is feared to be overruled or opposed.

    4.) I believe that there is a sense of purpose for astrology in the modern world because we only know so much about it, with ability to come to understand more on the topic, but when i comes to magic, that is more of mere illusion and entertainment.

    7.) I trust my own conscience and experiences only due to the fact that they are my own, and that I have reached the point I am now through those experiences and how I feel.

    8.) Knowledge needs a proper foundation for sustainability and accreditation, without this it is nothing more than opinions and ramble.

    10.) I believe people are fundamentally selfish by nature for the most part due to people, including myself, to be more concerned with what they are trying to set out to do and how they plan to accomplish it. People can become less selfish and self-centered, but we all are to some degree to be able to accomplish our goals we set out for ourselves.

  20. Was Machiavelli right, about how power works in the real world?
    *I hope not but, god how this last election may be proving him right.

  21. T21

    1. I would consider it more plausible to say that neither exist, since there is no proof that they do.

    2. The power of reason and evidence may not always be more comforting but it is important to understand that the truth can't always be comforting, but it is necessary to carry it's weight if you strive to have a better awareness of how things are in reality.

    3. It's hard to say, I think I would have to give up on the idea of a better life before I could have consolation in that situation.

    4. The definition of a word is just a human construct for us to understand how things are better. It does not prove however how things actually are. All it proves is that the person who said those words felt that way about a particular situation.

    5. Simplicity can be better if you are able to simplify things correctly. Some people have difficulty simplifying things because it can require a lot of understanding to be able to condense something accurately.

    6. No, I think it makes humanity appear even more unique.

    7. For many people it is easier to believe that the Christian God is all powerful but he chooses not to help suffering people because it is supposed to be some sort of path they must take to be a better follower, or those people just don't truly believe in the Christian God so they do not receive any help. I think that it is easier not to believe in something if their is no proof for it.

    8. Supposedly the Original Sin corresponds to the story of Adam and Eve, where Eve at an apple and their punishment was basically to live in a world where there is sin. I think the story is suppose to just be a metaphor of how humans will sometimes give into their desires to get what they want even if bad things can come out of it.

  22. Th23

    1. Many people struggle with the ability to convey information even if they do have a logical understanding of something. There is also the problem of bias that can make it difficult to convey information objectively. It's possible that many of the medieval philosophers had difficulty writing because in writing their opinions, they were not completely sure of them, and left them ambiguous. People reading the texts then had trouble understanding what the philosopher may have meant.

    2. I think people are like that way because many different groups have unique cultures and when you are raised in those cultures you believe that it is the way that humans naturally are. When people see other cultures for the first time following different customs, it seems in a way less how humans are supposed to live, and therefore more sub-human.

    4. Its important to understand that there are people that believe in magic and older cultures. I wouldn't say that it should belong in the modern world though due to their being no evidence that magic exists.

  23. #10

    4) Although there are people who still believe that the arrangement of the stars on the day they're born affects their behavior or what kind of person they are going to become, I don't think there is a place for astrology in modern world.

    5) I believe in that statement. There is no point of acquiring a skill if you never ever use it. I'm the kind of person that would like to learn as much as possible from different subjects but at the end of the day if I don't practice it, it is as if I wasted my time.

    6) That is a shocking statistic. I think they would have gained a lot more if they read the 200 books than spend lots of time on social media. Books usually provoke emotions and shape how the brain develops. I'm not saying that social media have no value, I just believe that there is more to learn from books than social media.

  24. Dq: 10/21/2017

    1:I'd like to think that God (Or god like being) exists but is not more powerful than Satan. Not more powerful but fighting to be an equal.
    2. I think stories are comforting. They seem to provide some sort of hope. I appreciate reason and evidence but it doesn't quite fill that hole that others do.
    3. That was most definitely a beautiful quote. I don't find stories deceptive. I guess it depends on who you ask. I think of some of them as having hidden meaning almost. Shoot, some stories do allow me to be grateful for my life.
    4. Sounds a bit more agreeable then the first quote.
    5. I honestly don't think I could receive consolation. I'd be devastated and do nothing but mourn for myself. I'd probably sink into some sort of state of depression.
    6. I don't think so .
    7. I think in some ways.
    8. I think because he is perceived as this almighty being and with so much suffering in the world people have a lot of questions about this being of all beings. How can someone with the power to deliver change allow the hate and suffering that's present happen. I'd still like to believe in something.
    9. I believe this is sin that has been passed down, inherited by our ancestors that sends us down the path of future sin. Since eve ate the forbidden fruit this was the beginning of sin. Sin that would be passed down for generations. The chain reaction I guess.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM CDT

      5. I definitely agree with you, I think your first choice is fight back but no one hears you. If the eyes of others, you are a criminal and deserve what you are given. Falling into the state of depression would be the most common for anyone.

  25. #10 Post for 10/23/2017

    DQ1: If we are to engage in a loaded and meaningless attempt at discerning the more plausible of two fallacies, then we must recognize that the two are equally implausible.

    DQ2: Supernatural stories are rarely comforting (in case you missed the point that encountering a messenger of God has always been accompanied by fear, not relief), and reason and evidence - wherever the two coexist and support one another - are great comforts.

    DQ3: I believe I could, through prayer and attempting to work God's mercy with whomever I would be able to interact.

    DQ4: The definition of a word can certain indicate things about the world (for instance, the word "blue" proves the existence of a color which can generally be recognized by different observers, but it cannot prove what "blue" looks like).

    DQ5: Theoretical simplicity is a better model for understanding things, because it is easier to apply and easier to modify. There is no inherent value to any theory, simple or complex, so aside from application and function, there's no preference for a simpler explanation; the truth is the ideal.

    DQ6: Not at all. Other worlds certainly exist - we've known that since the Incarnation, when Christ told us there was a heavenly kingdom - so the presence of other material worlds isn't surprising. We also know that other entities exist - angels - and, therefore, I wouldn't be too shocked to discover that life existed elsewhere in the universe.

    DQ7: Those ideas do not make it harder to account for evil, unless you disregard the reality of human freedom, a natural world, and the love of God (undoubtedly the reason He respects our free will). It might be easier to convince a crowd of people that God was not all of these things, or that He doesn't exist, but it as those arguments are incorrect, it cannot be better to believe them. It is better to accept a complex truth than to adopt a more desirable lie.

    DQ8: Which concept would you prefer? Different theologies understand it differently. In Latin theology (like that of Aquinas), it is generally understood to be an inherited sin from Adam and Eve, with which each human soul is "stained," thereby requiring baptism to cleanse the person of the spiritual consequences of Original Sin. Latin theologians also tend to believe that Original Sin is an act which resulted in a specific set reactions - the Fall of Man - and created our imperfect world. Greek theologians reject the idea of Original Sin as an inherited sin, but recognize it as the first sin, brought about by human free will, which corrupted our nature (since redeemed, but not replaced, by Christ through His Incarnation). Thus, in the Latin West, the idea emerges of Mary's "Immaculate Conception" - being preserved from conception from Original Sin, so as to prepare her as a vessel for Christ's birth - while in the Greek East the Theotokos is not regarded as having had an "immaculate conception," because Original Sin isn't an inherited sin, only the cause of a corrupted inheritance.

    1. I can agree with your response to #1. While both are equally unlikely, christians (like myself) run on faith. (Which will always be enough for me)

  26. #10 Post for 10/25/2017

    DQ1: Writing well is usually the result of a successful method for organizing your thoughts; if you are naturally more linear in your thought processes, you will have an easier time organizing them, but a person with a less linear thought process is not inherently less logical, though that person may have a harder time expressing thoughts in writing.

    DQ2: Machiavelli was pretty close, yes. The culture of consumerism has placed more wealth in the hands of the masses in industrialized nations, but it has also widened the gap between the wealth held by the middle and lower classes and the wealth held by the wealthiest people, so we are likely to see the powerful conform to the ideas expressed in The Prince more frequently, though we may not be made as aware of it as we used to be.

    DQ3: To call them sub-human in our language today is a bit anachronistic; they were regarded as immature and inferior - and, frankly, any society that encounters a civilization based around cutting the hearts out of people captured in raids who doesn't feel that civilization is a little backwards probably has serious issues. Although paternalism is an inherently flawed ideology, it isn't untrue that European civilization - which has still given rise to the most successful societies in the history of the world - was already far more successful than the Mesoamerican cultures they encountered. This is, of course, understanding culture to be "a patterned way of life, learned and shared by a group of people" - the implication being that those who shared that way of life were attempting to adjust to the world around them.

