Up@dawn 2.0

Friday, September 29, 2017

Quizzes Oct 2/3 & 4/5

(Add your questions from the latter half of the chapter. Don't forget to do today's Report Quiz as well.)

Oct 2/3
1. What did Aristotle set up in 335 BC?

2. What was dearer to Aristotle than Plato?

3. What was the fundamental difference between Aristotle and Plato, and how was it reflected in his attitude towards the "cave"?

4. What three things did Aristotle say are always involved in change?

5. What was Aristotle's name for God, and what did he say He thinks about?

6. How does Aristotle's view of the fundamental type of existence contrast with Plato's theory of Forms?


  • Would you rather attend Plato's Academy or Aristotle's Lyceum? Why?
  • Have you ever sharply disagreed with a teacher whom you nonetheless deeply admired?
  • Is change the only constant in the Universe? Is that paradoxical?
  • Which God seems more plausible to you, one who is personally interested in human affairs or Aristotle's contemplative and self-regarding Mover? Which seems more compatible with the world as we know it?
  • Are forms in things, or do they stand apart and above as pure Ideas?
  • What do you see as the value of logic?
  • How can a person excel at "the art of living"? (275) Did Aristotle have the right idea about this? Do you have any role-models in this regard?
  • Aristotle said we philosophize not in order to know what excellence is, but to be excellent and become good. (283) Is this a false dichotomy? Do you have to know what good is, at least implicitly, before you can be good?
  • Is art a "cave within a cave" (286), or a source of light and truth? Or both?
  • Do you agree with Plato that "laughing at comedies makes us cyncial, shallow and ignoble"? (289)
  • If you side with Aristotle in preferring to study "earthly things" does that imply less interest in "thoughts of the heavens"? (290)

Oct 4/5
LH 4-5 [Note: we're skipping LH 3, on skepticism, for now. We'll come back to it next week.]
1. According to Epicurus, fear of death is based on what, and the best way to live is what?

2. How is the modern meaning of "epicurean" different from Epicurus's?

3. What famous 20th century philosopher echoed Epicurus's attitude towards death?

4. What was the Stoics' basic idea, and what was their aim?

5. Why did Cicero think we shouldn't worry about dying?

6. Why didn't Seneca consider life too short?


  • Are you afraid of death, of dying, or of any other aspect of human mortality? Why or why not? What's the best way to counter such fear?
  • Are you epicurean in any sense of the word?
  • Have you experienced the death of someone close to you? How did you handle it?
  • Do you believe in the possibility of a punitive and painful afterlife? Do you care about the lives of those who will survive you? Which do you consider more important? Why?
  • Do you consider Epicurus's disbelief in immortal souls a solution to the problem of dying, or an evasion of it? Do you find the thought of ultimate mortality consoling or mortifying?
  • How do you know, or decide, which things you can change and which you can't? 
  • Were the Stoics right to say we can always control our attitude towards events, even if we can't control events themselves?
  • Is it easier for you not to get "worked up" about small things you can't change (like the weather, or bad drivers) or large things (like presidential malfeasance and terrorist atrocites)?  Should you be equally calm in the face of both?
  • Who had the better idea about why we shouldn't be afraid to die, Epicurus or Cicero?
  • Do you waste too much time? How do you think you can make the most of the time you have?
  • Is it possible to live like a Stoic without becoming cold, heartless, and inhumane?

Book of Life: Epicurus

Old posts-
Pyrrho, Epicurus (LH); WATCH:Epicurus (SoL); Epicurus on HappinessLISTEN: Epicureanism(IOT); Epicurus the greatest philosopher? (IOT). Podcast
Quiz Sep16

1. (T/F) Extreme sceptics (skeptics, in the USA) like Pyrrho thought it best to avoid holding firm opinions on anything.

2. The point of moderate skepticism (unlike Pyrrho's extreme version) is to get closer to what? 

3. (T/F) Epicurus said it's reasonable to fear death. 

4. (T/F) "Epicurean" originally meant someone who indulges in luxury and sensual pleasure. 

5. What 20th century philosopher had a view of death similar to Epicurus's?

6. Epicurus's attitude will be unlikely to work for you if you believe what?


1. Do you find it comforting or troubling to assert and identify with strong opinions?

2. "Don't believe everything you think." Good advice? What should you believe? How should you decide what to believe?

3. Do you fear death, or dying, or oblivion? Why or why not? OR, Do you agree that death is not an event to be experienced in life?

4. Do you have any expensive tastes? If so, how do you satisfy them? If not, is that because your time is worth more to you than anything else?

5. Nigel says it's a mistake to think there will be something of us left to feel whatever happens to our dead bodies. Agree or disagree? Why?

6. Can you really imagine what it would be like to continue existing after your heart stops? Can you describe what you imagine? What's your basis for that description? Are you threatened by the fact that not everyone believes in a supernatural afterlife? What about a natural afterlife?

Pyrrho reminds me of the Ruler of the Universe

...who is really more Pyrrhonist Skeptic than solipsist, I think.

MAN:   Pussy pussy pussy . . . coochicoochicoochi . . . pussy want his fish? Nice piece of fish . . . pussy want it? Pussy not eat his fish, pussy get thin and waste away, I think. I imagine this is what will happen, but how can I tell? I think it's better if I don't get involved. I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet so who am I to judge? Ah, you're eating it.

I like it when I see you eat the fish, because in my mind you will waste away if you don't.

Fish come from far away, or so I'm told. Or so I imagine I'm told. When the men come, or when in my mind the men come in their six black shiny ships do they come in your mind too? What do you see, pussy? And when I hear their questions, all their many questions do you hear questions? Perhaps you just think they're singing songs to you. Perhaps they are singing songs to you and I just think they're asking me questions. Do you think they came today? I do. There's mud on the floor, cigarettes and whisky on my table, fish in your plate and a memory of them in my mind. And look what else they've left me. Crosswords, dictionaries and a calculator. I think I must be right in thinking they ask me questions. To come all that way and leave all these things just for the privilege of singing songs to you would be very strange behaviour. Or so it seems to me. Who can tell, who can tell.
. . . .
MAN:   I think I saw another ship in the sky today. A big white one. I've never seen a big white one. Only six small black ones. Perhaps six small black ones can look like one big white one. Perhaps I would like a glass of whisky. Yes, that seems more likely.
. . . .
Perhaps some different people are coming to see me.
. . . .
MAN:     Hello?
FORD PREFECT:    Er, excuse me, do you rule the Universe?
MAN:     I try not to. Are you wet?
FORD:    Wet! Well, doesn't it look as if we're wet?
MAN:    That's how it looks to me, but how you feel about it might be a different matter. If you find warmth makes you feel dry you'd better come in.
. . . .
ZAPHOD BEEBLEBROX:  Er, man, like what's your name?
MAN:       I don't know. Why, do you think I ought to have one? It seems odd to give a bundle of vague sensory perceptions a name.
ZARNIWOOP:  Listen. We must ask you some questions.
MAN:    All right. You can sing to my cat if you like.
ARTHUR DENT:  Would he like that?
MAN:   You'd better ask him that.
ZARNIWOOP:  How long have you been ruling the Universe?
MAN:   Ah, this is a question about the past is it?
MAN:    How can I tell that the past isn't a fiction designed to account for the discrepancy between my immediate physical sensations and my state of mind?
ZARNIWOOP:  Do you answer all questions like this?
MAN:    I say what it occurs to me to say when I think I hear people say things. More I cannot say.
. . . .
ZARNIWOOP:     No. Listen. People come to you, yes?
MAN:  I think so.
ZARNIWOOP:    And they ask you to take decisions—about wars, about economies, about people, about everything going on out there in the Universe?
MAN:    I only decide about my Universe. My Universe is what happens to my eyes and ears. Anything else is surmise and hearsay. For all I know, these people may not exist. You may not exist. I say what it occurs to me to say.
ZARNIWOOP:  But don't you see? What you decide affects the fate of millions of people.
MAN:    I don't know them, I've never met them. They only exist in words I think I hear. The men who come say to me, say, so and so wants to declare what we call a war. These are the facts, what do you think? And I say. Sometimes it's a smaller thing. . . .
. . . .
MAN:    But it's folly to say you know what is happening to other people. Only they know. If they exist.
ZARNIWOOP:  Do you think they do?
MAN:    I have no opinion. How can I have?
MAN:   So you say—or so I hear you say.
. . . .
ZARNIWOOP:  But don't you see that people live or die on your word?
MAN:    It's nothing to do with me, I am not involved with people. The Lord knows I am not a cruel man.
ZARNIWOOP:    Ah! You say . . . the Lord! You believe in . . .
MAN:    My cat. I call him the Lord. I am kind to him.
ZARNIWOOP:  All right. How do you know he exists? How do you know he knows you to be kind, or enjoys what you think of as your kindness?
MAN:    I don't. I have no idea. It merely pleases me to behave in a certain way to what appears to be a cat. What else do you do? Please I am tired.
. . . .

Note: This philosophical dialogue is excerpted from the final scene of the original radio series The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.  This sequence can also be found in chapter 29 of the novel The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, with more narrative description and slightly expanded dialogue.

Here's something completely different: a cartoon view of Aristophanes' fable in Plato's Symposium:

This morning's dawn post-
Back to the garden

Good classes again yesterday, continuing to explore what's good about the good life ofeudaimon in CoPhi, and in Happiness wondering if it's as easy to dispel our instinctive fear of oblivion or a punitive post-existence in a supernatural afterlife as Epicurus said it is.

I'm not the only one, it emerged, who as a small and trusting child was taught and inadvertently terrorized by a bedtime prayer before the age of reason:

"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take."

Another "aging professor [who] lanents his shrinking brain" has recently noted the abusive aspects of that little rhyme.

I don't blame my parents, who with the best of intentions simply transmitted an old religious meme that's been kicking around unchallenged for eons (or since 1711, allegedly). They didn't talk much about Hell or eternal divine retribution in our home (leaving that unpleasantness to the preacher and Sunday School teachers), nor do I think they thought about it much themselves. And therein lies a huge but non-malicious cultural error of omission that philosophy must rectify.

It was in the name of philosophy that I thus responded as I did to the student who yesterday insisted the error is not that of those who instill fear in their young, but rather of those like Epicurus and me, who would slough it off. It's not unreasonable or irrational, he suggested, to fear a god who just might be crazy enough to commit the innocent children he loves (as George Carlin reminded us) to the flames.

So I testified to my own Epicurean moment, as a youngster, when the whole frightening fable just no longer felt real. The student said a belief that makes you uncomfortable (bit of an understatement, that) might still be true. Yes, I said, but discomfort might be reason enough to explore other worldviews. And, I added, "if there's a retributive god out there, may he strike me down. No, wait: may he strike you down."

It got a laugh, but there's a serious point here. So many believers (and non-believers) are so frequently devastated by life's various natural calamities and moral calumnies, that faith loses all credibility as a shield against punitive bolts from heaven. Heaven loses all credibility as a saving alternative to hell.

And that's why Epicurus and his Garden friends would applaud Professor Dawkins' bus billboard campaign. (Unlike him, though, I think they'd prefer to leave "probably" on the bus.)

I was asked if I agree with Dawkins' rhetorical extremity, in calling religious indoctrination "child abuse." I don't use that language myself, as there seems a crucial distinction between the unwitting harm of much indoctrination and the exceptionless malevolent harm of assault and torture. My parents were no torturers. Most religious fundamentalists are not torturers. But they do inflict harm, in the form of an unfounded fear. I forgive them, they know not what they do.

And I say, with Epicurus: Relax, and enjoy. We are stardust, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden. Park that bus right here.

Pyrrho, Epicurus, & God again

In CoPhi today it's Pyrrho the deep skeptic, Epicurus the hedonist (though I've indicated *my dissatisfaction with applying that label to him) and seeker of simple pleasures and happiness; and God (subbing this time for the APA).

So, to Pyrrho and Epicurus... but first a quick follow-up on Plato and Aristotle. Check out this version of School of Athens.

As for Aristotle’s eudaimonia, in some ways it anticipated Epicurus’s garden and what Jennifer Michael Hecht calls “graceful-life philosophies” that proclaim in all simplicity: “we don’t need answers and don’t need much stuff, we just need to figure out the best way to live.” Then, and only then, will we be happy.

As for Pyrrho: If you’d asked him Who rules the Universe?, he might have replied: Lord knows. Cats, again. And pigs.

