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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Study Guide- H01- Payton Hunt

Some PRESENTATION quizzes are not included because they have not been posted, or I could not find them. Feel free to add your quiz questions in the comments! Sorry for the inconvenience. 
  1. What percentage of Americans don’t expect the 2nd coming before 2050?
  1. Who is Christianity’s most prominent “blame-the-victims horror story-teller?”
  1. What percentage of Americans believe in the devil?
  1. What percentage of Britons said they had no religion (in 2012)?
  1. What is the latest scholarly consensus about America’s exceptional religiosity?
  1. What did William James consider the profoundest of questions?
  1. Those who are doubtful about the value of their own lives are said to have what kind of soul?
  1. The holding of what two irreconcilable things is the basis for life’s “poisonousness” quality?
  1. What was James’s answer to “life’s most difficult question?”
  1. Who or what finally — and continually — decides the meaningfulness of life?

Quiz Nov 6
  1. How did Mill disagree with Bentham about pleasure?
  1. What view did Mill defend in On Liberty?
  1. What’s the benefit to society of open discussion, according to Mill, and what’s wrong with being dogmatic?
  1. Who did Bishop Wilberforce debate at Oxford in 1860?
  1. The single best idea anyone ever had was what, according to whom?
  1. What scientific developments since Darwin’s time establish evolution by natural selection as more than just a theory or hypothesis?
  1. Who was the Danish Socrates, and what was most of his writing about?
  1. Why is faith irrational, according to Nigel Warburton?
  1. What is “the subjective point of view?”
  1. Why was Karl Marx angry? How did he think the whole of human history could be explained?
  1. What was Marx’s “vision?”
  1. What did Marx call religion?
  1. What’s the basic idea in A Course in Miracles?
  1. Who is most responsible for giving a platform and credibility to magical thinking?
  1. Name an argument Anderson compares to those for “harnessing placebo power.”
  1. According to pragmatism, how should we judge truth?
  1. Who said that “idealism fails to work… chiefly because it is unfinished?”
  1. James rejected anatomy’s loss of the sense that human beings were more than what?

Quiz Nov 8
  1. What’s the point of James’s squirrel story?
  1. Who said truth is what we would end up with if we could run all the experiments and investigations we’d like to? (And what’s a word his name rhymes with?)
  1. What did Bertrand Russell say about James’s theory of truth?
  1. What 20th century philosopher carried on the pragmatist tradition? What did he say about the way words work?
  1. What did Nietzsche mean by “God is dead?” 
  1. Where did Nietzsche think Christian values come from?
  1. What is an Ubermensch, and why does Nigel find it “a bit worrying?”
  1. How did Nietzsche differ from Kant but anticipate Freud?
  1. What were the three great revolutions in thought, according to Freud?
  1. The “talking cure” gave birth to what?
  1. Why did Freud think people believe in God?
  1. What was Karl Popper’s criticism of Freudian psychoanalysis?
  1. Who does Andersen say ought to be important fighters defending reason, but have instead become enablers of Fantasyland?
  1. What political scientist defends the veracity of people who say they were abducted by space aliens?
  1. What Texas charter school’s textbooks teach Genesis as a scientific theory?
  1. When did Thomas Jefferson say it was okay for people to believe whatever they want?
  1. Which of Henry Lee’s “freethinking” ancestors influenced the “revolutionary spirit” of early American thought?
  1. More than allowing us to “do whatever,” Viktor Frank’s “existential vacuum” means we are what?
  1. Wordsworth’s servant distinguished the poet’s library from his study, which was located where?
  1. According to Thoreau, unless we hear what sound of Nature our philosophy is “belated?”