    DQ4: Ideas have a place so long as people find believing in them to be useful. So if a person finds such belief useful, I suppose they have their place. For those of us who find such beliefs useless at best, and dangerous at worst, it is easy to ridicule them, but it is no different than believing in electrons - in either case, you can observe what you believe to be their consequences, but cannot observe the thing itself.

    DQ5: If such people read 200 books of fiction, they might improve their vocabulary, but reduce their effectiveness in communication. If they read 200 books on law, they might become lawyers - or never understand a word of what they read. Reading is wonderful, but it contributes little more to intelligence or wisdom than making noise does to lecturing (and I think we can agree that screaming infant is unqualified to lecture about law, yes?)...

    DQ6: I trust my conscience to become oriented ever more fully towards the Will of Christ, but I know that no one's conscience is infallible. This is why I trust in the Ecumenical Councils, the guidance of my spiritual father, my godfather, my Bishop, and my Patriarch - because any individual will err, but the Church collectively will sort any such errors out.

    DQ7: Knowledge without a foundation is called "opinion." Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but if only opinion existed, no one would ever be a meaningful authority on anything.

    DQ8: Machiavelli wrote, perhaps, to seduce the minds of the Medici by prescribing their own behaviors - but even if he really believed what he wrote was about an ideal, it doesn't change the reality that his assertions reflect the situation on the ground, so to speak. Nothing about Machiavelli's work is sexist - only pragmatic - though I would recommend his The Art of War more strongly than The Prince. Was President Obama an autocrat? His behavior is consistent with The Prince, and yet I think we can all agree that he was not an autocrat - but maybe I'm wrong and we cannot agree on that point.

    DQ9: "Fundamentally selfish" is a problematic phrase. The implication is that people can be reduced to a single impulse, and that whatever that impulse is, it must be unchanging - neither of those is true. People can be simple or complicated, selfish or selfless, patient and irritable... and that's a single person, in a single day. People are people.

  27. #6

    Here Comes (the Real) Santa Claus

    The Act of Giving Thanks

    The Power of Words

    Pieces of Me

  28. #6

    1. Can the definition of a word prove anything about the world?
    - It depends on what it is you are asking and what the word is. Sometimes, definitions are not as specific as they ought to be, and can be interpreted in different ways.

    2. Is theoretical simplicity always better, even if the universe is complex?
    - Yes. Sometimes to understand the complex ideas, I think that you need to also have the gift to break it into the simplest concepts. Therefore, simplicity is better.

    3. Does the possibility of other worlds somehow diminish humanity?
    - I do not think so.

    4. How does the definition of God as omniscient, omnipotent, and perfectly good make it harder to account for evil and suffering in the world? Would it be better to believe in a lesser god, or no god at all?
    - I believe that God allows everything to happen for a reason, even if there is evil and suffering in any part of it. I think that believing in God through it all is what gets most people through it, especially when they do not lose faith in the fact that this bad thing did happen for a reason.

    5. Which is more plausible, that God exists but is not more powerful than Satan, or that neither God nor Satan exists? Why?
    - I believe that God exists and is more powerful than Satan. I believe that this is more plausible because a lot of times, there is more good in the world, just as there is the bad. So saying that only chaos and evil is happening does not suggest that there is no God or that Satan is stronger.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. #10 Quiz q's Dr 390-425
    1. What did Augustine say about his existence?
    2. Was Augustine always a skeptic?
    3. What religion did Augustine First practice?
    4. What did Augustine practice after his first religion?
    5. What is Philopnus' view of the theory of falling bodies?
    6. Who were the great arab polymath's mentioned?
    7. What did gottlieb say about the decline of the west and rise of the east?
    8. What was Boethius's profession?
    9 What great works did Boethius translate?
    10. What was Boethius depress about?
    11. Who wrote the consolation of philosophy?
    12. Where was the consolation of philosophy written?

  31. Which is more plausible, that God exists but is not more powerful than Satan, or that neither God nor Satan exists? Why?

    None of it makes sense. It's impossible to fathom. Good and evil exist and everyon's agnostic.

    1. it seems spiteful that god would kick satan out of heaven to torment us on earth. if god can do anything, why wouldn't he change satan, and make satan better? if god does not people in change, then how can humans?

    2. I agree this is always going to be an on going topic.

    3. Whether you're christian or not, I would like to share my beliefs (while you are free to believe differently). God gifted all beings with free will, therefore we have the opportunity to choose a life engaging in sin or a life free of sin. God could make satan act better, but then we would instantly lose the concept of free will. Also, pain isn't God tormenting us on earth. Pain is simply satan's response to choosing a life of sin.

  32. Are supernatural stories of faith, redemption, and salvation comforting to you than the power of reason and evidence?

    They're comforting but can mess up your head sometimes and make you delusional. Some people need it, because they feel like they feel helpless and out of control. Supernatural stories are not comforting, but religion can be. People who suffer from a mental illness or addiction often turn to religion because life is so hard.

  33. #6

    1. If the argument is that neither good nor evil is superior to the other, it doesn't really matter if such divine forces even exist anyway: we arrive at the same result. The simplest theory of the two is thus that there is no higher power.

    2. They would potentially be comforting (if they were remotely plausible), but more often than not, stories of faith are about (a) vengeful god(s), which is far less appealing. Reason and evidence are not in themselves comforting, but at least they're reliable and demonstrable.

    3. This is probably the best way to go through life: enjoying what we have while we have it.

    4. Scientists throughout all of time have yet to witness someone turn to salt (or anything else for that matter), a burning bush speak, or a snake offering fruit. Science concerns itself with facts, not fairytales. Though scientists can believe in whatever they want spiritually, the distinction is clear: scientists are not science, and the words of any scientist should not be regarded as fact without evidence.

    5. No; I'd be pretty salty.

    6. No; we made up the words anyway. They're just descriptors of things.

    7. Yes, to the degree that it can be. The laws of orbital mechanics can pretty easily be summed up into a handful of equations, but some events, like the collision of two singularities, require more sophisticated calculations, which simply can't be simplified after some point.

    8. It diminishes us in the sense that we can no longer claim to be "special", to be the center of everything.

    9. If a being is all powerful, all knowing, and all good, it stands to reason that no evil will exist. As evil does exist, the logical conclusion must be that this statement is false, which necessarily implies one or more of: god is not all powerful, not all knowing, not all good, or simply doesn't exist.

    10. The idea is that Eve ruined everything for all of time when she ate an apple. I have to say I don't follow the logic.

  34. #9
    I disagree that we are all born "wicked" and inherent Adam's original sin. Good and evil are typically arbitrary, and I believe people naturally tend to make decisions that benefit themselves. It is common belief that a virtuous person would not lie, cheat, or steal; but we have to be taught not to do those things at a young age. We do not inherently know that those things are potentially harmful to others.

  35. #9

    What do you guys think of Donnie Darko? Do you think he was actually schizophrenic or it is a work of science fiction and time travel?

  36. #9

    Can the definition of a word prove anything about the world?
    It can't prove anything, humans created words and we did not create the 'world.'

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM CDT

      Exactly, words can be defined by every different individual...people don't even always use "textbook" definition.

  37. Anonymous12:12 PM CDT

    I personally prefer power and reason because as I science major, I like to understand hard fact. I don't want there to be room for gray area in reasoning. However, supernatural stories can be comforting when you are in need of guidance.

  38. #9
    1. Which is more plausible, that God exists but is not more powerful than Satan, or that neither God nor Satan exists? Why?
    I feel that God is more powerful than Satan.
    2. Are supernatural stories of faith, redemption, and salvation comforting to you than the power of reason and evidence?
    I feel it depends on the situation.
    3. COMMENT: “The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.”
    The world in my opinion is not full of love I feel it full of negative thing there are some good things but not as much as bad things.
    4. COMMENT: “Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light‐years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual. So are our emotions in the presence of great art or music or literature, or acts of exemplary selfless courage such as those of Mohandas Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.” Carl Sagan
    I feel at science and spirituality is an on going topic that will never be solved.
    5. If you were falsely imprisoned, tortured, and scheduled for execution, would you be able to achieve "consolation"? How?
    Probably not because that's a lot to go through.
    6. Can the definition of a word prove anything about the world?
    I feel you have to experience things for your self.
    7. Is theoretical simplicity always better, even if the universe is complex?
    The question is do learn anything when it simple or do you learn when its complex.
    8. Does the possibility of other worlds somehow diminish humanity?
    Not really it depends on how you view things.
    9. How does the definition of God as omniscient, omnipotent, and perfectly good make it harder to account for evil and suffering in the world? Would it be better to believe in a lesser god, or no god at all?
    I look at it as its just something that exist.
    10. Can you explain the concept of Original Sin? Do you think you understand it?
    I feel that sin is something we do daily we humans so we have the term human error.