Reminding us of Pyrrho’s famous pig, who impressed Montaigne by riding out a storm at sea with much greater equanimity (and, crucially, much less comprehension) than his human shipmates, and of J.S. Mill’s declaration that it’s “better to be a human dissatisfied than a pig satisfied,” Hecht comments: “This whole pig-versus-philosopher debate is pretty hilarious, yes?”

Yes. But I agree with Spinoza and Hecht. “The happiness of a drunkard is not the happiness of the wise,” though of course there are happy occasions when it has its place too. Bottom line: “Knowledge and wisdom are worth it,” it can be everything to have found true love and meaningful work, and both– all-- can end in a flash, without warning. Stay on your toes, but don’t fret too much about the storm.

One more little animal image for Pyrrho, whose name I prefer to pronounce compatibly with this mnemonic trick: just remember that a pyrrhonic skeptic is like a piranha fish, toothily devouring every proposed candidate for belief. Cats and pigs too, probably.

Bertrand Russell: "He is said to have maintained that there could never be any rational ground for preferring one course of action to another. In practice, this meant that one conformed to the customs of whatever country one inhabited. A modern disciple would go to church on Sundays and perform the correct genuflexions, but without any of the religious beliefs that are supposed to inspire these actions." Like Pascal's Wager, this approach smacks of insincerity. Laziness, too, since it purports to show "the ignorant to be as wise as the reputed men of learning." What's a better way? To be curious and hopeful.

The man of science says 'I think it is so and so but I am not sure.' The man of intellectual curiosity says 'I don't know how it is but I hope to find out. The philosophical Sceptic says 'nobody knows, and nobody ever can know.'

And as for Epicurus, Jennifer Hecht‘s got his number. It’s listed.

For an Epicurean, somewhere there are beings that are truly at peace, are happy… The mere idea of this gentle bliss is, itself, a kind of uplifting dream. After all, we human beings know a strange thing: happiness responds to circumstances, but, basically, it is internal. We can experience it when it happens to come upon us; we can induce it with practices or drugs; but we cannot just be happy.

No, we must work to “solve the schism” between how we feel and how we want to feel. Happiness is a choice and a lifetime endeavor, and though it comes easier for some than for others there are tips and tricks we can use to trip our internal happy meters and achieve ataraxia, peace of mind, simple contentment, “tranquillity, or the freedom from disturbance and pain that characterizes a balanced mind and constitutes its first step toward the achievement of pleasure.”

(But btw, as for that claim that we can't just "be happy": Mr. Tolstoy, subject of yesterday's bonus quiz question (and Google Doodle), seems to have thought otherwise. The pithiest quote I've found from the prolix author of War and Peace: "If you want to be happy, be.")

Stop fearing the harmless and remote gods, Epicurus said. Stop fearing your own death, it’s not (as Wittgenstein would echo, millennia later) an event you’ll ever experience. “Life is full of sweetness. We might as well enjoy it.”

*Sissela Bok calls Epicurus a hedonist, but that's only technically correct. Yes, he said pleasure's at the heart of happiness. But what kind of pleasure?

A happy life is tranquil, simple, loving, and above all free from pain, fear, and suffering, available to all regardless of social status, nationality, or gender. Such a life of pleasure, Epicurus held, would of necessity have to be a virtuous one.

That’s Alain de Botton, author of a text I used to use in this course, and controversial proponent of religion for atheists. (Don’t confuse him with Boethius.) His interview with Krista Tippett was instructive. Like Jennifer Hecht, he wants us to use philosophy to enhance our bliss and sweeten our dreams.

Pyrrhonian deep skepticism and moral/cultural relativism share a common root. Simon Blackburn voices the right reply to those who say we can function without beliefs, or without discriminating between better and worse beliefs, when he points out that this is simply impractical and socially dysfunctional. Not only might you get run over by a racing chariot or step off a cliff, you also scatter seeds of discord within your community and perhaps even your family.

So I too “would defend the practical importance of thinking about ethics on pragmatic grounds.” To pretend with “Rosy the Relativist” that we can all simply have and act on our own truths, our own facts, without confronting and negotiating our differences and critically evaluating our respective statements of (dis)belief, really is “farcical.” Lord knows.

We won’t suffer a meaning deficit, though, if we live simply and naturally in the company of friends who’ll help us conquer our fears and address our many questions about life, the universe, and everything. That’s the Epicurean way, when we decide nature’s already provided enough for our peace of mind and our contentment. That’s ataraxia.

So finally there are these dots, connecting Epicurus and Pyrrho:

Epicurus, though no friend to skepticism, admired Pyrrho because he recommended and practiced the kind of self-control that fostered tranquillity; this, for Epicurus, was the end of all physical and moral science. Pyrrho was so highly valued by his countrymen that they honored him with the office of chief priest and, out of respect for him, passed a decree by which all philosophers were made immune from taxation.

Tranquility and a free ride: now that would make me happy.

We're also finishing the God chapter in Philosophy: The Basics today. We consider Hume on miraclesPascal's WagerDon Cupitt's non-realism, faith and fear (and Epicurus again). It's hard to contest Nigel's last observation, that some people would rather give up one or more of God's omni-attributes than give up God, period. But then we're going to have to ask them: Is your downsized God big enough to create and sustain a cosmos? Heretofore, as the late great Carl Sagan observed, most humans have conceived their gods on a blighted and decidedly non-cosmic scale.
Cynics, Skeptics, Epicureans, & Stoics, HP 228-270 (Ch XXVI-XXVIII); PW 15
Also recommended: WATCH Epicurus (SoL); Epicurus on Happiness; The Stoics (SoL); LISTEN Epicureanism (IOT);Epicurus the greatest philosopher? (IOT); Seneca & facing death (HI)

NOTE: if you can't spare the time to read these longer assignments in their entirety, just be sure at least to read those passages relevant to the daily quiz.

1. Why was Diogenes called a "cynic"?
2. What did Diogenes mean when he said his aim in life was to "deface the coinage"?
3. What did Pyrrho's scepticism mean, in practice?
4. How did Timon express his scepticism with regard to honey?
5. What was Epicurus' attitude towards luxurious pleasures?
6. What was Epicurus' philosophy designed to secure? What did he consider the "wise man's goal"?
7. What did Seneca bequeath to his family?
8. Which Stoic was a slave? Which an emperor?
9. According to Gros, the only Greek sages who were authentic walkers were who? How did they differ from sedentary philosophers?
10. Why did the homeless Cynic call himself rich?

Do we live in a cynical age, either by Diogenes' definition (231) or in some other sense? Are you cynical?
Do you feel any sympathy for the Cynics' version of the simple life? 232
What do you think of Pyrrho's extreme sceptcism? 233
Do you consider it wise or foolish to try and refrain from holding specific beliefs or preferring one course of action to another?
Is death really "nothing to us," and nothing to fear?
What do you think Epicurus would say about people nowadays who consider themselves "epicurean"?
What gives you your greatest peace of mind? What style of living, extravagant, modest, or simple, do you intend to pursue?
Which is more important to you, the absence of pain or the presence of pleasure?
What do you think of Epicurus' attitudes towards sex and friendship?
What would you do if you were ordered by a crazed dictator to kill yourself?
Do you agree with Epictetus about being "a citizen of the universe"? 263
According to Gros's definition, are you more sedentary or peripatetic? PW 130
How do you think Diogenes' idea of what it means to be a citizen of the world differs from that of other cosmopolitans like Epictetus? PW 138
Please post your DQs
Old posts on the Stoics, Skeptics & Epicureans, Diogenes etc.:

6.-The Inheritors: Philosophy in the Hellenistic Age

1. How did the Hellenistic philosophers want to broaden their inheritance from Plato and Aristotle?
2. What was Antisthenes' critique of Plato's Forms?
3. What were Strato's two crucial decisions?
4. What was Aristotle's alternative to Big Picture thinking?
  • What do you think of Diogenes the Cynic? Was he an admirable iconoclast and gadfly in the Socratic mold, a disgusting anti-social reprobate, or something else? If he was the first deconstructionist, what was Socrates?
  • Would the Hellenistic philosophers have been at home on our social media? (80) Should more intellectuals reach out to a broader public, beyond the ivy walls and ivory tower? Or does that cheapen scholarship?
  • Is there "one crucial thing" (81) that represents the secret of happiness? What do you think of Aristippus's "formula" (82) and Epicurus's doctrines? Do you find the latter "chilly and comfortless" (83)? How about Seneca's suicidal fatalism?
  • Can science, and the philosophy of science, do justice to both the detailed diairein of empirical inquiry AND the Big Picture?
Also of note:
  • Should we broaden our scope? Unfortunately, I don't think we'll have time to stroll through muchWorld Philosophy this summer, but maybe we can peek at a travelogue or two, or try some Buddhist walking meditation*, or... ?
  • A proposal to rename most philosophy departments to more accurately reflect their focus on European and American philosophy prompted a spirited debate between readers who favor a European focus and scholars and students of Chinese, Islamic and other thought traditions.
  • “We ask those who sincerely believe that it does make sense to organize our discipline entirely around European and American figures and texts to pursue this agenda with honesty and openness,” wrote Jay L. Garfield and Bryan W. Van Norden in an essay in The Stone series. “We therefore suggest that any department that regularly offers courses only on Western philosophy should rename itself ‘Department of European and American Philosophy.’”
  • One reader said the term “philosophy” itself necessarily indicates the Western tradition rooted in Greek thought... (continues)
  • *Walking meditation is most closely associated with Buddhism. In her wonderful history of walking, Wanderlust, Rebecca Solnit notes in a stream of tracks traipsing across the bottom of the pages that "in Japanese the word for 'walk' is the same word which is used to refer to Buddhist practice..." But she also notes an Eskimo custom of walking away from anger.
There: we've smuggled in a bit of eastern and world philosophy, amidst our western stroll. Let's keep looking for ways to do that.
And for Diogenes, to whom we turn tomorrow in chapter six, the journey is a search for honesty and freedom. That's a quarry that can be especially elusive. Better bring the dogs. Don't let the Emperor or your teacher or anyone block your light.

My good friend the new Gradual Student offers another nice metaphor, of life's journey as a rickety bus ride. They killed Socrates when he went back to the cave. Will the other riders be more forgiving, when the enlightened rider re-boards?

"I think we're all bozos on this bus," whether we've read the Republic or not.

And I think Ken Kesey was right, we're all a little cuckoo. "You're either on the bus or off it." We've got a ticket to ride, but I'm with Aristotle. I'd prefer to walk.
Monday, May 16, 2016
The cynical solution
You don't realize how much stuff a college dorm can hold until you have to empty it. Took about four hours of schlepping between dorm room and two packed-to-the-gillls vehicles yesterday... a nice break in the monotony of the drive up and back.

And the happy result: family all home and reunited, until Older Daughter's next move in about three weeks, destination Hollywood via Chavez Ravine. (I'm looking forward to catching a glimpse of the great Vin Scully, she's looking forward to a glimpse of her professional future.)

Another happy weekend event: the neighbors down the street hosted a block party, with bourbon, beer, barbeque, and bluegrass I'd just been complaining about how we don't make enough of an effort, most of the time, to know the people in our neighborhood. As with so many inertial complaints, the solution was simple. Somebody just had to step up and issue the invitations. Thanks for your generosity and initiative, neighbors.

Today's lifelong learning philosophers thought happiness pretty easy to solve: the Stoics and Skeptics both say it involves a therapeutic recognition and acceptance of our limitations. We can only do and know so much. As the overworked sports cliche has it, they tell us we can be happy if we just learn to "stay within ourselves" and don't overreach.

The original Hellenistic Stoics and Skeptics were cousins of the Epicureans and Cynics. What they all had in common was a sense that humans could indeed take the initiative and create the conditions of their own well-being by living in accord with nature. They "hoped to move philosophy beyond the bounds of formal discussion" established in the groves of Plato's and Aristotle's academes, writes Arthur Herman in The Cave and the Light, and to impress everyday people with the value of reflective thinking that informs deliberate and ameliorative living. They "would have been at home on Facebook or Twitter as any contemporary blogger."