Quiz Nov 13
  1. Reading whose autobiography led young Bertrand Russell to reject God? OR, What did he see as the logical problem with the First Cause Argument?
  1. The idea pf a barber who shaves all who don’t shave themselves is a logical ________________, a seeming contradiction that is both true and false. Another example of the same thing be a statement like “This sentence is _____.”
  1. A.J. Ayer’s ___________ Principle, stated in his 1936 book Language, Truth, and Logic, was part of the movement known as _________ __________.
  1. Humans don’t have an ________, said Jean Paul Sartre, and are in “bad faith” like the ________ who thinks of himself as completely defined by his work.
  1. What was Sartre’s frustrating advice to the student who didn’t know whether to join the Resistance?
  1. When Simone de Beauvoir said women are not born that way, she meant that they tend to accept what?
  1. Which Greek myth did Albert Camus use to illustrate human absurdity, as he saw it?
  1. What was the message of The Courage to Heal?
  1. The first big outbreak of what occurred in and around Bakersfield, CA in the ‘80s?
  1. Andersen says there’s a line extending from flying saucer obsessives to what?
  1. What is important to recognize about David Koresh and the Branch Davidians’?
  1. Who is both symptom and cause of conspiracies in America?
  1. How did James the medical student differ from James the humanist?
  1. How do analytic philosophers tend to understand philosophy?
  1. Emerson tied American Transcendentalism to what philosopher and to what class of ideas?

Quiz Nov 15
  1. What was the main message of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus?
  1. What did the later Wittgenstein (of Philosophical Investigations) mean by “language games,” what did he think was the way to solve philosophical problems, and what kind of language did he think we can’t have?
  1. Who was Adolf Eichmann, and what did Arendt learn about him at his trial?
  1. What was Arendt’s descriptive phrase for what she saw as Eichmann’s ordinariness?
  1. Both Popper and Kuhn changed the way people understood science. What did Popper say about the method for checking a hypothesis and what name did Kuhn give to major breaks in the history of science?
  1. What is the Law of Double Effect? Many people who disagree with its principle — and with Thomson’s violinist thought experiment — think that whatever our intentions we shouldn’t play who?
  1. Paul Ryan grew up reading whose fictions?
  1. What do Pennsylvania and Tennessee formally require officeholders to believe?
  1. When did an inaccurate study ignite the false belief that vaccines cause autism?
  1. What great American poet agreed with James, Royce, and Santayana about the deeper meaning of ordinary experience?
  1. How did Camus define “the absurd?”
  1. What did James say would be his first act of free will?

Quiz Nov 20
  1. What did John Rawls call the thought experiment he believed would yield fair and just principles, and what was its primary device?
  1. Under what circumstances would Rawls’ theory permit huge inequalities of wealth between people?
  1. What was the Imitation Game, and who devised a thought experiment to oppose it?
  1. What, according to Searle, is involved in truly understanding something?
  1. How do some philosophers think we might use computers to achieve immortality?
  1. What does Peter Singer say we should sacrifice, to help strangers?
  1. Why did Singer first become famous?
  1. How does Singer represent the best tradition in philosophy?
  1. Most mass killers in America are not psychotics or paranoid schizophrenics, writes Andersen, they’re what?
  1. What was the moment when the NRA “settled in deepest Fantasyland?”
  1. What new technologies give Andersen “the heebie-jeebies?”
  1. For what did William James argue in “The Moral Equivalent of War?”
  1. Hocking wanted to “overcome this alienation [of Cartesian solipsism]” and argued for what?
  1. What philosopher, seeing unity as achieved through conflict, disagreed with Schelling’s “static substratum?”

Quiz Nov 27
  1. Disneyfication denotes what?
  1. 1/3 of the people at theme parks are what?
  1. How have we become mentally more like children?
  1. A major argument of Andersen’s book is that our dominant religion has become what?
  1. Mark Zuckerberg became a billionaire at what age?
  1. “Magical thinking” is the tendency to believe what?
  1. Who said women had to be self-reliant because they were expected to take care of men?
  1. Who defeated Teddy Roosevelt and Thomas Edison in 1913, and won a Nobel Prize in 1931?
  1. When “developed too exclusively,” becoming educated omits a response to what “human appeal” or presence?
  1. What school brought “young children into contact with original literacy sources” and who created this school?