  39. DQ's:
    1.Do you prefer thinking to yourself or open discussions?
    2. Is it a waste of time to think introspectively?
    3. How else can a person benefit from being introspective other than gaining personal insight into one's character?
    4. Do you think introspection always leads to arrogance? Does "staying in your own world for too long" do more harm than good or vice versa?

    1. #9

      1. Both are important
      2. No
      3. Finding peace of mind
      4. No because people can be very self depreciating. It all depends on your personality, some people will go crazy being alone while for others it can be very therapeutic.

    2. #10
      1. I think it depends. Sometimes i like to think things to myself because i feel my mind is in chaos. Other times i like to discuss it with people because it gives me THEIR view on it.
      2. No i dont think it is a waste of time to introspect. Introspection gives you a deeper look into your own character and in a way also helps you to understand other people.
      3. I think understanding yourself better also helps you understand others better because we are all humans and we might be very different in some ways but deep down we all feel emotions albeit on different levels.

    3. 4. I don't think it always leads to arrogance but it is important to not be in your own world all the time. Your reality is so different from another person's. So by staying in only your world you could be living in a completely different world than the person sitting next to you.

  40. Which is more plausible, that God exists but is not more powerful than Satan, or that neither God nor Satan exists? Why?- I think it depends on how you were raised religiously. I was raised in a Christian home, so to me the idea of God not being more powerful than Satan is more plausible because they are both all-mighty beings of power. I think if you were atheist or not raised around religion it would be easier to assume neither exist- it would be more plausible that neither exist.

    Are supernatural stories of faith, redemption, and salvation comforting to you than the power of reason and evidence?- Not really because supernatural stuff can tend to freak me out; I like evidence I can see but growing up around religion you also tend to get used to stories of faith. I guess it really depends on the story being told.

    How does the definition of God as omniscient, omnipotent, and perfectly good make it harder to account for evil and suffering in the world? Would it be better to believe in a lesser god, or no god at all?- It makes it hard to account for evil because everyone is going to ask, "Well if God is all powerful why doesn't he stop the evil? Why does he not make us all good?" But I believe to come to terms with evil and still believe in a God you have to look at is if God is merely an observer like anyone else in our life aside from the fact he created us. I believe he created us all with good in our hearts but we made the decision based of our own free will to be evil and God cannot change that, he has to watch; so I guess it would be easier/better to believe in a less powerful God.

    Can you explain the concept of Original Sin? Do you think you understand it?- I think I understand Original Sin. I think it is the essence of the first sin ever committed- Adam and Eve in the garden- and it is passed down by generation to the next generation so literally everyone carries some essence of the Original Sin that makes us more inclined to/comfortable with sin.

  41. 10
    Are supernatural stories of faith, redemption, and salvation more comforting to you than the power of reason and evidence?
    I don't like this question because it presupposes that faith and reason are diametrically opposed to each other, but really they enrich each other.

  42. #10 Are supernatural stories of faith, redemption, and salvation more comforting to you than the power of reason and evidence?

    I feel like both work together. In my own personal experience, when i am about to do something wrong, and i know its wrong but im still tempted to do it because of whatever reason, i hear 'karma karma karmaaa' in the back of my mind. Honestly most of the times when i stop myself from doing something wrong to someone it is primarily because of the stories of redemption and faith that i have been exposed to since i was a child.

  43. 1) Neither God nor Satan existing is more plausible because it requires less explanation that God and Satan both existing, but Satan being weaker. I do admit that it is moe comfortable to believe in God with a weak Satan than not believe either.
    2) Yes because stories of faith, redemption, and salvation always have a positive and comforting conclusion, whereas reason and evidence may not always have a comforting outcome.
    3) I believe that the Manichean idea is very childish and stupid. How can God be evil, in any sense. God may have put us in these bodies to let us grow before returning to the afterlife, not to torture us.
    4) I do believe that this is the main message of Christianity, however, I do not agree with this message. Man can be absolutely whatever he wishes without the help of the supernatural.

  44. 10
    DQ #3
    I don't think God would have created such a beautiful world with the intention for us to suffer. Earth would look a lot more like the way we imagine hell.

    1. #9

      I agree that nature is beautiful, but not everyone else does. Some people would prefer to be in a modern world with modern architecture and technology, which was created by humans. Also, it may be beautiful where you are, but you would probably disagree if you were an impoverished child living in a Guatemalan slum with little sanitation or food, and surround with violence and fear. Of course God may have not intended this, but just because a beautiful plain in Africa is observationally beautiful, is the gruesome attack and death of a zebra beautiful? It's death that is necessary for another predators survival. But is the tribal violence that happens in the village adjacent also beautiful? Robbing and killing may be necessary for a man to survive who has no food.

    2. #9

      Sure the Mediterranean Sea is beautiful, but are the thousand of deaths of fleeing refugees that drown everyday trying to get to Europe beautiful? Not everything is pretty under the surface.

  45. #10 Which is more plausible, that God exists but is not more powerful than Satan, or that neither God nor Satan exists?
    I like to base my beliefs on proofs. Since science proves the mechanics of this world the best i think none of the above is plausible. But again, it depends on your individual belief. The fact of god or satan existing or not will not change just because one person has some beliefs about that. Also, history has proven that beliefs that are strong in a time period may be proven wrong in the future and science is ever changing.

  46. 1. I believe that it would be more plausible that neither God nor Satan exist.

    2. They are both comforting to me in different situations. When thinking about my family members who have died it is more comforting to believe that they are in heaven. The idea that they have just ceased to exist and all that remains of them is their corpse rotting and decaying in the ground is painful and makes the death much less bearable. When thinking about the universe and how it works believing in reason I more comforting. There is scientific research and evidence as proof. It is much more comforting to believe in that than just having faith and believing what religion teaches.

    3. The idea that God is all powerful and perfectly good makes explaining evil and suffering difficult. It raises the question of why would He allow that to happen. The problem is explained by many by the theory of free will.

    4. I believe that I understand the Original Sin to an extent. The Original Sin is known in Christianity as the instance of the garden of eden. God created free will and with the first sin of Eve we all carry a piece of that sin.

  47. #10
    What do you think of the Manichean idea that an "evil God created the earth and emtombed our souls in the prisons of our bodies"?

    I think being on this habitable planet, in the uncomprehendingly big and ruthless universe is a boon not a curse. If there is a god, i dont think he would make this beautiful and intricate system of life and cohabitation to punish us.

  48. #9
    Are supernatural stories of faith, redemption, and salvation more comforting to you than the power of reason and evidence?

    This subject could be extremely controversial because it all goes back to religion. I personally am not religious and was not raised religious. But when you think about it, no matter how many opinions and stories of faith that you hear, not a single situation will ever be the same. So believing something strictly on someone else’s experience is not smart. Now while yes it could be similar in many ways, it will never be exactly the same. Finding evidence and reason to a situation will give you much more of a broad view on whatever you are looking into, but it will also prepare you for all of the options that could come out of that situation. Walking into any situation with one thought as to what the end result will be will only disappoint you. I have learned this first hand. Being optimistic will help you succeed but you must always remember to be prepared for disappointment. I believe stories of faith and salvation slightly give people a dream, like something to look forward to. But comparing your own life to someone else’s does not get you anywhere. It will give you incorrect beliefs on how things will go or should go. I have personally learned this a very hard way. It all gives you false expectations. Overall, my personal belief with faith and salvation versus reason and evidence is that reason and evidence give you more information on the situation, which gives more comfort for what is to come, although stories of faith and redemption are always good to hear.

    1. #9

      That's a good point. I didn't think about how science and reason can be comforting because of the information. The reason I feel like stories is because of hope, and sometimes it feels like "miracles" can happen. Like intense stories of survival. Although it is scientifically possible that survival could occur, it really does boil down to luck sometimes. When my mom was pregnant with me she was in the grand canyon and there was a flash flood where she was crushed my boulders, trees, etc. and eleven people died but she did not. That is a crazy thing to think about because there was a chance I would not be alive as well as her. But stories like that and several others I can't think of just give me a sense of hope when I feel like nothing could possibly get better. I prefer to think pessimistically opposed to optimistically because like you said, I hate having a sense of false hope.