Diogenes the Cynic was a dog philosopher, finding canines more reliable than humans. Homeless, fearless, and deconstructive, he famously told Alexander to "stand out of my sunlight." He had no use for social status or convention, or for intellectual conundrums that fail to recognize a practical solution even when staring it in the face. [Diogenes @dawn]

Solvitur ambulando! He'd have been fun at a block party. Probably not so much help on moving day, though: we'd have had to step around the "School of Athens" lounger while he complained about the light.
Happy birthday, Studs Terkel! Studs was no cynic, but Diogenes would have loved him anyway. "Why are we born? We're born eventually to die, of course. But what happens between the time we're born and we die? We're born to live. One is a realist if one hopes."
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Grit in the glass
The Stoics and Skeptics are glass-half-empty people, a lack-centered disposition and temperament not to my taste. But they're also be calm and carry on people of perseverance andgrit. That deserves a lot of credit

“Begin each day," advises Aurelius, "by telling yourself: Today I shall be meeting with interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill-will, and selfishness – all of them due to the offenders’ ignorance of what is good or evil.” I don't endorse that - we've all had many better days, better meetings - but I do admire the proactivity, the advance work, and the charity of the assumption that even the most obnoxious people are doing the best they know how to do.

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” True, and on the quality of the thoughts of others whose deeds flow from those thoughts. Stoics don't like to talk about that, and the vulnerable mutual dependency it implies, but it's true too. That's why we can't be content to work only on ourselves, and why I can't accept the Stoic proposition that only our respective interiors can be landscaped. We must ameliorate external conditions too, or die trying.

For Schopenhauer, external conditions and inner life alike are wholly controlled by the impersonal, implacable, voracious Will. We can't starve it to death but we can learn to feed it on our schedule, and feed it less.

“It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.” Yes, but the best skeptics know it's imperative to seek it together and in public, and to share our finds. That's why they write books, live with dogs (Schopenhauer's were all called "Atman"), and stay on Earth as long as they can. We must imagine them (the best of them) happy. Glass half empty? I'll have another.
Epictetus, Cicero, Seneca (LH); WATCH: The Stoics (SoL); LISTEN:Seneca & facing death (HI)... Podcast

1. Which Stoic started out as a slave, and inspired a future American fighter pilot?

2. Which Stoic, a lawyer, politician, and noted orator as well as a philosopher, said experience, friendship, and conversation offset some of the problems associated with growing old?

3. Which Stoic said our problem is not how short life is, but how badly most of us use the time we do have (and then ironically had his own life shortened at Nero's command)?

4. Like the ancient skeptics, Stoics aim for what?

5. One benefit of living well is that you don't have to fear what (besides death) when you're old?

6. One potential problem with Stoic indifference to events beyond our control is that we risk becoming what?
*BONUS questions:

*Plato's Euthyphro Dilemma implies that either God is not the source of morality, OR morality is arbitrary...
*For Immanuel Kant, a deontologist in ethics, a moral action is one performed from a sense of ________. (duty, fear, selfishness, inclination, sympathy, compassion) P 42

*This 19th century English Utilitarian said we should seek the greatest happiness for the greatest number. And, you can still go and see him in London:

*The late 20th century Harvard philosopher Robert Nozick came up with a virtual reality thought experiment he called the _______ Machine.


1. Do you think you could effectively adopt a Stoic mindset ("Our thoughts are up to us," we shouldn't be affected by circumstances beyond our control, etc.) that would enable you to endure captivity and torture? IDo you attempt to adopt that mindset in less extreme everyday circumstances (like a rainstorm just before class)?

2. Do you "hope [you] die before you get old" or do you look forward to the compensations of old age (memories, old friends, grandchildren etc.)? Do you think 100 become the new 65, in your lifetime? How long do you hope to live? If cryonics ever becomes plausible would you want to use it?

3. Are you a good time-manager, or a procrastinator? Do you usually approach life as if you had "all the time in the world"? If Nero ordered YOU to take your own life, would you resist or comply? Why?

4. Are you a calm, tranquil, laid-back person? Do you try to be? How do you (try to) achieve that state of mind?

5. Do you know any old people with lots of happy, pleasant, instructive memories? Would you say they've lived well, or "flourished" over their lifetimes?

6. Is there a way to be a compassionate, caring person AND avoid excessive worry about tragic, troubling events?
Contrary to Dostoevsky...

Stoics & ethics

It’s a terse and breezy reading assignment in Little History today in CoPhi, on the StoicsEpictetusCicero, and Seneca. We're also looking at the first half of our chapter on Right & Wrong, concerned mainly with deontologists and utilitarians. (They're bumping last year's complementary discussion of Stoics & Pragmatists.)

’Being philosophical’ simply means accepting what you can’t change, for instance the inevitable process of growing older and the shortness of life.

‘Stoic’ came from the Stoa, which was a painted porch.

Like the Sceptics, Stoics aimed for a calm state of mind. Even when facing tragic events, such as the death of a loved one, the Stoic should remain unmoved. Our attitude to what happens is within our control even though what happens often isn’t. [The Philosophy of Calm, Ph'er Mail]

Stoics think we are responsible for what we feel and think. We can choose our response to good and bad luck… They believe emotions cloud reasoning and damage judgment.

Epictetus [don't confuse him with his predecessor Epicurus] started out as a slave. When he declared that the mind can remain free even when the body is enslaved he was drawing on his own experience. [Tom Wolfe's Epictetus, nyt]

The brevity of life and the inevitability of aging were topics that particularly interested Cicero and Seneca.

Cicero said old people can spend more time on friendship and conversation. He believed the soul lived forever, so old people shouldn’t worry about dying. [Epicurus already told us they needn't worry in any event.]

For Seneca the problem is not how short our lives are, but rather how badly most of us use what time we have.

“The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow and loses today… The whole future lies in uncertainty: live immediately.” Maria Popova, Brainpickings

The Stoic ideal was to live like a recluse… studying philosophy and get[ting] rid of those troublesome emotions.

["Seneca falls"... "dead stoics society"..."philosopher walks"..."premeditation"..."per aspera"..."self-sufficient"... Seneca on anger (de Botton)... (The Shortness of Life: Seneca on the Art of Living Well Rather Than Living Long - Brainpickings) The Shortness of Life: Seneca on Busyness and The Art of Living Wide Rather Than Living Long]

 The New Yorker (@NewYorker)

2/1/15, 4:05 PM
Seneca’s plays were gore-fests. His wealth was vast. He counselled tyrants. And he called himself a Stoic?nyr.kr/1EPqUOh

 Book of Life (@bkoflife)

2/18/15, 7:31 AM
Philosophical meditation, a guide thebookoflife.org/philosophical-…

But Nigel Warburton‘s question is right on target: at what price? If you’re even half human, like Mr. Spock, you’ll only damage yourself by suppressing your affective side. Calm may not be the greatest good, after all. On the other hand, Stoicism is widely misunderstood - even by Vulcans.http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/02/02/how-to-be-a-stoic/ … @mpigliucci

Anyway, Roman philosophy is under-rated. The Romans have done a lot for us.

And not all emperors were so bad as Nero. Marcus Aurelius was actually quite sane, and humane.

Stoicism, with its general mindset of not allowing oneself to be moved or harmed by externals beyond one's control, and the crucial assumption that our own thoughts are ours to manage, always courts the cold of Vulcan indifference but also offers the last line of defense for prisoners of war and victims of malice. If you really can persuade yourself that physical pain is nothing to you, that emotional stress can't touch you, that's quite a defensive weapon.

And if Stoicism can turn the chill of age into the warmth of experience, friendship, and joyous memory, that's quite an achievement. The older I get, the more I appreciate old Seneca's wisdom about time (not that it's in such short supply but that we're such bad managers of it). But I continue to question his passive compliance with crazy Nero. Is that Stoicism or impotent resignation? Surely there's a difference.

The Euthyphro Dilemma is on our plate today. "Is the pious or holy [or, ethically speaking, the right or the good] beloved by the gods because it is holy [right. good], or holy (etc.) because it is beloved?" Euthyphro didn't grasp the issue. Do we? Either God's not the source of good, or good's good only nominally and arbitrarily. Nigel implies there's something destructive or Hobson-ish about this choice, but isn't it just blindingly clear that pole A is the one to grab? Well no, it won't be to many students. A good discussion is called for.

"Deontology," a scary word for a scary over-devotion to "duty." Or so I'll say, today.

And, time permitting, I'll put in some good words for both Jeremy Bentham and J.S. Mill's respective versions of consequentialist utilitarian hedonism. Let's not choose, let's pick cherries.

Finally, the bonus topic: Robert Nozick's Experience Machine. Fire it up, we'll see if anybody really wants to step inside.

I'm "flipping" my classes these days, which practically means less of my "content" explicated during the precious minutes of classtime (though it's still right here for the taking, as always) and more group discussion. I like my DQs today, especially Do you think the only thing preventing you from being good is the fear of divine retribution for being bad? Or do you think that to be good one must simply believe in goodness and reciprocity ("Do unto others" etc.)?

In other words, Julia Sweeney, Why aren't the godless all "rushing out and murdering people"?

And, Is it better to be a sad but wise Socrates than to be a happy but ignorant fool?

Don't worry, be happy is not too far off the path of wisdom, is it?


  1. Mary Claire Dutton7:24 PM CST

    Quiz Questions
    1. What does Aristotle say poetry is like?
    2. What question does Plato raise but never answer?
    3. What is the name of Umberto Eco's thriller?

    1. 8
      1. science
      2. How is it that we take a sort of pleasure in this artificial stimulation of pity and fear when it is positively unpleasant to feel either of these things in real life?
      3. The Name of the Rose

    2. Section #9
      1. Science
      2. How doe we take pleasure in this artificial simulation of pity and fear when it is positively unpleasant to feel either of these things in real life?
      3. The Name of the Rose

    3. 1. Science
      2.How do we take a sort of pleasure in this artificial stimulation of pity and fear when it is positively unpleasant to feel either of these things in real life?

      3.The name of a rose

  2. Mary Claire Dutton7:27 PM CST

    Discussion Question Answer
    I Sharply disagreed with a biology teacher about Evolution but he was a good teacher.

  3. 8 2-21 AQQ
    1. What is First Philosophy?
    2.What two subjects did Aristotle say fit in the same bag?
    3.Is it clear why Aristotle thought they fit in the same bag?
    4.What is Aristotles main thought on First Philosophy?
    5.What is the most general concept of all?
    6.What would one might think at first about being?
    7.Does Aristotle think that there is only one fundamental type of existence?
    8.Why does he think this?
    9.What does Aristotle say about all other types of existence?
    10.Did Aristotle think that First Philosophy require any special techniques of rational insight.
    11.The metaphysician is therefore a sort of what?
    12.One who studied first philosophy was what according to Aristotle?
    13.What area of inquiry overlaps with First Philosophy?
    14.What can logic be defined as?

    1. 2. astronomy and theology
      3. no
      5. being or existence

    2. Section #9
      1. What comes after physics
      2. Astronomy and Theology
      3. No
      4. That it deals with whatever sort of knowledge is most required for the attainment of wisdom.
      5. Existence
      6. That being is indeed so general a concept that it is impossible to say anything specific about it.
      7. No
      9. That all other forms of existences are parasitic.
      10. No
      11. Super Scientist
      12. Above the natural philosopher
      13. Logic
      14. Science of reasoning and proof

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 8
    DQ Responses
    1. I am afraid of death, and not just my own but of others I care for. I counter that fear by trying to enjoy everyday.
    3. I have experienced the deaths of people close to me. I used to care for seniors. And although they weren't technically family, caring for them made them almost closer than family. Over the years, I became accustomed to saying good bye to them when their time came. I came to recognize death as a natural cycle, and it has less of a tragic effect on me.
    4. I don't know if I believe in an afterlife. If i did I think it would be wary and unsure of it. No one really knows whats on the other side of that door. I do care about leaving others behind, it's a double edged sword I think.
    10. I most definitely think I waste a lot of time. Technology is such a wonderful convenience, but that the same time a terrible distraction. Some days just fly by without notice because they are spent in front of a screen. I think I can do better to make the most of my time by unplugging a little bit more.

    1. #10 In reference to your response to number 1: what if you have a series of miserable days and are no longer able to counter the stress of dying? Can one truly say that enjoying each day is a perfect counter for that stress?