Quiz Nov 29
  1. Right-wing skepticism of the press and of academic experts has effectively trained two generations of Americans to what?
  1. What did candidate Drumpf understand “better than almost everybody?”
  1. “Don’t even think about it…” said who?
  1. Philosopher Michael Lynch says repeated self-contradiction by politicians like Drumpf can dull our sensitivity to what?
  1. With what good news does Fantasyland conclude?
  1. Who said that the “incessant preaching” of missionaries in China was “producing . . . a horde of hypocrites?”
  1. What did Marcela and Sartre agree was the “basic method of philosophy,” and what was the “fissure” between them?
  1. What is the “very old institution that sought to memorialize and counteract the tragedy of human finitude?”
Presentations Quizzes:

Hugo Grotius:

1. Where did Grotius receive his Bachelor of Laws degree? 

2. True or False: Grotius believed in free use of the seas. 

3. True or False: Grotius was not religious. 

4. Nature is not an entity itself, but __________________. 

SpongeBob and Philosohpy:

  1. How many parts is the book split into?
  2. What philosopher is Spongebob compared to?
  3. Aristotle refers to happiness as the “chief” what?
  4. What is the name of the philosophical idea most like Patrick Star’s?
  5. Which character is compared to German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer?
American Horror Story:    

  1. Name the one emotion that trumps all others and is brought to focus in AHS.
  2. What “damning” concept is taught to children by their predecessors?
  3. What is one struggle no person will ever truly conquer?
  4. Who spent their life dedicated to the relationship between the mind and body?
  5. What belief is challenged by possession movies and tv shows?
  6. What is the backstory the Ship of Theseus?
  7. What are Americans drowning in? Why are we doing so?

Malcolm X:
  1. What is Malcolm X's real name?
  2. In what state was Malcolm X assassinated?
  3. The Nation of Islam combines the teachings of Islam with what?
  4. Malcolm X is considered the what of MLK?
  5. What organization did Malcolm X found?

Henry David Thoreau:

  1. 1. Where was Thoreau born? 
  1. 2. What college did he attend? 
  1. 3. How many siblings does he have? 
  1. 4. What did Thoreau emphasize during his stay at Walden Pond? 
  2. 5. Under what circumstances did Thoreau believe that is was okay to disobey the government? 


1. What were the two types of knowledge that Maimonides distinguished between in man?

2. What type of knowledge does Maimonides believes bestows a person's soul with immortality?

3. In his compromised position, did Maimonides believe that physical resurrection was permanent or general?

4. What did Maimonides try to reconcile with the teachings of the Torah?

Avatar: The Last Airbender and Philosophy 

1. What are the classical elements?
2. What scenario did Aristotle use to justify four of the five elements?
3. What Taoist principle was used as inspiration for the way of life of each nation? Which Chinese dynasty was notable for its integration into everyday life?
4. Aang’s method of self-control is based on ______ Buddhism.

Ayn Rand and Objectivism:
1. What year was Anthem written?
2. What is Equality's full name?
3. Name one of the four main principles of Objectivism.
4. What is the opposite of Objectivism?

Karl Marx:
  1. Who does Marx argue for and who does he argue against in the case of societal conditions?
  2. What does the wealthy class deter?
  3. What kind of labor denounces the work of the proletarian to just being a cog in a machine?
  4. What does Marx believe to be the opium of the people?
  5. What revolution was inspired by Marx's ideology?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology:

1.     What is one of the advantages of developing technology
2.     What is one of the disadvantages of developing technology
3.     What simple machine was invented and makes “man no longer need to think”
4.     What new impending technology is becoming difficult to implement rules and regulations for?

Arthur Schopenhauer:

1. Where, and what year was Arthur Schopenhauer born?

2. What did Schopenhauer's father want him to become when he grew up? What did he do instead?

3. Which philosophers inspired Schopenhauer's philosophy? 

4. What famous book did Schopenhauer write?

5. What did Schopenhauer name all of his poodles?  

Thomas Jefferson:

1. (True/ False) Thomas Jefferson is seen by academics as a genuine philosopher?

2. What did Thomas Jefferson study after he stopped studying under the clergymen?

3. In the House of Burgesses, Thomas Jefferson experienced perhaps his first what?

4. What freedoms did Thomas Jefferson see as inalienable rights?

5. What two groups did Thomas Jefferson treat in a way that was less than equal?

1 comment:

  1. Blaise Pascal:
    1) Where was Blaise Pascal from?
    2) What was one of his inventions?
    3) What was his most famous work?
    4) How old was he when he died?


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