    2. #9

      I feel like I contradicted myself lol idk. Everything is gray to me though. This class kills me

  49. Hayley Gray11:01 AM CDT

    1. God exists but is not more powerful than Satan because he cannot stop people from doing bad.
    2. Yes, I choose to believe there is something greater to come after death if we live a Christian life.
    8. No, because a definition of a word might not be universally accepted.
    10. No, but it makes you wonder what else is out there and if there are other beings out there, are they more advanced than we are?
    1. What was the belief that Augustine was most pleased to be rid of when his spiritual recovery got underway?
    2. What enabled Plato to put all forms of materialism firmly behind him?

  50. #6
    Which is more plausible, that God exists but is not more powerful than Satan, or that neither God nor Satan exists? Why?

    I think it is more plausible that neither God nor Satan exists, because to me it makes more sense that their isn't something spiritual going on around us.

    Are supernatural stories of faith, redemption, and salvation more comforting to you than the power of reason and evidence?

    I think stories of faith and redemption are often extremely inspiring, and can act as evidence to comfort me.

    What do you think of the Manichean idea that an "evil God created the earth and emtombed our souls in the prisons of our bodies"? 392

    I think that is too pessimistic of an approach. I do not share such a negative outlook on my own life, and can not relate.

  51. #6
    1- Neither of the ideas is plausible, God exists and satan exists, but God is more powerful than satan. Becuase God is the controller of all things and satan himself asks god for permission to do things.
    2- Yes, these stories are not just stories, they are more powerful than any stories. They are the foundation of the faith of Christianity.
    3- I disagree with the Manichean idea because God is the one who creator of the universe.
    4- I would receive the consolation after being falsely imprisoned or tortured. I would be comforted if my family or my friends stand next to me and strengthen me.
    5- God is knowledgable of everything, He knows everything , He also sees everything. He is the almighty God. He only lets us to get tempted by the evil for our own good, and to teach us to go to Him whenever we need help.
    6- The original sin was received after Adam and Eve sinned, and it was washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross and by the Baptism.

  52. #6
    1. It is more plausible that neither exist. We have the big bang theory and evolution to discredit an all powerful god.
    2. To me reason is more important. Stories can be told to make you feel better, but hard facts get the job done.
    3. I don't think an evil god created our earth. If there was a god he would not be good or bad, he would just be the creator.
    4. I would achieve consolation after making friends with others in my same situation. I can stand time on death row as long as I have a sense of community.
    5. Humanity is not diminished if life is found in another world. You add value to what you want.
    6. I believe it is easiest to believe in no god at all. This gives us more time to focus on things that actually matter and are actually helping in the world.

  53. #9

  54. #6

    Made by Hand

    The Faith That Brings Me Peace

    It’s Better to Give…and Receive

    Accomplishing Big Things in Small Pieces

  55. #6

    Discussion Questions Answers:

    1. Are people fundamentally selfish, in your experience? Are you? Can selfish people change?
    - I believe that people would fundamentally want what is better for them than for others. I also think that being selfless is a much harder concept to grasp and that one would have to work really hard to accomplish that in any way. But of course, everyone could achieve the goal of changing if there is enough determination.

    2. Does knowledge need foundations? Why or why not?
    - I believe that knowledge does need a foundation because I would personally not listen to someone who did not have some kind of background in whatever he or she was talking about. Having the fundamentals behind what you are talking about is what proves that you have knowledge.

    3. COMMENT: 'The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read." -Mark Twain.
    - For me, this basically says that to have wisdom and knowledge, you do not necessarily need to be able to read and write but rather have the experience.

    1. #9

      1. I agree. Another factor to support this idea would be the fact that infants cannot feel empathy. They have no concept of what benefits other humans, because they are the center of their own universe.

  56. #9
    1.How hard would you find it to take consolation from Philosophy, if you were awaiting your execution? Do you think you could become more "mindful" and less fearful, by studying and reflecting philosophically on the vicissitudes and randomness of "fortune"?

    I think it would be unproductive to be fearful of your execution, and it would be more logical to come to peace and acceptance of your death. I think I probably would become more mindful.

  57. #9

    2. Comment: "Luck is the residue of design." (Branch Rickey) Can you improve your luck? Why do some succeed and others fail in life? Is it all luck?

    I do not think you can "prove" your luck, and no life is not all luck, because it has been proven that hard work does increase your likeliness of succeeding. This might be random but I've probably found 200 four leaf clovers throughout my life because I will look down while walking and just see them. My dad can do the same thing and it's kind of strange because my mom has never found one. I don't know if it's lucky or not haha

  58. #9
    3. Do you agree that divine foreknowlege and human free will are not mutually contradictory "if you believe that God is all-knowing?"

    If god is all knowing then it contradicts free will. If people are controlled by god and have some sort of "destiny" then why even try in life? Why be mindful of what you do? it seems as if you already have a predetermined future, then life is pretty meaningless.

  59. #9
    What's your definition of free will? Even if you could not have acted otherwise, in any particular situation, are you still "free" just because you did not know that

    This is a difficult concept for me to think about. When I initially read this I thought, "well there are no situations where humans cannot make a decision, even if it is impulsively, we can essentially control our actions." Except for thinking about when I am in psychosis or having any sort of episode, manic or mixed, and I have no control over my emotions or actions. It really feels like I cannot control myself, and although I feel guilt and embarrassment when I remember the past, I tend to think, "what could I have done? I couldn't help it." So, it brings me to the question, what controls the brain? Does the brain control the brain? Molecules and atoms? For mentally ill people it is often bothersome when someone suggest a conclusion such as "just change your mindset" or "mind over matter!" I don't really know. I think free will is kind of a silly concept in general. Why does it have to be so black and white? Humans have control to an extent. We can make our own decisions, and prevent some bad from happening, but we do not have complete control. If we do have free will there is no way we can be aware of it.

  60. #10 quiz q's Dr 15
    1. What did Vespuci say about the new world?
    2. What was revived at this time?
    3. Who was Erasmus?
    4. What did Erasmus say?
    5. Who was petrus ramus?
    6. What did he say?
    7. How did he die?
    8. Who was Paracelsus?
    9. What did he do every lecture?
    10. What did he base his science on?

  61. Anonymous10:57 AM CDT

    1. Mark Twain: I think this is partially true because if you have the ability to read, you should. The way you can know hundreds and thousands of words just by picking up a book is more effective than have the capability to do this and never doing it.
    2. Social media and books offer outlets for people. Every person discovers they need a different outlet. If they decide they need to read more, they gain intellect from whatever they are reading and decrease their blue light stigma in the eyes, very beneficial. But, let us remember, we are in a world where everything in virtually on the internet, books too. People spend a lot more time reading ABOUT books than reading the book in general. If people could find a balance between staring at twitter at 2am and reading at 2am, we could find ourselves being a bit more educated on things we would've never been interested in before.
    3. I think sometimes people are just selfish. I think it depends on how that person was raised, though. If their parents gave them no attention, they want all the attention on them. If their parents gave them too much attention, they want all the attention on them. Selfishness comes from just being plain ignorant of those around you. It is unfortunate, but some people fail to grasp the concept.

  62. #9
    1. Is there a sharp difference between writing well and thinking logically? Why do you think so many scholastic/medieval philosophers were poor writers? How can you become a better writer and clearer thinker?
    2. Was Machiavelli right, about how power works in the real world?
    I feel that it is a difference writing is a skill set and so is logically another skill set a lot of people write the way they talk. I think they are poor writers because of the power of language.
    3. If European explorers like Vespucci understood that European knowledge was at best incomplete, at worst just wrong, why were so many of them still so confident that the natives they encountered in the New World were sub-human? Why in general are humans still so quick to denigrate those who are different, or who have different customs?
    In my opinion I feel that fall short on lack of knowledge and not knowing the land will make you seem smarter if they have never experienced such things.
    4. Is there any proper place for astrology and magic in the modern world?
    Yes it a free country in the united states.
    5. COMMENT: 'The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read." -Mark Twain.
    This is very true just because you don't read means you can cannot be better than the man who cannot read that make you equal because you making a choice not to stimulate your mind.
    6. It's been estimated that the average social media user could read 200 books in the time they spend online. What would they gain? What would they lose? What's the right balance?
    They would gain more information to technology but will lose more information with writing. I would say do more actual reading with hard copy than online.
    7. Do you trust your own conscience and experience more than that of religious leaders like the Pope? Why? 441
    Honestly science and religion is an ongoing topic.
    8. Does knowledge need foundations? Why or why not?
    Not really you can get knowledge from any thing.
    9. Can you agree with Machiavelli about leadership without being a sexist or an autocrat?
    Neutral is the best way.
    10. Are people fundamentally selfish, in your experience? Are you? Can selfish people change?
    Yes to a certain extent and yes they can always room for improvement.
    No not real

  63. #6

    1. Good writing I would say is first and foremost clear, which would require sound,traceable logic. However it could also be argued that good writing is simply prose that flows elegantly, which doesn't always lend itself to clarity. This is likely the case for many old authors, especially in ancient times, where writing was supposed to have a poetic structure to it. I think we should abandon elegance for clarity.