  6. 10
    DQ responses
    2. Throughout my academic career, i have rarely disagreed with my teachers, because i respect them. However, just because they are my teacher, doesnt mean what they are teaching will be correct. This is an imperfect world.
    3. This is a very deep question, however i think the answer is simple. All the universe is is change and change only, in which it constantly "changes".
    6. Logic is a valuable tool in the sense that it can be used in every situation thinkable. Having the correct logic will tell you not to put your hand on a stove, or kill your best friend, or jump off a cliff.
    10. Although I hate to admit it, i believe i can be better with my time; i tend to waste a lot of it. Structure is key to efficiently using your time, in which a job (something i dont have at the moment) will greatly affect this.

    1. 10
      Even though they are your teacher and you respect them, it is okay to disagree! We can disagree respectfully.

  7. 9 - Stone Jones

    Alt Quiz Questions
    1. How did Aristotle define deduction?
    2. According to Aristotle, what do people of 'superior refinement and active disposition' believe the aim of life is?

    Here's a Monty Python video where they use Aristotelian logic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJWk_HkCyPU

    1. 2.They believe the aim of life is to have a successful career in public life

    2. Aristotle distinguishes then between induction and deduction in three different ways. First, induction moves from particulars to a universal, whereas deduction moves from a universal to particulars. The bileless induction moves from particular species to a universal nature; the bileless deduction moves from a universal nature to particular species. http://www.iep.utm.edu/aris-log/

  8. 2-23 AQQ
    LH Ch 4
    1.What is the name of Ludwig Wittgenstein's book?
    2.What did he say in it?
    3.What is the idea of that quote?
    4.What do most of us do when we imaging our own death according to Epicurus?
    5.Did Epicurus think that we consist of atoms?
    6.How did Epicurus think he could cure his followers of their fear of death?
    7.Did Epicurus think we would be punished in the afterlife?
    8.What did Epicurus say in his epitaph?
    9.Epicurus believed that could memories could ease what?
    10.What other groups thought of philosophy as a type of therapy?
    11.Which group were renowned for their lessons in how to be psychologically tough in the face of unfortunate events?
    LH 5
    12.What is one benefit in living your life well?
    13.Why do so many people become preoccupied with trivial work?
    14.What happened to Seneca in AD 41?

  9. Clayton Thomas (10)10:21 AM CST

    2/21: DQ
    1. I would probably be more inclined to go to Plato's Academy because I prefer Plato's philosophy of questioning everything and deducing answers as opposed to Aristotle's philosophy similar to that of Plato's but introduces a parallel with reason and what would be the early science as we call it today, which is partially based on accepted truths, but not proven truths.

    2. Maybe not a teacher per say, but I have sharply disagreed with people whom I admire.

    3. In this Universe, change is about the only thing that is constant (from a second to second basis to a year to year basis) nothing is ever exactly the same with respect to yourself. I wouldn't that this is paradoxical because although change itself not constant thing, but things can constantly be changing.

    4. I believe Aristotle's God, the Unmoved Mover, is more plausible because in this sense he has no emotional connection between the humans he guides and himself; therefore, he can move the world and the people as he see's to be in the best interest rather than to guide people in different direction based upon their beliefs and affairs as the other God would do. In this time, the other God seems more compatible with this world only because he provides that interest or companionship humans desire.

    5. I think forms stand apart as purely ideas which these things can then take that basic form of whatever and apply it with alterations to become the thing that it is. For example, no human is the same but we all the same underlying form of human.

    6. Logic is an extremely valuable tool, some may even say invaluable, to have. It distinguishes truths and falsities, right from wrong, and keeps the everyday person doing what is right rather than what feels right. Logic suppresses the id inside of us so we don't end up dead or in prison.


    8. I would say that this is false, because for one to be excellent and become good one must first know what excellence is in order to achieve that status of excellence and goodness.

    9. Art can be both. When approaching art you must first look at as a whole (the big cave) then in its multiple pieces (the smaller caves in the big cave) to discover its meaning, but once you reach that epiphany it can then shed some truth or light on whatever it is the art was trying to show in the first place.

    10. I personally love comedies and laugh at them all time, and I could see how Plato would say that these comedies can sometimes be a bit dark but the way the comedians spin them into such a tone as to make us laugh is in a way a bit cynical.

    11. I would say it doesn't imply less interest in "thoughts of the heavens, but offer a different view of how to perceive heavenly things.

  10. 10

    1. I would rather attend Aristotle's Lyceum. Aristotle seems to have a much more scientific approach to things, and that is how I like to approach things.

    2. I probably have since just becausse we may admire someones personality or knowledge of things, often times people are biased by their own beliefs and as a student you need to be able to tell when a teacher is really telling the true, or what they consider the truth.

    3. Its hard to say if change is the only constant in the universe, but I do belief that change is constant and it does seem paradoxical.

    4. As someone that doesn't believe in supernatural entities I can't say that either one sounds more plausible than the other. I would say though that our universe follows certain rules, which many times can be proved by physics and other sciences.

    5. When I think of a form, I think of a physical presence, such as the form of something is in the shape of so and so. I wouldn't really consider colors a form, but light itself can be in the form of a wave, or have particle like properties, and these properties portray a visual as a side effect.

    6. The value of logic is that it gets you closer to being more knowledgeable about the world around you.

    7. I would say that to excel at the art of living is to understand that humans aren't perfect and that we make mistakes. None of all start out as privileged as one another either, and for some people achieving certain goals can take longer and be harder for others. Just try to tell yourself that the experiences are valuable and to not be stressed by the amount of time that it takes if you are doing the best you can.

    8. I think that it is a false dichotomy, as infants we have done things that people may have considered good or bad, but we did not have the awareness to really understand what our actions meant.

    9. The meaning of art is whatever you perceive it is. I wouldn't say that it has a specific meaning.

    10. I wouldn't say that. I think laughing at comedies makes people more happy in life because it shows them that yes our lives can suck sometimes, but we can all relate to this and laugh about how humans really aren't that special and we don't have as much control over life as we would like too.

    11. I think Aristotle was trying to go with a more observational approach to understand the meaning of things, which meant he had to set aside what everyone else has told him and the traditional way of thinking that was popular in that culture.

    1. I agree strongly that I would join the Lyceum. I think that scientific thinking and skepticism are a more valid method of looking at the world

  11. Caroline Pyles12:53 PM CST

    Discussion Question Answers DR 12:

    1. Plato's academy, my own views align much more to his anyways.
    2. Yes.
    3. Paradoxical yes, but it's true.
    4. Aristotle's god seems more plausible today.
    5. Not everything is an idea. Things are things and ideas are things.
    6. Logic should help you understand the world.
    7. Living YOUR best life and not trying to live the life of others is the "art of living" in my opinion. Satisfying yourself should be your goal.
    8. We are not born knowing what is good or bad, philosophizing is trying to understand the universe and why we are here, not necessarily to "better" ourselves.
    9. There is no one meaning behind art, the point is that it is subjective.
    10. That just doesn't even make sense.
    11. Understanding things we can physically see is more important than understanding things we really never can comprehend.

    Alternate discussion question:
    Should we even be trying to understand things that don't affect us?

    Alternative quiz question:
    Happiness is what kind of degree?

  12. 10- D.Q. Responses

    1.) I would rather attend Aristotle's Lyceum because to me Aristotle's philosophy has greater sense in it than that of Plato's.

    2.) I have, due to the fact we admire someone does not neglect the fact we can challenge their views and teachings.

    3.) I believe change is constant, but not in the sense that it is the only constant in the universe.

    4.) I believe a god who is more interested to human affairs is more plausible, with the fact of free will. This god seems more compatible with our world today due to afterlife consequences based on our earthly actions.

    5.) Forms are sets of characteristics and ideals attached to an object.

    6.) The value of logic is what you gain though it throughout your life in form of knowledge.

    7.) To excel at the art of living is being able to continue on even at your lowest point and continue to strive for something better for yourself and others around you.

    8.) I believe it is false because one cannot achieve excellence, but maybe on another point, Aristotle may have meant that by the act of trying to achieve excellence (even though is impossible) we can be better.

    9.) I believe art can be a source of light and truth depending on what we take from it.

    10.) I don't believe laughing at comedies makes us cynical. laughter is the objective within comedies and increases our well being.

    11.) I think Aristotle's study of earthly things includes the heavens above us (astronomy). Study of earthly things could also imply on human nature in relation to afterlife effects.

  13. DQ's section 9
    1. Aristotle's lyceum, just because of the walking and teaching which sounds more enjoyable.
    2. Yes. However it didn't change the relationship at all and we both still had a respect for each other.
    3. Day to day i wouldn't say change is the only constant, but i guess in the long run that would be true. Yes that statement is a little paradoxical but its the idea of change not actually whats changing.
    4. The great mover makes more sense to me and seems more reasonable than a good involved in everyone's lives.
    5. The form is a part of the object not it's own thing per say
    6. Logic is being able to reason and critical think which is super important.
    7. The art of living is trying to reach the good life or being a good person. i think a wise and virtious person is living this good life.
    8. Yes, you must know what the good is to become it in a sense. How else do you know what you're shooting for.
    9. I think art is the peering out of the cave or a look into light and truth
    10. No the point of comedies is to laugh why not enjoy them
    11. No, you can know the truth is down on earth with us, wonder what's up there in the heavens

  14. 10- discussion responses 02/21/2017
    1. Aristotle's lyceum, I'd like to hear more of what he has to say.
    2. I have never sharply disagreed with a teacher that I greatly admired. I've always been on the same page and tried to give respect.
    3. I definitely believe that change is constant, but I'm not sure if I think it's the only constant in the universe. However, it is greatly paradoxical.
    4. The one who is personally interested in everyone's affairs an cares about people, that's what I choose to believe in. I think this God is more compatible with the world as we know it as well.
    5. I think forms are in things.
    6. The value of logic is that it requires you to think in different ways and think for yourself, it helps you gain knowledge.
    7. A person can excel in the art of living by doing what makes them happy, standing up for what they believe in, and genuinely caring about and helping the people around them. They can excel in the art of living by making a difference.
    8. You are taught what is good as you grow up, and you are brought up to be good or bad based on what you learn and the people you surround yourself with. You don't know how to be good until you are taught.
    9. To me, art is a little bit of both. It's a way of expression and it shows beauty, but it can also be a "cave within a cave" in the sense that it conveys hidden meanings and you have to dig deep to find the meaning, it can enlighten you.
    10. No, I don't think that laughing at comedies makes you any of those things.
    11. Not necessarily, it can be a little bit of both. You may already have a strong belief system and knowledge of the heavens and just want to broaden your horizons and learn something else.

  15. Dalis de la Mothe2:25 PM CST

    What do you see as the value of logic?
    *logic is impartial to human emotion which is why I consider it so valuableasy. A fact is a fact. You can't argue that it's not true. Logically we know that there is oxygen in the air because we breath that is the impartial part of logic that is needed in our world

    1. That's the beauty of empiricism: you don't have hundreds of different ideas about things we can't verify.

  16. Anonymous2:28 PM CST

    Maddy Russell 10
    1. What did Aristotle regard poetry as?
    2. What did Aristotle think marked men from other creatures?

  17. Dalis de la Mothe2:29 PM CST

    Have you ever sharply disagreed with a teacher whom you nonetheless deeply admired?
    * Of course. In highschool I had a brilliant intelligent teacher whom I admired in attitude and intelligence. However, he was extremely religious and he let that cloud his judgement, I still adore this man today but we differed in opinion. Nothing I do can change that

  18. Dalis de la Mothe2:35 PM CST

    Is change the only constant in the Universe? Is that paradoxical?
    * yes and in a way yes. Things change. As we know it's true that you never step in the same river twice, the world keeps spinning and the days change, the phases of the moon change. The stars change The stars change thier position in the night sky. This is a constant in our world. So it could be said that this also a paradox because how can change be constantly? Well it is not the change itself that is constant but the fact that it does change is. Either side has plenty of argument so either is fine

  19. Dalis de la Mothe2:40 PM CST

    Do you agree with Plato that "laughing at comedies makes us cyncial, shallow and ignoble"?
    * if I find the quote humorous in itself does that count as an agreement? Someone once said that source of comedy is great sadness and pain. So yes I agree. We find humor the horrible things that happen in life as a copping mechanism, but there isn't anything wrong with that.

  20. Dalis de la Mothe3:06 PM CST

    Would you rather attend Plato's Academy or Aristotle's Lyceum? Why?
    *Plato's academy. Mostly because he is my favorite philosopher!:)

  21. 10
    -given that creation and evolution revolve around two different time frames, which one do you believe is true?
    -Do you believe Aristotle's ideas about God are true?

