Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Aldair Avalos #8

This, in my opinion, has been a very important question to mankind ever since the thought of a God or God's first started. You have those that believe and you have those that would like to think that maybe everything has a logical explanation and to them God(s) just isn't enough. I consider myself one of those people; however, I'm not close minded at all and also believe that there  are some inexplicable things that happen in this world that are better left alone to the simple answer that people have relied on for years which is, God. Over the years there has been people that decide to believe in the same God, but chose to call him by different names. They decide what their God is and what rules they must follow in order to live a good life and have a perfect eternal life waiting for you after you die. What I find very interesting is how do you chose what to believe? Is it really okay to pick and chose based on your own selfish reasons? Why are there so many things to disagree on? These differences in thoughts have caused billions of people to split up and create their own religion. What's interesting to me is how religion came to be, now in order for a religion to exist you have to have an organization made up of people that share the same beliefs that you do. The amount of control and power that religion has over masses of people to me is what really bothers me about it. They literally rule your life and your choices through fear and it is mind-blowing how many people they can take advantage of based on what they are experiencing in their lives at the moment. How can one person grow and idea into such a powerful monster? They figured out the biggest weakness that human beings have had since the beginning of time which is no other than, fear. They began these ideas that if you didn't live the way that God mandated for you to live that when you die, you will live in an eternal place full of misery and hardships. They literally forced people to believe through fear, which is the same fear they taught their children, which taught their children and so on. You see, my problem isn't really with the idea of a God or Gods, my problem is with the people that see the need humans have for a leader and take complete advantage of these people in need. The reason I don't have a problem with the idea behind God is because what you call God's work I call life. In the end they are the exact same thing and whatever we chose to call shouldn't matter, but what should matter is why limit your life to something that has been said to you to scare you into living YOUR life with restrictions. Regardless of whether you believe that things happen in life because some celestial being is in complete control of everything or wether you are like me and believe that things happen because that is just simply how life works, in the end we all truly believe in the same concept, we just decide to call it by different names based on what makes us feel content.


  1. "in the end we all truly believe in the same concept, we just decide to call it by different names" - not really. Some believe in their own original creative power and purpose, others believe themselves to be the repositories of divine intention. Some believe it's our responsibility to create a better world, others believe He's got the whole world in HIS hands.

    But I do understand the good intentions behind your statement, and your wish to emphasize all that we humans have in common rather than what divides us. If only we could all be so charitable.

  2. I have a similar view on this subject and I personally strayed away from God based religion (christianity) due to the God fearing norm of it all. Why should plead eternal solace after death? One point you made that I don't agree with is everyone follows the one God religion. There are some that strictly worship the earth and it's essence, the greeks and romans believed in many gods, and so on.

  3. You have a very interesting perspective that I'd love to question you further on. Personally, I think religion is fascinating. I mean you're right, religion and control definitely go hand-in-hand. Personally, I think religion was one of the main reasons humans were able to survive 2 thousand years ago, because it was able to band together a bunch of people in each geographic area. But now there's so many subdivisions even within Christianity, and that's not even including other major religions, much less those which are lesser known, yet they all come down to the same basic principles; be a good person and you'll be happy. It's sad to think of how much conflict has come up simply because of the differences between these beliefs, but that just seems to be an integral part of human nature. Something that helped people survive by being brought together now seems to cause strife between those with alternative beliefs.

  4. Even within Christianity people have different ways they wish to believe such as Lutherans for example Lutheran Church Missouri synod LCMS is much more conservative than the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ELCA yet they are both called Lutherans which falls under the larger banner of Christianity.


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