    2. Yes. People in power do whatever it takes to maintain it. This has always been the case.

    3. It's not so much that they called native Americans sub-human because they had different customs, but because they were objectively technologically centuries behind everyone else. Additionally, they had a tribalistic and barbaric culture in the eyes of then-modern Europeans, which is akin to the sub-humanity of cavemen.

    4. Fiction.

    5. This is true if by "does not read" he literally means "will never read anything", but under the more likely, colloquial meaning "does not read books for entertainment", this is not the case: knowing how to read is a useful tool.

    6. They stand to gain entertainment or knowledge in the cases of fiction and nonfiction respectively, but books nearly never have modern events, unlike social media. In this regard, one who read social media is more involved in the here-and-now.

    7. Certainly, since I'm not religious.

    8. Knowledge requires some foundation from which to build from. In the case of mathematics, there are several axiomatic functions (e.g. addition) that cannot be proven, but are assumed to be correct. From these basic axioms, all other modern mathematics is built. No matter how abstract a concept, it will always have some form of foundation so long as it is logical.

    9. Firstly, Machiavelli's philosophy has nothing to do with sexism. As for being autocratic, this is not necessarily the case. You don't need absolute power to make use of opportunities when they arise, although it does help.

    10. People are all selfish (though to extremely varying degrees), and anyone who claims entirely not to be likely has some ulterior motive in mind, and should be handled cautiously.

  64. #10- Alternate Quiz Questions 10/25:

    1. What cruel commander did Borgia put in charge when he took control of Romagna?
    2. Machiavelli stresses as a leader it is better to be ______ than _______>
    3. If you rely on your people loving you, what do you risk?
    4. What animals should we learn from?
    5. An activity that requires co-operation is impossible without what?
    6. Without laws and powerful sovereign, people in the state of nature could expect what?
    7. What was Hobbes most important book?
    8. What was 'Leviathan' in the Bible and what was it to Hobbes?

  65. COMMENT: 'The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read." -Mark Twain. - I think this makes sense; neither of the men are gaining any kind of knowledge. If you choose not to read you are just as underexposed as a man who cannot read because either way you aren't reading.

    It's been estimated that the average social media user could read 200 books in the time they spend online. What would they gain? What would they lose? What's the right balance?- I think that by reading a book you would gain so much more knowledge and depth, because with social media you're just watching others and what they're doing and more often than not, you're jealous because you aren't doing the same things. I think you could also become jealous of a character in a book, though. So you have to find a balance because too much social media is definitely a bad thing.

    Are people fundamentally selfish, in your experience? Are you? Can selfish people change?- I do not think people are fundamentally selfish and I do not think I am fundamentally selfish. I think people can be selfish about certain things but that does not necessarily make them selfish as a whole. I do not think selfish people can change because once a person has become selfish it's hard to fall out of that way of thinking; I believe it's hard for people to change and in some cases impossible.

  66. #10
    The problem with Boethius's solution to the problem of free will is that he shouldn't be know what god experiences if he is not God himself, how can he report to understand the physical experiences of another being which is so much more powerful than himself if he has no context whatsoever to the level of God's power.

  67. #10
    -'The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.'- Mark Twain
    I totally agree with him he makes a very valid argument.
    -Are people fundamentally selfish, in your experience? Are you? Can selfish people change?
    yes the majority of people especially in the United States are fundamentally selfish. Yes i find myself being selfish. Yes, if you truly want to be selfishness you can work.

  68. #10
    Is there a sharp difference between writing well and thinking logically? Why do you think so many scholastic/medieval philosophers were poor writers? How can you become a better writer and clearer thinker?

    I think you can think logically and write poorly at the sane time. Writing requires the power to attract people attention and maintaining their interest. A writer needs to know how to play with words and this can be hard for some people. It can also be affected by the amount of exposure you have had to different books and events around the world. I think the lack of that was the reason why scholastic philosophers were poor writers.

  69. #10
    Is there any proper place for astrology and magic in the modern world?

    I think a person should have the freedom to believe in whatever the choose to as long as it is not harming other people and being imposed on other people.

  70. #10
    It's been estimated that the average social media user could read 200 books in the time they spend online. What would they gain? What would they lose? What's the right balance?

    They will definitely gain more knowledge. They will sound smarter when they talk and they ll find themselves able to take part in different kinds of conversations easily.
    Although they might lose contactvwith the real world.

  71. #10
    Do you trust your own conscience and experience more than that of religious leaders like the Pope? Why?
    Yes i trust my own conscience more than that of religious leaders. I do try to learn from other people's experiences but i like to base my opinions on my own experiences.

  72. Alternative DQ's:
    1. Would you take a stoich approach to accepting your impeding execution?
    2. Is being selfish a necessarily evil state of being in your opinion if so why?
    3. If words are totally subjective is it possible to prove something about the world?
    4. What does it mean to sin?
    5. If sin is breaking God's commandments, and sin is inevitable according to the bible, why is it bad?
    6. Is simplicity more important than complexity in some cases?
    7. Do you think Machiavelli's idea that being evil when necessary and kind when necessary is a good in order to get what you want is a good one?
    8. Keeping the idea of politicians using rhetoric to manipulate the beliefs of the public firmly in mind, is Machiavelli's philosophy present in our culture today on some level?

  73. #10 DQA
    1. Neither God nor Satan exist because, in my opinion, the good must outweigh the evil or they must be balanced.
    2. I’m not particularly inclined to either, but stories of the former are usually more interesting.
    3. I don’t agree since I think me being here, a conscious being, is not something evil.
    4. Yes, I think we do need a great deal of help.
    5. I think, like most concepts philosophers discuss, that it is overcomplicating something that can be understood in a much simpler matter.
    6. The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.
    7. “Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light‐years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual. So are our emotions in the presence of great art or music or literature, or acts of exemplary selfless courage such as those of Mohandas Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.” Carl Sagan
    8. Yes, because as long as you’re alive there is hope for redemption or a good to come of the bad.
    9. I don’t believe so.
    10. Yes, because not everything should be overly-analyzed and complicated. Sometimes simplicity is more than sufficient.
    11. Humanity in the present already realizes its irrelativity, unless you’re ignorant, ever since the discovery of other galaxies and the possibility of other life forms.
    12. No, it’s sort of a difficult concept to grasp. I feel as if I were to try to explain I would fail epically.

  74. #10 Discussion Question

    “Do you trust your own conscience and experience more than that of religious leaders like the pope? Why?”
    I do trust my own conscience and experience more than that of religious leaders. Religion does not always cause people to do the right things for themselves or others both historically and in the present day.

  75. #6 Discussion Questions:
    1. I think a way to become a better writer and clearer thinker is to practice. The more you write and have conversations with people the better you become. I wouldn't go as far as to say there is a difference between thinking logically and writing well, I more so think they kind of go hand in hand. I think they kind of resemble the concept that some people are really smart but just bad test takers. You can be super smart but just not be a very good writer.
    3. I think part of the reason is because they had never really seen people that were that different than them, not that that makes it right. I think honestly humans are just in general kind of slow to accept change and adapt.
    4. I think there is a place, but maybe not necessarily in science. I think it's more of a concept and something that people choose to believe in or not and something that may make people feel better.
    5. I think this is somewhat true. If you can read but just don't then that really doesn't make you any different than someone who can.
    6. I think that people would probably gain some knowledge and experience, but I don't know that it would be necessarily much better. I think just setting aside time to read a book now and then even if you spend the same amount of time on social media is important.
    7. I think for the most part yes. I trust my own personal judgement and experience for myself more than from anyone else for the most part.
    8. I think it does. I think it's important for knowledge to have a base of some sorts.
    10. I think people are generally selfish inherently. We don't necessarily mean to but I think to an extent we just can't control it.