  22. Section 8
    DQs for 02/23/17

    Have I ever had a teacher I sharply disagree with but very much admire?
    Yes, I'd say I have. Being from a very conservative little town, most teachers I had in school did not think the same way I did/do. I have had teachers who really know their subject inside and out and who will take time to make sure you understand, even if it takes forever. But, these same teachers are pro-life/anti-choice, homophobic, and many times blatantly sexist. I don't admire their personal beliefs, but they were good teachers of their subjects. However, these days I'm starting to wonder if they actually were good teachers... their bigotry probably affected their teacher in some way. I just may not have noticed it because I have a lot of privilege.

    The most plausible sort of god? I would say the great "mover" is the most plausible to me. A god that is over things in a more general sense than down to each and every individual.

    Is logic valuable? Yes, I think it's incredibly valuable. It helps one make decisions based on the information around him/her. It keeps people rational.

    Can a person excel in the art of living? That's hard to answer... I feel like excelling is different for everyone. We all have different standards. For me, excelling in the art of living would be happiness for myself, feeling fulfilled in everything I do, and making a better world for everyone. So yes, I think there's a way to do it. We just might not all agree on how.

    I think we are taught what good is in order to understand how to be good. But I think we also have sort of a gut instinct on what is good and band. To a certain extent, good is taught. And to an extent it is sensed.

    Studying earthly things meaning less interest in the heavens? No, I think you can be very interested in the heavens, but just choose to focus your studies on earthly things. It doesn't mean you have less of an interest, necessarily.

  23. Discussion question responses feb 23
    1. I am absolutely afraid of death. It could happen at any moment, and it could be the most painful thing I ever experience. It could, and probably will be, utterly terrifying.
    2. No.
    3. No.
    4. I don't know how an afterlife could be painful if we don't have the neurons to process pain.
    5. Not really sure. I am not scared of the afterlife, I am scared of the actual process of dying.
    6. Things you can make a plan to change, you can probably change. If it is up to someone else, you probably cannot change it.
    7. Yes.
    8. I think you should be calm in regards to small things, but being upset at certain things, like the systematic oppression of marginalized groups of people, is justified.
    9. Cicero
    10. Yes, I waste a lot of time. I should change what I am doing now and try to be productive.
    11. Yes.

    Alternate discussion questions:
    1. If you are not afraid of dying, why? How?
    2. How can you change your life to be your most productive self?
    3. If there is no afterlife, why are we here?
    4. If there was a confirmed afterlife, would you change how you live your daily life?

    1. #10 Alternative DQ 10/2

      1.) I am somewhat afraid of dying. I am afraid because I do not know what is to come after death. I am not afraid for the same reason, and I have to die at one point.
      2.) To be my most productive self, I would change my focus to things that are beneficial, such as being more healthy (mind and body) and socially active.
      3.) We are here as a result of evolution presented by the ever-changing universe.
      4.) If there was an afterlife, I would definitely live my life based on the requirements (if there's any) to be able to live a wonderful afterlife.

  24. Devin Willis10:58 PM CST

    Devin Willis-8
    1. I am afraid of death because I feel like my life is worth too much and I haven't fully lived out my life yet.
    2. No I am not.
    3. I have experienced multiple people die within my family and you have no choice but to handle it because life moves on regardless.
    4. I do believe your afterlife could be painful but more so traumatizing because of the harsh and cruel life you had on Earth.
    6. I feel as if anything can be changed or comprised in some certain way.
    8. Once you realize life is going to be hard regardless of who you are or what you do, then you will be able to control your emotions no matter how big or little.
    10. I don't waste too much time because I plan my days out and create a to-do list for each day.
    11. Yeah

  25. Clayton Thomas (10)10:49 AM CST

    DQ 2/23:

    1. I was afraid of dying or what would happen to those close to me after I die, but after studying philosophy for even just this short period of time I have come to change that idea because being afraid of the unknown and the unchangeable is a futile effort which I no longer wish to fall victim to. Instead I choose to enjoy the time I have and make the most of it. The best way to counter the fear is to accept that it is unchanging and don't let it bother you.

    2. More or less. I am not one for always buying the newest thing or always having the fanciest clothes, but I do like to stay somewhat up to date on these things.

    3. Yes, my grandfather was the closest person to me that has passed, and I was pretty sad at first. But overtime I've accepted that he's gone and I should make the most out of myself in order to show the things and life lessons he has taught me.

    4. I personally don't believe in the possibility of a painful afterlife, simply because I'm not really convinced that there is an afterlife. Once you are gone, you are gone. No more pain. I do care about the lives of those who survive me, and I also consider this more important than the latter because, just as above with my grandfather, those who survive me will take the knowledge I gave and live with it. I would only hope that they can make a good life out of it.

    5. I consider Epicurus's disbelief kind of an evasion of death, because if there is an afterlife then do you really die? I consider it a little mortifying because I personally do not want to live forever. I want to live long, but not forever.

    6. Well, sometimes they are obvious, like you can't make a skeleton breath, but sometimes they aren't so obvious. These things can be tackled one of two ways, don't try and change it or fight for it and see what happens. It's a bit of a life experience, and probably a humbling at that.

    7. I believe that they are dead on in saying this, it's just sometimes to hard to control the emotions, but we have complete control over them.

    8. It seems to be easier to get worked up over larger things because you can get more people behind you in the cause, however we should be equally calm in the face of both assuming we can't change them.

    9. I believe Epicurus did, simply because I cannot get behind the idea of having an eternal living soul.

    10. I feel like I do waste a lot of time, and I could probably start making the most of time by getting outside more, travelling more, meeting new people, and just enjoying the experience.

    11. I definitely believe one can be Stoic without becoming heartless and inhumane. Just because you feel you should ignore what you can;t change, you can still put full effort into those you can change.

  26. Dalis de la Mothe11:05 AM CST

    Are you afraid of death, of dying, or of any other aspect of human mortality? Why or why not? What's the best way to counter such fear?
    *I don't fear dying. Seems kind of pointless considering that it's going to happen eventually. I don't know be pessimistic?

    1. Exactly. Plus, as Socrates pointed out, we don't even know what comes after death, so it's silly to worry about it.

  27. Dalis de la Mothe11:07 AM CST

    Are you epicurean in any sense of the word?
    *In the modern sense of the word I guess that you could say that I am. I love all the finer things in life and splurging to make myself happier

  28. Dalis de la Mothe11:10 AM CST

    Have you experienced the death of someone close to you? How did you handle it?
    *No not since I was too young to understand and fully comprehend death an even then I didn't really react.

  29. Dalis de la Mothe11:12 AM CST

    How do you know, or decide, which things you can change and which you can't?
    *Common sense. I mean I can try with all might to stop the days from changing but it doesn't mean it will happen just because I try.

  30. Dalis de la Mothe11:14 AM CST

    Who had the better idea about why we shouldn't be afraid to die, Epicurus or Cicero?
    *Epicurus, He's just great.

  31. 10- D.Q Responses:

    1.) I am not afraid of dying because I have no control over it and agree with Circero's view on the soul lives forever.

    2.) I am an epicurean in the actual sense Epicurius meant for it to be- that need to live your life moderate, that giving into greedy appetites would just result in a never ending cravings.

    3.) I have, as everyone has, just have to deal with it the most sensible way possible.

    4.) I certainly believe afterlife can be painful due to actions and choices made in time on earth in life we choose to live deciding where we will finally end up.

    5.) evasion of it, because it allows people to live their life carelessly without thought of afterlife consequences. he teaches to make most of time on earth because their is nothing in afterlife. I believe soul lasting forever to be consoling in death, but only depending on how you live your life, which reflects on where you will spend eternity.

  32. DQ
    section 8
    1.Yes only when I think about it usually you don't think about death when your mind is occupied. The best way to not fear death is to spend time with friends and family. That way your mind is occupied.
    2.Yes I am I have a desire to have the best of everything.
    3.Yes although it wasn't a person, I thought of the happy moments I spent with them, and cherished the time I spent with them.
    4.No I don't. Yes. I care more about family and then friends, because the I have more of a connection with them.
    5.I think it is the solution of it.I thought it was consoling because I can rest in peace.
    6. Well how I live my life I can change, however unexpected events like a car accident I can't change or prevent.
    7.Yes because how you react to the event can determine the outlook.
    8.I would have to say the small things. Of course, trying to be calm in case of both cases.
    10. Sometimes I would, and the best way to use my time wisely is to see what benefits and what doesn't.
    11.Yes it is possible simply just be a little lose.

    Alternate Quiz Questions
    1.What kind of philosphy did Epicurus believe in?
    2.Where was Epicurus born?

  33. 10 DQ

    1. I guess I do not fear as much myself dying as I do with others that I care about. Once you witness someone dying at a very young age that you are close to it makes it seem like death can easily happen to anyone at anytime, and how much you care about that person is not something that can change the unpredictability of death. I am much more accepting of it now though because you can't always control other people's fate, especially when their fate comes from an unexpected source. This understanding of how little control we have over death and knowing that we don't experience death, only the pain that leads to it is I feel, a better way of accepting death.

    2. I would say that I am in the middle. I do set big goals for myself because I do feel that I am capable of achieving them. On the other hand I do have certain habits that relate to a simplistic life since I am a frugal person, and it doesn't always take a lot for me to be content with my life.

    3. I have experienced the death of someone close to me and It is a very surreal experience. It took a long time to get over it, and the feeling of loss of that person never really goes away. I handled it by talking to other people about my experience to make it seem more real. It also helped me to really grasp on to how I could not have prevented their death because I did not know how it could be caused. Last of all I am thankful that I have at least memories of the person even though they are no longer alive anymore and that I got to spend the time that I could with them.

    4. I don't believe in an afterlife, just the life we have now.

    5. I think it as a rational idea and it is a good approach to accepting death. I guess ultimate mortality would be interesting, until everyone on earth dies and you are all alone.

    6. I have to determine how capable I am of performing the tasks to cause that change, and to know the risks involved.

    7. I think we can make an impact on the events around us depending on what they are. I do think that we can control how we feel sometimes even though it may be difficult.

    8. I depends on how much it will affect my life and in what way that it will. For example, if it rains sometimes I may be frustrated if I forgot an umbrella or if my phone gets destroyed. If a president wants to take my rights away or the rights of others I will be more than frustrated because there is a possibility of it ruining my life or others, because we are not considered as deserving.

    9. I agreed more with Epicurus's philosophy.

    10. I have wasted time in the past, the best way to make the most our time is to work towards what will make you happy about how your life is.

    11. I think it is possible, I believe that kind of life could make a very happy person, and someone that other people will like to be around because being around people that are negative all the time because they are always stressed out because they are having trouble grasping control over their life can be difficult, because the people we hang out with tends to affect our outlook on life. That's why it's good to not be around negative people too much because it might make you angry or depressed.

  34. 10
    1. I guess death and dying does kind of freak me out. I believe in a higher power and I believe in heaven, but the idea of not existing on this earth or someone I love no longer existing on this earth is very strange for me to think about.
    2. I like the finer things in life, as most people do, but I am not realistic and only spoil myself occasionally. I tend to be a more moderate person on a day to day basis.
    3. Yes, I have experienced the death of more than one person that is close to me. I don't think you ever fully get over it, or at least I haven't ever fully gotten over it. I think you just learn how to cope with it and keep moving.
    4. I do believe in the possibility of a painful afterlife, based on how you live your life on Earth. I definitely care about the lives of the ones who survive me, I would hope that they live happy lives and prosper.
    5. I find it consoling, it helps people cope with death.
    6. You have to sit back and think about which things you really want to change, and which things you can deal with staying the same. Some things are out of your control, but if you feel strongly enough about something you can decide to change it.
    7. I do think they were right about controlling your attitude towards events, you can make sure to have a positive and upbeat attitude about something if you choose to.
    8. It's easier for me to not get worked up about small things. However, I think it would make things a lot easier if people were better at handling some situations and taking a step back to think about things before overreacting.
    9. Epicurus.
    10. No, I don't think I have too much time, in fact I wish I had more. I could make the most of the time I have by working towards my goals and taking advantage of every helpful situation i'm in.
    11. Yes, I think it is possible, you just have to have the right mindset.

