Up@dawn 2.0

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Do you live in a cave?

Or like to meet friends there?

Image result for boulevard bar and grill


  1. I guess you could say my dorm is a cave. I'm more of an introverted person, so I like my alone time and I like being in my cave. That's not to say it's the ONLY place I like being, but when I just want to chill out by myself, a "cave" is a welcoming place. Next, the Lego picture seems to also be making the point that we are "addicted" to technology. I will admit I am on my phone, laptop, and game consoles more than I should be, but that doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing. Electronics can help you relax, whether it's going for a scenic drive on Forza or just playing some relaxing music from my phone, technology usage shouldn't be portrayed as such a bad thing, especially since people my age have grown up with technology almost their entire lives. We're a totally different generation than our parents, and what they did in their free time is way different for the most part than what we do.

    1. I guess caves can be good in moderation. It is interesting to note how Gen Z didn't grow up with smart phones, I can still remember when my parents had flip phones and when plasma TVs became a big deal. I think it's the new generation who we should worry about, not talk down to them and belittle them for using technology but ensure they know the dangers of it. I consider myself lucky to not have gotten a smart phone until high school, but Gen Alpha is getting them much sooner than that, giving them an extreme cave at an early age.

  2. The allusion to Plato's cave is to his idea that humans have always been captivated by shadowy images that are comfortable but not fully real. He wasn't talking about technology, necessarily; but the legos insinuate that the hunger for images on screens is just the latest version of our attraction to unreality. Sports bars are older than the Internet, but it's the same phenomenon: staring at shadowy spectacles on screens, pretending they're the paradigm of reality.

    Something to think about, as the Super Bowl approaches.

  3. Matthew Rigney3:28 PM CST

    Of course we can never be really there when watching something like the Superbowl or the World Series on a TV. But I do believe that their some significance when someone decides to go see the game at a sports bar or even at home. There is always something that drives people to do something in a particular way. That drive is the reason why I decided to take this course; that desire to know something I didn't minutes before.

    Section #5

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