  76. DQ 10-26-2017
    1. I think so, most defiantly. They probably just weren't knowledgeable in the practice of writing. By doing more of both.
    2.Yes, people in power have a role to keep.
    3. I think there is a line of acceptance in humans. Being different isn't in the comfort zone of humans. What we don't know or don't understand not just with different cultures we tend to push it away.
    4.of course there is.
    5. Comment: I agree. a man is no more and no less because he can or cant read
    6. They would probably gain useful knowledge. That is if the book was knowledgeable. There probably isn't a balance. Its a new world. Unless media because less about drama people wont be knowledge about things that matter.
    7.Yes I do. I just want to believe in myself. A pope is elected for a reason but I don't want to be governed by knowledge that may or may not be true. I don't want to be told what to think.
    8. I think so or maybe not. I don't know
    9. Yes you can
    10. I think yes they are. We want what we think is best for us. Its in our nature. I think I am very selfish. Being selfish isn't a bad thing, sometimes it can be, but there is nothing wrong with putting your life first.

  77. Hayley Gray11:08 AM CDT

    #6 DQ
    4. I would say astrology has more of a place than magic because magic today is treated more as a source for entertainment.
    5. They would gain the knowledge from the books. They would not have anything to lose other than the time they could be spending online. The right balance could be different for everyone.
    6. Yes, because I trust myself more than I trust anyone.
    7. Knowledge needs to be able to be proven true.
    9. I do believe people are fundamentally selfish, myself included. We want what is best for ourselves over others. I believe selfish people can change if they even realize they are a selfish individual and want to change.
    1. Machiavelli said an effective prince has to learn how not to be what?
    2. What family threw Machiavelli in prison?
    3. What was Machiavelli's play called?
    4. What was Thomas Hobbes' most important book?
    5. Hobbes was what we now call a what?

  78. * Is there any proper place for astrology and magic in the modern world?
    I personally do not see the place for astrology and magic in the modern world, because I do not think
    * COMMENT: 'The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read." -Mark Twain. 
    * It's been estimated that the average social media user could read 200 books in the time they spend online. What would they gain? What would they lose? What's the right balance?
    They would gain more knowledge and insight but would lose the online connection to other people.

  79. #6 DQ
    •Are people fundamentally selfish, in your experience? Are you? Can selfish people change?
    I think there is a time and place for selfishness. I think I can be very selfish at times but at the same time in certain situations I’ll give my last to someone else. I do think selfish people can change

    •'The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read." -Mark Twain

    •People are quick to criticize others that are different because its almost instinct/human nature

    •Is there any proper place for astrology and magic in the modern world?

  80. #6
    1- yes, there is a difference between both, not every good writer thinks logically and the opposite is correct. you can become good writer and logical thinker when you practice harder and harder.
    2- Everyone needs to spend time to share his thoughts with friends by spending time on social media, but when people overuse it, they waste their time instead of reading and nourish his brain with information.
    3- Everyone knows himself and the Pope and I work on themselves to be better and more successful.
    4-yes, Knowledge is like a ladder, that builds on and without foundation you can't have knowledge.
    5- No, it depends on the person and on the environment they grew up in.

  81. #8
    -If you were falsely imprisoned, tortured, and scheduled for execution, would you be able to achieve "consolation"? How?

    Yes because even if I don't think I deserve it, I should just accept what's coming at me and deal with it.

    -Which is more plausible, that God exists but is not more powerful than Satan, or that neither God nor Satan exists? Why?

    God exists and he is more powerful than Satan. He created Lucifer, the angel who fell and is Satan, so of course God's more powerful.

    -Can the definition of a word prove anything about the world?

    Definitions of words are ones that we came up with. So literally speaking, we're proving nothing. However, we use definitions to conceptualize things in order to understand the world.

    -Is theoretical simplicity always better, even if the universe is complex?

    We as humans can't try to make everyone understand everything, so in order to make it easier on people, we just simplify things which I view is good in moderation.

  82. DQ's
    #8 March 20th
    1. God is more powerful because he created everything including Satan.
    2. I like reason and evidence more as answers but I like to hear the supernatural stories.
    9. I don't think I could receive enough consolation because those memories will be with you forever and you'll never get enough to get rid of memories.
    10. Definitions of words help us understand things on this world but can't necessarily prove things about the world. We can discover the things and give the thing a word but never fully understand how it happened.
    11. Theory can give us an explanation to why something is happening.
    12. I like to think that other worlds exist and that we aren't the only ones in this extremely vast universe. I think it would make us more unique.

  83. #3
    1. Which is more plausible, that God exists but is not more powerful than Satan, or that neither God nor Satan exists? Why?
    I think God exists and I think that he is more powerful than Satan because Satan would not be in Hell if God was not more powerful.

    2. Are supernatural stories of faith, redemption, and salvation more comforting to you than the power of reason and evidence? 
    I think the stories are very powerful because I think the stories give you all the answers you need to know.

    3. What do you think of the Manichean idea that an "evil God created the earth and entombed our souls in the prisons of our bodies"? 392 
    I do not think God is evil and I think we live a life on Earth to set us apart from God.

    4. Do you agree with Augustine about "the main message of Christianity"? 395 If not, what do you think the message is?
    I do not think God is equal with Satan on any level so no.

  84. Maria Rodriguez10:25 PM CDT

    Which is more plausible, that God exists but is not more powerful than Satan, or that neither God nor Satan exists? Why?
    Neither exist because good and evil are a consequence of our own free will and free lives crossing paths with the free wills and lives of other people. They are more coincidental than a personal god creepily watching your every move.

    Do you trust your own conscience and experience more than that of religious leaders like the Pope? Why?
    I am wary of the morality of Abrahamic religious leaders because literal transaltions of the Bible see everyone (that is not a property-owning, Abrahamically religious man) as the inferior species. It is hard for me to take someone seriously who has not critically looked at his/her holy book and the atrocities in those holy books that were condoned by a "moral" god.

    Alternative Quiz Question:
    Can you think of an idea that defies Anselm's ontological proof of god's existence?
    Possible Answer: Slenderman and other video game characters

  85. #8
    Alternative Quiz Questions:
    DR 14
    1. What was Abelard's straightforwardly theological answer for
    the questions of what makes an intention good or bad?
    2. What was Mainmonides best known for among Jews?

    3. Where was Boethius when he wrote the book The Consolation of
    4. Who does Boethius say stood taller than the sky?

  86. #3
    I. Which is more plausible, that God exists but is not more powerful than Satan, or that neither God nor Satan exists? Why?

    It is more possible that God exists, but he is more powerful than Satan. The world is naturally sinful and destructive, thus Satan’s influence may seem more prevalent (Which I believe is why you are asking this question).

    II. Are supernatural stories of faith, redemption, and salvation more comforting to you than the power of reason and evidence?

    The ‘power’ of reason and evidence can back up faith redemption, and salvation. If not, where do the stories come from?

    III. If you were falsely imprisoned, tortured, and scheduled for execution, would you be able to achieve "consolation"? How?

    Knowing what I know, believing what I believe, I would hope not to find myself in that situation. Should I find myself in that situation I would know there is a reason for it. I know where I’m going afterward I need no consolation for myself.

    IV. Can the definition of a word prove anything about the world?

    That there are varying definitions and interpretations, even on words. Humans have different views of everything.

    V. Is theoretical simplicity always better, even if the universe is complex?

    Doing things as simply as possible, or thinking of that is always refreshing. But oftentimes the world is too complex even on a small scale for us to try to accomplish things simply. Complexity is about perspective.

    VI. Does the possibility of other worlds somehow diminish humanity? 

    No, because obviously they would be separate and far enough away that we have our own purpose, and theirs, theirs. So we’ve nothing to worry for, and likewise.

    VII. How does the definition of God as omniscient, omnipotent, and perfectly good make it harder to account for evil and suffering in the world? Would it be better to believe in a lesser god, or no god at all?

    No, if God was not, is not, and is not going to be perfect there would be nothing to work for. We strive to be like Jesus who was perfect and is himself God.

    VIII. Can you explain the concept of Original Sin? Do you think you understand it?

    The concept of original sin is that the leaning to sin is innately human starting with Adam. I do understand it, we have to be taught right and wrong from a young age.