  35. #10
    1. The only thing I'm afraid of dying is the pain I might cause to the people that cares about me. Other than that, the actual dying part, I'm not afraid about it because of the reason Socrates mentions. How could I be afraid of something I don't know about?
    2. I don't think so, because I believe in order to make the world a better place, we should think and work hard to achieve something beyond us or build a base for the future thinkers to continue the work.
    3. Yes, When my grandfather and Uncle died I experienced how the people around me viewed death. I felt like an outsider because I didn't feel sadness the way most of them did. In order to understand what I felt was the problem with me, I spent 30 minutes to an hour each day for 2 weeks playing a sad scenario in my head and how it made me feel.
    4. Although I'm a christian, I struggle with the idea of "Hell". I believe that if we see God as our father, I don't think he will sentence us to an eternity of pain. That conflicts with the idea of being a parent, which is to always protect their child and when they make a mistake to forgive them. I do care the people still alive. I don't want them to mourn my death. I wish there would be music and dancing at my funeral. Since I only know of life, right now I would say life is more important than death because we've the chance to make a difference.
    5. To think there is no life after death for me is a little depressing. But if one truly believe there is only life and nothing more, I think it will make people live a reserved life when they are young and become reckless towards the end because the thought of this is all there is to life will have an effect on their life.
    6. The first thing is we've to denying the existence of destiny because if we believe everything that will happen has already been determined then we can't control anything. We can decide what we can control by asking ourselves, is what happened the work of mother nature or man made. Anything man made, we can usually control.

  36. #10

    DQ1: I'd rather attend the Lyceum, because of the scope of subjects studied and the wide ranging interests of its founder, Aristotle.

    DQ2: Disagreeing with teachers is natural, especially if you are not a child! I disagree with most of my professors about something or other, but that has no bearing on my respect for them. Of course, very few teachers warrant significant admiration - as, indeed, very few people of any walk of life do - but agreeing with a teacher isn't a prerequisite to respecting them.

    DQ3: No, there are other constants, besides change. The past, for instance - it's fixed, constant, unchanging. We may learn about the past, but we cannot change it. Even in the midst of new information, it is not the past which has changed, but our understanding of it. Likewise, that particular materials exist is constant, even if the absolute quantity of those materials is ever changing. Change, though, is pretty constant!

    DQ4: Were it not for the Incarnation and the similarities between various religions, I'd be inclined to say the Unmoved Mover, but those facts remain. That Jesus of Nazareth existed is a hard thing to argue against - a few have tried, mostly making fools of themselves by ignoring or incorrectly sequencing history to make their arguments - though I understand not everyone will accept the testimony of witnesses. That so many religions appear to portray some element of the message that Christ delivered, though, seems also to indicate a reflection, however imperfect, of a God Who loves mankind, rather than an indifferent deity.

    DQ5: Forms are things, definitely, and also concepts of things transcend things. If I told you to imagine a beautiful woman, you could do so without me describing her otherwise, and I suspect this is the kernel of truth behind Plato's Theory of Forms: the human mind can conceive of a thing based not on the particulars, but the idea we have formed about the thing.

    DQ6: Logic is valuable to the extent that it leads us closer to God and to the degree that it improves the human condition, especially for the less fortunate. Logic is harmful to the degree that it arms man with tools to exploit his less fortunate brethren.

  37. 10

    DQ7: Aristotle's idea of how to examine the character of humanity is well and good, especially now, given the illustrative example of Jesus Christ. The earthly life and ministry of Christ gives us an excellent example of how a person ought to live: what characteristics we should possess, what priorities we should have, and how to solve the problems that we face.

    DQ8: Knowledge of what is "good" cannot be necessary to do good, but it must be necessary to consciously choose to do good, and, thus, to consciously be good.

    DQ9: Art is a candle, behind a curtain, in a cave, lit by a stargazer. It is a narrow reflection of an imperfectly understood truth reflected by a battered and stained witness to a fragment of the Truth. So, it is neither a cave within a cave, nor a source of light and truth, but it does reveal how one or more individuals have come to understand some tiny fragment of Truth that has been revealed to them.

    DQ10: Laughing makes us happy, and happy people are often shallow, but laughing is probably a symptom of shallowness and not a cause thereof. I'd have to disagree with him, because I think that enjoying a show does not necessarily produce a character flaw, though the popularity of plays in general might, indeed, reflect a widely possessed character flaw!

    DQ11: Earthly things reveal much about Heaven, but often not to the people unraveling their mysteries. I think the study of earthly things is a wonderful and important endeavor, and that the study of Godly things is also a wonderful and important endeavor, and that when both are turned towards serving the needs of humanity and supporting their shared mission, then it becomes apparent that one cannot regard these things as opposing processes - these are two sides of a single coin, and your preference for one cannot indicate a lack of regard for the other.

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM CDT

      D8: Although we know what the idea of "good" is, there is the idea of being inherently "good" and knowing how to be "good"

  38. #10 (for 10/04)

    DQ1: No, I'm not afraid of dying. We all die, and I've gotten fairly well acquainted with that fact in my life. I hope to have done some good for mankind before I go, but I am in no way afraid of death. The best solution to a fear of death is to spend a lot of time facing it; after a while, death becomes a reality, not a threat.

    DQ2: I definitely like to enjoy a good meal, but my tastes are not particularly refined. Still, I couldn't fault someone for calling me Epicurean in the modern sense.

    DQ3: I've lost a few people close to me in my life, but none has been harder than my mother. I think because, mostly, I knew they were going to die, but my mother, despite not being healthy, didn't seem to be in any immediate risk of death beforehand.

    DQ4: I believe that we are judged after our deaths, yes. I care about the lives of those left behind, and I recognize that, God willing, I will be more able to help them after receiving God's mercy. Beyond that, I must admit that this question makes very little sense to me, presumably because I must not share some opinion that undergirds the premise.

    DQ5: I think belief or disbelief is usually a function of human reason, and not an ends to a means. As such, Epicurus probably just really couldn't accept that which he couldn't understand; it probably wasn't an attempt to evade the problem of dying.

    DQ6: We must become familiar with a thing before we can know whether or not we can change it, but it would take so long that you'd never change anything! It is more important to try to change those things that are important to us than to be certain that they can be changed before attempting to do so.

    DQ7: Absolutely. It is an indulgent society that believes that its reactions, thoughts, and feelings are prescribed and set in stone. You have the free will to respond however you see fit, and the more you exercise that free will, the more you will find your experiences mirroring your decisions, rather than being at odds with them.

    DQ8: It's easier to avoid getting worked up over bigger things, because our knowledge of them is usually incredibly limited. The actions of presidents, for instance, are rarely understood in the first twenty years after their last term, and so are virtually impossible to understand in the present tense, so it should be recognized as a personal character flaw when someone is upset over their perceptions of the recent actions of a public figure.

    DQ9: I think both ideas are equally valid to their audiences, and so a "better" idea would have to be one that spoke equally well to both audiences, or better to the audience of at least one of those two.

    DQ10: I probably do waste too much time, but such is the nature of our educational system. We spend a great deal of time committing information to memory that we'll never make use of, and spend virtually no time practicing the most important, and least common, skill in the intellectual's toolbox: critical thinking.

    DQ11: Mother Theresa possessed a Stoic's disposition, and it would be difficult to call her cold, heartless, or inhumane, whatever one thinks of her religious beliefs - so the answer must be, "Yes, it is possible."

  39. Anonymous8:55 PM CDT

    Change is the only constant thing in the universe, the times will never stop revolving, at least until our life doesn't exist, anyway.

  40. Anonymous8:59 PM CDT

    The value of logic is important, that is the only way people can communicate. Over the times, logic has become more and more apparent in us as humans. Logic allows us to argue our points of views and ideas for us to see bigger pictures in society.

  41. Anonymous9:04 PM CDT

    There have been tons of teachers that i have grown to like, however, there are some teaching styles that i strongly am disengaged in. Most of the time, they are great people outside of the situation, however, if we are talking about a sensitive topic and the class gets into a debate, i don't like the idea of the teacher siding with one side but not adding a refutation to that idea. Things are not always black and white.

  42. Anonymous9:08 PM CDT

    “Anybody can become angry — that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way — that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.” 
    This opened my mind to the art of argumentation. Although we don’t enjoy arguing with loved ones or people in general, it is simply the way of life. It is really hard to be able to match your tone to the situation or seriousness of the argument as we all have different interpretations of things being discussed. For example, it is difficult to argue with someone who doesn’t take your point of view seriously or vice versa.
    Having the power to choose your exact feelings in every situation is difficult and impossible. You find yourself being able to predict how you will feel, but that doesn’t mean that it will be the action produced. Being angry is almost as uncontrollable as being in love. Love is something that takes over the mind and heart, as to where anger is something that blinds the mind from what is being said.
    Being angry is the easy part of emotion. Love is an easy feeling. Accepting it and learning to control those emotions, that is a completely different situation that you can’t even begin to understand unless you take the time to admit those feelings out loud.

  43. #10- alternate quiz questions

    DR 12
    1. Leibniz believed that the use of what could resolve all intellectual debates?
    2. What does Aristotle say is the mark of an educated man?
    3. In Aristotle's biology, to ask for the function of a living thing is to ask what?
    4. Aristotle argues that moral values are neither what?

  44. #10
    Have you ever sharply disagreed with a teacher whom you nonetheless deeply admired?- Yes I have, but I haven't ever voiced my disagreement. If it's a teacher I don't like then it's not a big deal, but when it becomes a teacher that I like and disagree with it can be frustrating or upsetting.

    Is change the only constant in the Universe? Is that paradoxical?- I think change is definitely a constant in the universe and I think that can become paradoxical because constant means continuously, and we associate it with staying the same while we associate change with different.

    Aristotle said we philosophize not in order to know what excellence is, but to be excellent and become good. (283) Is this a false dichotomy? Do you have to know what good is, at least implicitly, before you can be good?-
    I think good is not something you can easily define, at least in this sense. I think good is something that we are constantly striving toward and is constantly changing, so it is hard to know exactly what good you are aiming to be.

    How can a person excel at "the art of living"? (275) Did Aristotle have the right idea about this? Do you have any role-models in this regard?-
    I think Aristotle means that to excel at the art of living, we have to look at our behavior and the circumstances of our lives and react to that in the best way possible; react to in a way that pushes us closer to becoming good.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. #10
    alternative quiz questions from DR 12 Aristotle
    1. What was Aristotle's father's profession?
    2. How did Aristotle justify his claim that worker bees cannot be female?
    3. What were the two main criticisms of Aristotle that Francis Bacon made?
    4. According to Aristotle, how many distinct questions do you need to ask about something?
    5. What are these questions?
    6. What are the three classes of Aristotle's final clauses?
    7. What does Aristotle compare the stars' love of God to?
    8. Who is credited for the invention of the twinned notion of potentiality and actuality?
    9. What were the signs of life, for Aristotle?
    10. What was Aristotle's thoughts on traditional gods of mythology?
    11. What is the collection of 14 books written by Aristotle on metaphysics called?
    12. Why is a metaphysician sort of a super-scientist?
    13. How does Aristotle define 'deduction'?
    14. Why does Aristotle seem to be the inventor of 'variables' in Mathematics?
    15. Why was stoic logic considered wrong and therefore ignored?

    1. #10 Alternative Quiz 10/2
      1.) doctor
      2.) "nature does not give weapons for fighting to any female"
      3.) He claimed that Aristotle's physics was terminally diseased with malignant concepts and crippled theories. He claimed that Aristotle habitually ignored facts and disdained observation because of his blind adherence to theories he made.
      4.) Four
      5.) What is it made of? What is its form? What purpose does it serve? What made it come into being or made it change?
      6.) Intelligent actions of living things, involvement of artefacts, filling the pages of Aristotle's biology.
      7.) People's actions being influenced by their earthly paramours.
      8.) Aristotle
      9.) Nutrition, reproduction, sensation, power of locomotion, desire, imagination and reason.
      11.) Metaphysics
      12.) Metaphysicians sometimes thought of the subject as somehow leapfrogging over the normal methods of scientific inquiry so that it could prove, by pure reason, fundamental truths about the world which the plodding sciences could not reach for themselves.
      13.) As a piece of discourse in which "certain things being stated, something other than what is stated follows of necessity from their being so."
      14.) He was able to formulate general truths about logic by using symbols to stand for terms but not for any particular term.