    IX. Is there a sharp difference between writing well and thinking logically? Why do you think so many scholastic/medieval philosophers were poor writers? How can you become a better writer and clearer thinker?

    They were poor writers because they did not have a more developed English system to convey their ideas how they actually wanted.

    X. Bertrand Russell said he gave up belief in God when he encountered J.S. Mill's Autobiography account of not getting a satisfactory answer to the question "What caused God?" Is that a good question, and a good response?

    It is definitely a normal question to ask, especially as a Christian! The ability to question your faith, without sacrificing FAITH shows a high level of maturity, of which Bertrand Russell obviously does not have. I believe it’s not a very good response to just throw everything away. The most well documented historical account of early A.D., The staple of generations, and this man thinks himself brilliant enough to toss everything out the window because of a question? That’s quite fearful is it not?, grow some balls.

  87. #3
    XI. If European explorers like Vespucci understood that European knowledge was at best incomplete, at worst just wrong, why were so many of them still so confident that the natives they encountered in the New World were sub-human? Why in general are humans still so quick to denigrate those who are different, or who have different customs?

    They were different. People don’t deal well with different, especially THAT foreign to them. They’ve lived a certain way for a thousand years, this new land and new people is scary to them.

    XII. Is there any proper place for astrology and magic in the modern world?

    There is no ‘proper’ place, but it does exist. If God is still prevalent, then Satan is still at work as well.

    XIII. It’s been estimated that the average social media user could read 200 books in the time they spend online. What would they gain? What would they lose? What's the right balance?

    They would gain a wide amount of old-fashioned knowledge and grow their language skills. They would not lose anything other than fabricated human interaction.

    XIV. Do you trust your own conscience and experience more than that of religious leaders like the Pope? Why? 441

    Not more, but our experiences are different and our wisdom is influenced by our surroundings, and our life experiences.

    XV. Does knowledge need foundations? Why or why not?

    Knowledge does need foundations, it needs to be rooted in unabridged facts. No outside bias or political influence. Those who claim to teach ‘open mindedness’ are often the ones with the tightly closed doors.

    XVI. Can you agree with Machiavelli about leadership without being a sexist or an autocrat?

    A women can always lead, but I believe the best kind of leadership is a blend of both male and female minds, they do work differently.

    XVII. Are people fundamentally selfish, in your experience? Are you? Can selfish people change?

    People are innately selfish, it has to be fought everyday. I’d like to think I’m not but I am. Selfish people can change, it has to be a conscience decision to think of others daily.

    XVIII. How does free will explain suffering due to natural phenomena like earthquakes, hurricanes, and disease?

    Free will opens everything up to bad decisions. If bad things are able to happen they will happen. If we only had the ability to make good decisions, be good, etc. We would lack personality, empathy, and everything would be controlled.

    XIX. Do you agree that divine foreknowledge and human free will are not mutually contradictory "if you believe that God is all-knowing?”

    Free will is given, God just ‘knows’ our will. If it reflects his than things will play out to his plan.

    XX. Is "Nothing" obviously the best answer to "What caused the cosmos?

    I believe it is the most hopeless answer. You want to live a sad, hopelessness that harps on other beliefs, this is most often the reflected belief, speaking from experience.

  88. Jasper Von Buseck12:33 PM CDT

    #8 March 20th DQ's
    • If you were falsely imprisoned, tortured, and scheduled for execution, would you be able to achieve "consolation"? How?
    - No way I would achieve consolation. I’d spend my time trying to persuade my captors that I’m innocent, or making an escape plan, or cursing everything that’s responsible for my unjustified punishment.
    • Can the definition of a word prove anything about the world?
    - Word’s don’t have meaning until you give them meaning. The only way a word has a real definition is when you believe the word has a definition. Even if a word is understood by the majority of people to mean one thing, if you believe the word means something else, the popular definition won’t prove anything for you, personally.
    • Is theoretical simplicity always better, even if the universe is complex?
    - I don’t think theoretical simplicity is always better. As a rule of thumb, if you want to understand something, learn the complexity. If you want comfort, learn the simplicity.
    • Does the possibility of other worlds somehow diminish humanity?
    - I think it does. It’s very easy to lose the big picture when thinking of the universe, and how we’re only a speck in something that’s theoretically infinite. In the game of numbers, there’s bound to be at least a couple planets somewhere with a more advanced civilization.
    • How does the definition of God as omniscient, omnipotent, and perfectly good make it harder to account for evil and suffering in the world? Would it be better to believe in a lesser god, or no god at all?
    - If God was all powerful and good, we would assume that God would want a good life for the people who He created. Saying God is all powerful is saying that God lets wars and natural disasters happen, which contrasts with God’s morality of being perfectly good. A lesser God would more reasonably explain why evil still occurs on our world, but wouldn’t explain how the Universe began, which would require a more powerful God, which suggests polytheism.
    • Can you explain the concept of Original Sin? Do you think you understand it?
    - The way the Bible explains it, Original Sin comes from Adam and Eve rebelling against God by eating an apple from the tree of knowledge, but it’s also transferred to the next generation. Since we’re all descendants of Adam and Eve, we all bear traces of original sin.
    • Which is more plausible, that God exists but is not more powerful than Satan, or that neither God nor Satan exists? Why?
    - I think it’s more likely that neither exist. If both exist and are equally powerful, that means God, as the origin of everything, created Satan and gave him power, which doesn’t make any sense.
    • Are supernatural stories of faith, redemption, and salvation more comforting to you than the power of reason and evidence?
    - Sometimes supernatural stories are comforting, but only when reason and evidence either can’t give me a clear answer, or only an answer that I don’t want.

  89. #8
    March 22nd
    1. I have trouble putting words down on paper myself, so I can understand why philosophers had a hard time writing. I think logically but I am unable to put it down paper.
    4. I don't think astrology or magic can explain any of the mysteries of the world but people can choose to believe in them.
    5. If you choose to not read and are able to read, then someone that is simply unable to read is no lesser than the person who can. If you choose not to gain knowledge than you are no better.
    6. If they read even 20 books they would gain more knowledge and maybe even become more creative. You don't have to completely cut out social media because we need a social life in order to stay sane.
    8. I believe knowledge needs to have a basis so that it can't just be pulled out of thin air.
    10. I believe all people are selfish. We all want to gain whether it be through helping other people or only thinking about over selves. Some people are definitely less selfish than others and very selfish people can become less selfish if they see how fortunate they may be and they might want to start helping others who don't have the things that they do.

  90. #8
    Alternative Quiz Question
    Who was the most influential of the humanist scholars whose critique of university philosophers recalls Plato’s attack on the allegedly pettifogging Sophist of Periclean Athens; what was the name of the critique?

  91. #8
    Alternative Quiz
    Leonardo Da Vinci’s above all advice to fellow artist was that they should take care to observe and study not books, but what?

  92. #8
    •Is there a sharp difference between writing well and thinking logically? Why do you think so many scholastic/medieval philosophers were poor writers? How can you become a better writer and clearer thinker?

    I think that writing helps people organize their thoughts and have more clear of thinking, so I actually think they go hand in hand.

    •If European explorers like Vespucci understood that European knowledge was at best incomplete, at worst just wrong, why were so many of them still so confident that the natives they encountered in the New World were sub-human? Why in general are humans still so quick to denigrate those who are different, or who have different customs?

    If someone knows they’re below par or aren’t liked, they’ll want to make others feel the same way, so since the Europeans got the opportunity to belittle others, they took it.

    •It's been estimated that the average social media user could read 200 books in the time they spend online. What would they gain? What would they lose? What's the right balance?

    They would definitely gain way more useful information, but they wouldn’t be as connected to other people since they’d be reading books all day instead of communicating with friends.

    •Does knowledge need foundations? Why or why not?

    Knowledge is the foundation. You need to know things before other things can happen.

    •Are people fundamentally selfish, in your experience? Are you? Can selfish people change?

    I don’t want to say that all people are selfish or generalize the human race as being a selfish people from my experience with a few selfish people, but some people definitely are selfish. I don’t consider myself a selfish person unless it comes to food honestly. I think selfish people can change if they really try.

  93. #8
    Alternative Quiz Question
    What inspired Thomas Hobbes’ presented view of society in his political writing, the Leviathan?

  94. #8
    Alternative Quiz Question
    Why did Machiavelli stress that it’s better as a leader to be feared than to be loved ?