  47. Dakota Berrett11:24 AM CDT

    Have you ever sharply disagreed with a teacher whom you nonetheless deeply admired?
    Yes, but it was for his personal believes, not his area of expertise.
    Is change the only constant in the Universe? Is that paradoxical?
    From a human standpoint, change is the only tangible constant. I don't find it paradoxical.

  48. #10 QUiz q's
    1.What was on of aristotles favorite subjects?
    2.What was Aristotles father's profession?
    3. What are the 4 causes of aristotle?
    4.What are these 4 causes?
    5.What was aristotle's favorite study?
    6. What does aristotle say of the stars?
    7. What is aristotles one platonic idea?
    8. What did arisdtotle say of change?
    9.What is potentiality?
    10. What were the signs of life for aristotle?
    11.What does aristotle say of education?

  49. #9

    Oh yes I have disagreed with many teachers/professors I've admired. I've found usually it isn't their specific opinion I dislike, it's their model of presenting their opinions and teachings. I've never escalated a disagreement with a professor to a volatile level, but we have gone back an forth on matters such as religion or generally how to go about our daily lives in school.

  50. #9

    I see the value of logic as human's way to navigate the basics of every day life. Without logical thinking I wouldnt be able to reason my way through tests, critically think through my extracurricular work, or simply think beyond basic movement. Logic, and logical thinking, is what differentiates many social groups and cliques. How people group themselves very much proves the value of logic.

  51. #6

    1. I'd much rather attend Aristotle's Lyceum. Plato seems more a preacher than a teacher.

    2. Not really. As far as academic content, teachers almost always know what they're talking about. Beyond that, it becomes just opinions, and I haven't yet had a teacher with wild enough beliefs that I cared.

    3. It is true that, due to entropic favorability, the universe cannot stay as it is (and moreover, cannot become more ordered after a change). It sounds paradoxical with this phrasing, but with slightly different wording, it's clearer: "Is the universe constantly changing?"

    4. Aristotle's "god" seems more believable. If there was an omnipotent being with personal interests in every single person, we wouldn't have tragedies like war or terrorism. A disinterested or nonexistent god seems like the only realistic answer.

    5. Plato saw the physical representations of things as shoddy copies of the true Form of that object, thus making them stand apart and above the physical world as perfect concepts of things.

    6. Logic is unimaginably important nowadays. Even if you're not aware of it, the device you're currently reading this on is nothing more than a logic calculator. In fact, a few hundred years ago, it was even proven that all of mathematics could be represented as simple boolean (yes/no) logic, and since anything and everything can be represented mathematically, everything can be represented logically as well.

  52. #6

    7. By looking into the details of human character and the distinctive circumstances of human life. Aristotle had the right idea in his claim that goodness has vastly different meanings depending on context.

    8. You only have to know what something means if you want to do it deliberately. It is possible, for instance, for a person raised completely isolated from any other humans, to still share food with others. In this case, he was innately giving and good.

    9. Well, I don't agree with Plato's theory of Forms at all, so I have to go the other way and say art is neither. Art is a representation of reality, fictionally or not. It's not an imitation of an imitation, nor does it give any insight into anything (aside from the artist's art style).

    10. I haven't agreed with anything Plato's said thus far, so it's no surprise he'd disappoint again. I might be misunderstanding him (as what he's saying sounds absurd), but if I'm not, Plato's basically saying you shouldn't find humor in humor. I have no words. This is memeable. #stopit #getsomehelp

    11. I don't think it does (necessarily). There are plenty of examples of famous physicists who still held strong religious beliefs. However, I do think empiricism leads one to believe more so in the ideas and lessons of a given religion as opposed to literal interpretation.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. #9
    Have you ever sharply disagreed with a teacher whom you nonetheless deeply admired?

    Yes I have. Once I had a very old teacher, probably about 85 years old, whom strongly believed global warming didn't exist. While the ice in Antarctica melted and summers got hotter, she wrote a book about the lies the government told us. She had accumulated a book with with 'evidence' and 'facts' as to how the government wants to scare us into believing we'll die soon. I however disagreed with her strongly about her opinion, but she was also one of my most favorite teachers. She taught us quite a bit and cared for her students deeply unlike most teachers in high school.

    If you side with Aristotle in preferring to study "earthly things" does that imply less interest in "thoughts of the heavens"?

    I don't think it is at all. Actually I think it'd be disrespectful not to learn about the Earth we live on. There are plenty of people devoted to studying the bible and teaching about it, so it's only fair to have those whom teach others about the world. You can study the Earth or universe for your whole life, but that doesn't make you any less of a believer in your religion

  55. #10 I do not fear death as it would be an enormous waste of energy and time to worry about things that can not be stopped.

  56. #10 I would say that change and time are the only constants that exist within the universe

  57. #9
    Peri Chapman
    Are you afraid of death, of dying, or of any other aspect of human mortality? Why or why not? What’s the best way to counter such fear?

    Death is one of those things that you cannot control, other than by making safer decisions and not stupid ones. Am I afraid of death? The answer to that is yes. Who isn’t? Death is very unknown, what is to come after death? There are many beliefs on what comes after death but there is nothing that we can prove, it is all assumption. Reincarnation is one of those, the belief that we are reincarnated into another life with the same soul. Am I afraid of dying? Yes. Death is so unpredictable and you don’t know how, why, when, or where. So as I write this, I can’t decide if I am afraid of death or dying itself, or if I am afraid of the unknown of death and dying. There is no reason to be afraid of it because we know nothing about it; other than that life is supposedly over. The unknown is scary, not just in death, but in life overall. I believe the best way to counter a fear, is to face it, but also be optimistic about it, especially death. We can believe it is scary but it is very unpredictable.

  58. #10 laughing at comedies does make us cinics in a way because we use humor as a way to overcome hardships. Laughing at the folly of man as democratus did is a clear example of this

  59. #10 DQ 10/2

    1.) I would attend Aristotle's Lyceum because the institute promotes understanding of the world we live in.
    2.) I don't think I have ever disagreed with a teacher whom I deeply admired. I only point out unnoticed simple mistakes that a teacher might have made.
    3.) I think change has its fluctuation; sometimes slow, sometimes fast. Change being constant would be paradoxical because changes wouldn't change if it were constant.
    4.) I'd like to think that God is interested in humans. The idea seems more compatible to the world we live in because of miracles and such.

  60. #6

    Society is Wrong

    The Girl with Pink Hair

    Blending Difference

  61. #6
    Alternate Quiz Questions:
    1. What did the Socratic investigations always seem to end up talking about?
    2. According to Aristotle, the masses tend to believe what?
    3. As we have seen from Aristotle's biology, to ask for the function of a living thing is asking for what?
    4. Man typically and naturally does what?
    5. Aristotle argues that the moral virtues are what?
    6. What does it mean to have a generous character?
    7. On one side of the virtue of bravery stands rashness. What stands on the other side?
    8. What does Aristotle's theoria involve?
    9. As for the plot of a good tragedy, pity and fear should be evoked by what?
    10. The moral and emotional effects of literature remain what?

  62. #10- 10/4 alternate quiz questions

    1. What does Epicurus say we are tied to?
    2. Epicurus' view was that we consist of ______.
    3. Epicurus said we are very biased when worrying about what?
    4. Who else besides the Epicureans thought of philosophy as a type of therapy?
    5. How did Epicures sum up his whole philosophy?
    6. Who was Seneca accused of having an affair with?
    7. Where was Seneca sent into exile and for how long?
    8. The state of indifference the Stoics have may cost us what?

  63. #10
    Alt, quiz questions
    - What revolt took place in 323 B.C.
    -What did Aristotle say that early philosophers paid too much attention to?
    -What did Aristotle say about the cave?
    -What is the Divine Comedy?
    -What is Aristotle's treatment of nature?

  64. #10
    1. Aristotle, simply because I believe that my viewpoints on some of the things we’ve discussed align more with his.
    2. Yes, my sophomore English teacher had certain teaching habits that I did not disagree with. Especially the way she periodically addressed the class.
    3. As far as we know, yes, change is the only constant. Unless faith is considered, because there are many different entities that people are faithful to.
    4. If he/she/it were to have created us I would be inclined to think he/she/it would be interested in the affairs that we have on earth.
    5. Just because you have a deep interest in earthly things doesn’t mean you can’t have interest in spiritual things as well. That’s why in this age we have scientists that are religious as well.

  65. #10 Alternative quiz questions:

    1. Does Aristotle's chemistry hold up? at what point does it crumble?
    2.What were Bacon's two main criticisms of Aristotle?
    3.What did Bacon believe that Aristotle thought about science?
    4.who took over plato's academy?
    5.How does Aristotle Write?
    6.What was Aristotle's criticism of earlier philosophers?
    7.How did Aristotle refer to astronomy?
    8.Did Aristotle believe knowledge of mundane things was unimportant?
    9. What did Aristotle mean by final causes?

  66. DQ: 10/3/2017
    1. I would say Aristotle. Just because I find myself agreeing with more of his views.
    2.I don't think so
    4.I honestly don't know. I would lean more towards the one interested in human affairs.
    3. change I think is paradoxical.
    6.I don't know

  67. DQ: 10/3/2017
    8. I like what he said. we philosophize to be excellent and become good. Now everyone definition of good can be different. I think saying we philosophize to understand things we don't really know sounds better.
    9.I feel like art can be both. it depends on the artist and even depends on the person viewing the art.
    10.No I do not agree
    11.I think it does imply in a way. Jut because you study one doesn't really mean you care for other any less.

  68. #6
    (4)I think the more plausible God is one who is interested in human affairs. Seeing as though we are his creations/ children. It makes sense for a creator/ parent to watch over his children rather then to just be concerned with himself. This God seems more compatible with the world we know
    (3) Depends on how you look at it. Change can be constant if we consider that change is ALWAYS happening. However, if you take the rate of change into consideration, this can be slow, fast, or constant. So yes I would say it is paradoxical because change being constant is contradictory.

  69. #6 Jess, Kristen, and Kerlous' Midterm Report

    We will be doing our report over the Philosopher, Heraclitus. We have broken this into three parts. Part one, Heraclitus' autobiography... of what we could find about his life. Part two will consist of Heraclitus' way of thinking and what topics he focused on. For part three we will discuss the arguments and agreements Heraclitus had with other Philosophers. Hopefully if the weather allows us, we will be doing our presentation outside!!!


    1. What was Heraclitus' theory?

    2. What was Heraclitus' Philosophy about the world, cosmos?

    3. what brought Heraclitus' Philosophy to Athens?

    4. What type of style did Heraclitus use in his thinking?

    5. In what way did Heraclitus agree with Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes?

    6. What was Heraclitus' reputation?

    7. What school did Heraclitus create?

    8. Give a quote of Heraclitus.

    9. Name two Philosophers that Heraclitus influenced.

    -----We had some technical difficulties, so the comments is where this had to go...

  70. #6 Alternate Quiz Questions:
    1. What reason did Aristotle provide for his idea that worker bees cannot be female?
    2. What did Dante refer to Aristotle as in his 'Divine Comedy'?
    3. What were Francis Bacon's two main criticisms of Aristotle?
    4. What are 'Aristotle's Four Causes'?

  71. Hayley Gray10:12 AM CDT

    #6 Discussion Questions
    2. Yes, I have sharply disagreed with a couple of teachers due to conflicting political views that I otherwise loved as teachers.
    3. Change is constant in the universe and is paradoxical.
    4. The God who is personally interested in human affairs is more plausible to me because that God is a caring God and therefore would seem more compatible with the world and what we desire in a supernatural being.
    5. Forms are just ideas that can become things.
    6. The value of logic is that you are using reason to become more knowledgeable.
    8. I feel this is false because being good should come before becoming excellent.
    9. Art can be whatever you want it to be.
    10. No, laughing brings us happiness and should not be viewed as trying to be a cynical person.
    11. No, you can still be a Godly person while trying to understand the world around us better.

  72. Are you afraid of death, of dying, or of any other aspect of human mortality? Why or why not? What's the best way to counter such fear?-
    I'm not afraid of death, it's a natural part of life, I guess I'm more afraid of how I will die. I think to face the fear of dying you have to accept it's going to happen no matter what you do.