  95. #8
    Alternative Quiz Question
    When used as an insult, what does the adjective Machiavellian refer to ?

  96. 1) Yes, poor schools, read more and just chill.
    2) Yes
    3) Because they hadn't produced any great arts; because we like us
    4) There's a place for anything

  97. Ashley Thomson9:43 PM CDT

    1. Is there a sharp difference between writing well and thinking logically? Why do you think so many scholastic/medieval philosophers were poor writers? How can you become a better writer and clearer thinker?
    I believe people sometimes write what they are thinking and it seems logical but it may not be the best written piece. I think so many scholastic/medieval philosophers were terrible writers because they were writing their thoughts. I think a good writer just needs to do revision.

    2. Was Machiavelli right, about how power works in the real world?
    In the aspect that there are a lot of male figures in control of our world then yes.

    3. Is there any proper place for astrology and magic in the modern world?
    I think that astrology is needed because we need to know about the outside the world and as far as magic I think that magic is deception so yes.

    4. It's been estimated that the average social media user could read 200 books in the time they spend online. What would they gain? What would they lose? What's the right balance?
    I think they would gain knowledge but I think they would lose feeling involved in people’s life. To some people being involved on social media isn’t to keep up with family members but that is what is for me because I have never lived close to my family and social media is a way to be involved. I think too much time on social media is not good for you though.

    5. Do you trust your own conscience and experience more than that of religious leaders like the Pope? Why? 441
    I trust the elder members of my church more because I know that they have lived longer than me and they know the bible inside and out.

    6. Does knowledge need foundations? Why or why not?
    I think so because you do not just wake up one day with all the knowledge in the world. You have to learn the knowledge from somewhere.

    7. Are people fundamentally selfish, in your experience? Are you? Can selfish people change?
    I think a lot of people are selfish but I have come to learn that usually those who have the least are usually the ones who will do something for someone. I know that I am sometimes selfish but I try not to be. I do not think that someone can be truly selfish all the time.

  98. #3
    1. Marijuana is proven to cause IQ drops in teens with regular usage. It is proven to cause a drastic mindset change, and change in personality. Should it be legalized? Why?

    2. Marijuana is still illegal, if you use it in our state you are breaking state law. If you do choose to use it, why? Don’t explain why it isn’t bad, explain why it is GOOD for the everyday user.

    3. Have you ever used a drug/alcohol illegally?

    4. What was the circumstance in which you utilized the drug/alcohol illegally?

    5. Has peer pressure been evident in your life? Positive or negative?

    6. It is said that you become who you hang around, are you an outlier? Or would you rather be out with friends? Is this a good, or bad thing?

    7. If you were in a situation in which you were with people and they are all participating in an activity, not unethical, but potentially harmful. Would you participate? Why?

    8. If you were incarcerated due to drug usage, would you cry injustice? Why?

    9. Do you keep up with current events?

    10. Do you believe it is detrimental to your mental health to keep up with the news? Why?

    11. We hear quite a ruckus of ‘fake news’ often in today’s politics. What do you believe is the biggest problem with today’s media outlets?

    12. Generalizations and unequal rights are wrongful and socially unacceptable. Do you believe movements like Black Lives Matter and Third Wave Feminism are effective? What are they trying to achieve?

    13. Do you believe in systematic oppression? If there is a right that white males have that other minorities don’t have, what is it?

    14. ‘reverse racism’ does not exist, the term in itself is false, can racism go both ways?

    15. Kids and adults have been playing football for years, many of them go on to be successful in many avenues of life and cite lessons from football as helpful in their journey. Do you believe HIGH SCHOOL and COLLEGE football is detrimental to health? Or are you a purist who believes we are regulating too much? Why?

    16. Is Christian thought philosophical?

    17. Does the 10 commandments have a place in young classrooms, or is it unacceptable? Why?

    18. Do you believe the God of the Jews, Elohim is the same God of Christians, and of Muslims? Why?

    19. Is it islamaphobia to take the fact that Muslims commit a majority of mass killings, and to think that islam is, in fact, not a religion of peace? Why?

    20. What do you believe? Why do you believe it? Have you looked into other belief systems with an unbiased open mind?

  99. Disclaimer: Please look into these questions with an open mind, they are meant to make you think, not as a provocative propaganda-esque argument starter. It is detrimental to your personality to look at it with non-partisan fact based attitude. I know this will not be everyones response, and that is alright. Free speech is a wonderful thing. Question everything, even the questions.

  100. Jasper Von Buseck12:37 PM CDT

    #8 March 22 DQs
    • Is there a sharp difference between writing well and thinking logically? Why do you think so many scholastic/medieval philosophers were poor writers? How can you become a better writer and clearer thinker?
    - Writing and thinking logically have a lot in common, and it’s almost impossible to be able to do one without the other. In order to become a better writer, you need to write a lot, and in order to write a lot, you need to know a lot. This is probably why medieval philosophers had a hard time writing, given the limited number of books available to read at the time. Writing and thinking takes practice and consistency to improve, and that’s all there is to it.
    • Was Machiavelli right, about how power works in the real world?
    - The type of power Machiavelli describes is a necessity in the worlds of politics and businesses. This is only one variance out of many types of power, but it’s the one most people think of. Most politicians and businessmen are extremely cutthroat, because that’s what it takes to be at the top.
    • If European explorers like Vespucci understood that European knowledge was at best incomplete, at worst just wrong, why were so many of them still so confident that the natives they encountered in the New World were sub-human? Why in general are humans still so quick to denigrate those who are different, or who have different customs?
    - The problem with these European explorers is they were conscious of their culture’s ignorance, but not of their own. This is a common issue with most people, the lack of self-awareness and their ego. This is an important issue since our ego will make us do or say things we wouldn’t do if we were aware of our ignorance in the first place.
    • Is there any proper place for astrology and magic in the modern world?
    - Even in our society, we still have people who believe in astrology and magic. In the majority of bookstores, we still have the ‘New Age’ section where you can learn things like the magical properties of stones, or personal characteristics depending on when you were born. These systems of believe don’t belong in our scientific or technologic realms of society, yet they still have an undeniable presence, and collectively a large following. It seems to me if there isn’t a proper place for these beliefs, people will make one anyway.
    • COMMENT: 'The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read." -Mark Twain.
    - This is a really nice quote. It seems like Mark Twain beliefs that if you have the ability to read, you should take advantage of it and gain as much knowledge as you can, otherwise you’re wasting your talents.
    • It's been estimated that the average social media user could read 200 books in the time they spend online. What would they gain? What would they lose? What's the right balance?
    - I firmly believe social media is highly overused. I still have my social media accounts because it does have advantages, but there’s better things to spend your time on. On the other hand, there’s more places to go and things to do that are equally wasteful, like binging tv or spending your weekends at clubs. If we spent our time reading books, we could gain knowledge that could help our careers, wisdom, self-reliance, and self-worth. But if we never spend time doing things for fun, we could also lose our love of life, or free-spiritedness.
    • Are people fundamentally selfish, in your experience? Are you? Can selfish people change?
    - I believe people are born selfish as a survival trait. It’s the part of us that makes us get what we want. Without being selfish, we wouldn’t have a motivational drive to do anything for our own benefit. It’s only in a progressive society that people can be open minded and carefree, and still lead a normal life. I know I can be a selfish person sometimes, but I still try to balance it out and do things for others, because I have that ability, and it’s a balanced form of living that benefits most people. Selfish people can change, but it would require an inner desire to do so.


  101. #8
    Is there a sharp difference between writing well and thinking logically? Why do you think so many scholastic/medieval philosophers were poor writers? How can you become a better writer and clearer thinker? Perhaps their ideals were too abstract to translate to words, I've often found myself struggling to write out an idea in my head. My preconception of writing well is that you kind of have to be logical to output script that makes sense.

    If European explorers like Vespucci understood that European knowledge was at best incomplete, at worst just wrong, why were so many of them still so confident that the natives they encountered in the New World were sub-human? Why in general are humans still so quick to denigrate those who are different, or who have different customs? It's all about mindset and position. If you only reside in the country and have never seen the city you're going to think it's other worldly. You won't understand the culture and neither vice versa. Naturally you're going to reinforce your own preconceptions and followings over another groups.
    Is there any proper place for astrology and magic in the modern world?
    Astrology is still studied and followed by many, so yes. Magic however has been reduced to party tricks and performances and not looked upon as reality.


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