    Have you experienced the death of someone close to you? How did you handle it?- I've had family members pass away, but I was young when the two closest to me, my great grandmothers, did so I don't remember taking it too badly. I cried and I was sad, but it was because I lost so much time I could have potentially spent with them.

    How do you know, or decide, which things you can change and which you can't?
    Were the Stoics right to say we can always control our attitude towards events, even if we can't control events themselves?- I think the things I can change are things that I have a part of. I believe the Stoics were right; we can control our attitude towards events even if we had no part in how the event turned out. It's up to us to decide how we feel and how we're going to act.

    Is it easier for you not to get "worked up" about small things you can't change (like the weather, or bad drivers) or large things (like presidential malfeasance and terrorist atrocites)? Should you be equally calm in the face of both?- I think it's easier for me to get less worked up about large things because they aren't immediately happening to me, but I do get worked up about both. I do think we should choose to remain calm about both because if we're upset we aren't going to be able to do anything about it, we won't act rational.

    Do you waste too much time? How do you think you can make the most of the time you have?- I think I do waste too much time because of things like my phone. I could be much more productive with the time I have if I wasn't always on my phone. I think to make the most of our time we have to really be present and in the moment.

  73. Hayley Gray10:28 AM CDT

    #6 Alternate Quiz Questions
    1. What was Aristotle's father's profession?
    2. Who is often described as a prophet of the scientific revolution?
    3. What are the four things one should ask about something?
    4. What was Aristotle's favorite study?

  74. !- Aristotle's Lyceum. I would love to learn outside in the nature.
    2- yes, in one of my classes in high school.
    3- yes, not necessarily, but it happens very rapidly.
    4- I think the God who is interested in human affairs. He the provider of all and the almighty God who controls all.
    5- I think they are forms in things because a lot of compounds can be broken into smeller elements.
    6- The value of logic is very essential to every human to think about the everything in the world.
    7- A person can excel the art of living by being wise and admit that he doesn't know everything.
    8-I dont think we know what good is in order for us to be good, and we should strive for our excellence always.
    9-i think it's both, since there is no measured depth to art so it's continuous learning and also it depends on how a person approaches it, so it could be a mix of both until you get a glimpse of the light and the truth.
    10- I don't think so because we don't have to perceive the actions the way we want.
    11- yes because if we only think about earthly things we will lose our time to search for the heavily things which are more important.

    1. I liked your response to question 11.

  75. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbbnj0qQ4s4

  76. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuwYvFlNGns

  77. #6 Discussion Questions

    1. Aristotle's Lyceum. Because Sitting in a classroom all day long is boring and exhausting. Moving around outside enjoying the weather boosts your mood and that would personally make me excited to learn.
    10. Sometimes comedy can be cruel yet people still laugh at the jokes. But on the other hand... it's a joke and shouldn't be taken seriously until it threatens the lives of others or yourself.

    1. I like your response to question 10.

  78. #6

    2. Have you ever sharply disagreed with a teacher whom you nonetheless deeply admired?

    Yes, which is why I completely understood the Plato and Aristotle situation. Even though the teacher and I had completely different views, I think I admired her so well because she was passionate about what she did.

    4.Which God seems more plausible to you, one who is personally interested in human affairs or Aristotle's contemplative and self-regarding Mover? Which seems more compatible with the world as we know it?

    I think the God that seems more plausible to me is the one who is personally interested in human affairs. God, in my eyes, concerns himself with humans because he wants them to interact positively with each other. Personally, I don’t see the need for God to make humans only for him to sit and think about himself.

    11. If you side with Aristotle in preferring to study "earthly things" does that imply less interest in "thoughts of the heavens"? (290)

    I think that preferring to study “earthly things” only implies interest in discovering the Earth. I don’t think that it necessarily means someone is less interested in God, or studying “the heavens”, but are just more curious as to the world around them and what they can physically see.

    1. 10
      I completely agree with your response to #4! I strongly believe that God cares about his children, otherwise prayer would not be mentioned so much in the bible

  79. DQ 10/03

    Have you ever sharply disagreed with a teacher whom you nonetheless deeply admired?
    Yes, I once had a teacher who constantly argued about God. I and strong in my faith and I had to sit in a class with a man who tried every day to explain how God wasn't real.
    Is change the only constant in the Universe? Is that paradoxical?
    yes, I feel like everything is changing constantly- all the time. Some times even without knowing.

    Are forms in things, or do they stand apart and above as pure Ideas?
    I think that forms are in things, different types of forms that potentially stand apart but they are also together.
    What do you see as the value of logic?
    Logic is something that not everyone sees. Logic is much like common sense

    Aristotle said we philosophize not in order to know what excellence is, but to be excellent and become good. (283) Is this a false dichotomy? Do you have to know what good is, at least implicitly, before you can be good?
    Good could be perceived in many ways. Good is an important factor in the world that could be as simple as thinking good thoughts and being true to yourself.
    Is art a "cave within a cave" (286), or a source of light and truth? Or both?
    Art is something that is different to every individual.

  80. #9
    1. Am I afraid of dying? Yes I am because I don't know what happens after death.
    2. No
    3. Yes I have experienced someone dying and I cried a lot.
    4. That's a very sensitive topic because nobody knows what the after life is like for example positive or negative.
    5. I find it a problem and I find it mortifying because we have already lived a full life at some point it will have to be time to go.
    6. I feel you cant control the unexpected.
    7. I feel we can because we all can control our actions when the unexpected events happen.
    8. I feel getting worked up of small thing will lead to a very unhealthy and unhappy life. I feel you need to face the small things and keep moving forward don't let the small things change who you are as a person.
    9. Epicurus had the better idea about why we shouldn't be afraid to die.
    10. I feel I can effectively use every minuet of the day besides sleeping.
    11. Not really we all have something we care about.

  81. #6
    Alternative Quiz Questions:
    1. What is one way Epicurus thought he could cure his followers of their fear of death?
    2. What worry did Epicurus dismiss?
    3. If you believe that we are simply physical beings, composed of matter, and that there is no serious risk of punishment after death, then what may Epicurus' reasoning do to you?
    4. What did Epicurus believe could ease pain?
    5. Who, other than the Epicureans, thought of therapy as a type of therapy?
    6. What is one benefit of living your life well?
    7. Why did so many people become preoccupied with with trivial work?
    8. What did Seneca's life give him?
    9. What was Seneca to Nero?
    10. How should you look at the main teaching of Stoics?

  82. #6
    Live Your Life So That You Will Have No Regrets

    Moments Are Momentous

    Dancing All the Dances As Long As I Can

  83. #10 AQQ
    LH 4-5

    1. Where did Epicurus run his philosophy school?
    2. What is one reason why Epicurus said you won't experience death?
    3. Who wrote 'Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus'?
    4. What did Epicurus say about the future and the past?
    5. How did Epicurus dismiss the fear in some people that they might be punished in an afterlife?
    6. How did the name 'stoic' originate?
    7. Who was one of the first stoics?
    8. How, did the stoic believe, emotions affected us?
    9. Which philospher started off as a slave and limped as a result of bad beating.
    10. What were Cicero's thoughts on old age?
    11. What did Seneca consider 'the most fruitful way to exist'?
    12. Why was Seneca sent into exile by Emperor Gaius?
    13. Were the stoic teachings kind of a psychotherapy?
    14. According to Nigel Warburton, what might be the cost of achieving the state of indifference that stoics championed?

  84. #10 DQ 10/4

    1.) I am afraid of not existing in this world as well as feeling the pain of dying. I am afraid because I don't want to be forgotten by those who are important to me, and I do not want to feel unsatisfied as I approach death. To counter this fear, I remind myself that life can only last for so long, and I should use it wisely. Since time is of the essence, I try my best to be more productive and less stressed. I yearn for a future where I will be happy most of the time, or all the time if possible. I believe that I can reach my peak of happiness by balancing my responsibilities or tasks in life with relaxation.

    2.) I think that I am an epicurean. I tend to indulge on luxuries and sensual pleasures. It's interesting how it's true that once you indulge something, you tend to want more and more. This applies to me when I think about it since I indulge in sorts of food and entertainment.

    3.) I had an older brother who passed away due to physical abuse of my father. I was only 6 years old when it happened. I didn't know how to feel about the event, but I was surprised. I don't remember crying for him during his funeral back then. However, I slowly start missing him as I grew older. I would call for him whenever I feel overwhelmed in life or when I want some advice and ask "What should I do?" or "What would you do?" To avoid feeling pain and sadness from reminiscing over my brother, I would tell myself to embrace the hardship of life and look forward to the future, thinking that is what my brother would say to me.

    4.) Being taught that God's heaven exists in the afterlife through my relatives and the church gave me the fear and anxiety of whether or not I am going to heaven or hell. Therefore, I tend to believe that pain and suffering can exist in the afterlife, or in other words, hell. I do care about loved ones who passed away before me. I think death of loved ones and their experiences or memories they left behind are important than thinking about the afterlife. I believe that they do not want us to suffer in this world because of their death, but they don't want us to forget about them.

    5.) Epicurus's disbelief on immortal souls serves as a solution to the problem of dying, but it does so by evading the idea of fearing death. Ultimate mortality id mortifying, but it can be used to motivate us to enjoy life as much as possible because life is short.

    6.) I think thoroughly of my abilities when I ponder upon whether I can change things or not. I can change myself or even my path which can overall change my future, but my death is inevitable.

    7.) Stoics' idea of controlling our attitude could be possible, but it is very hard to ignore events or easily change our attitude on them, such as death, failure, or misfortune.

    8.) I tend to get worked up by small things that I can't change, but I think it is always good to be calm over the inevitable, small or large.

    9.) I want to side with Epicurus's idea because I somewhat doubt that souls exist, and I believe that we are merely composed of matter in this world.

    10.) I definitely believe that I have wasted a lot of time so far when I think about my lazy times where I could've done something to improve myself. I can be more satisfied by being more productive as well as being more balanced with responsibilities and enjoyment.

    11.) I think it would be hard, or probably impossible, to be a Stoic and still be humane. The Stoics believe that we have the right to control our emotions. They say that we should not just control them, but remove them all together. In my perspective, to remove emotions all together is removing the humane part of oneself.

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM CDT

      I think we all waste time, but sometimes wasting time is the best way to live. It isnt always that time wasted is unproductive.

    2. Anonymous11:40 AM CDT

      11. Exactly, you cannot just forget that you have emotions. Emotions are not something you can just get lost with, it is apart of your everyday life.

  85. #1o LH Quiz q's
    1.Who was Epicurus?
    2. Who was Senneca?
    3. What did Epicurus do for a living?
    4. What did Senneca do for a living?
    5. What was the garden?
    6. Where does the name stoa come from?
    7. Who was the first philosopher to frequent the porch?
    8. What did epicurus say about getting old?
    9. What did senneca think of becoming old?

  86. #6

    1. I'm only afraid of dying in the sense that death is the ultimate time waster. I don't want to die because I don't believe there's anything after it (and I have a hunch this is why even religious people fear it). That aside however, I'm not afraid of the inevitability of it, as there's nothing I can do to avoid it. The best way to counter such fears is to accept that it's going to happen regardless of what you do.

    2. I'm certainly not epicurean in the sense of liking lavish luxury. In fact, its opposite, the real Epicurus, is something I believe in more. I enjoy the simple things.

    3. The closest death I've experienced was an aunt from cancer. I handled it perfectly emotionlessly. I didn't know her at all. In fact, I don't believe it's possible to feel anything for someone you don't know in the slightest. Anyone who does so is feigning for attention, often on twitterbook.

    4. I don't believe there's anything after death, let alone a punitive system. "In the beginning, God created everything from nothing, and then busied himself dolling out rewards and punishments," a little farfetched, isn't it? I certainly (depending on context) wouldn't be concerned about who got to live. After all, they got to live.

    5. Immortal souls or not, we're still going to die, and that concerns people. There are both fervent religious believers and atheists who fear death. As for the issue of ultimate mortality, it's not consoling nor mortifying: it's just extremely inconvenient.

  87. #6

    6. I can change anything that I do. Anything that others do is out of my control.

    7. That's true in the sense that you can force yourself to not display emotions openly. However, it's not possible to be truly emotionless. If someone murders your entire extended lineage right in front of you, you're going to feel fear, anger, and grief, regardless of if you show it.

    8. I don't get worked up about either. I see them all as beyond my control.

    9. I think Cicero had the better idea about not fearing death. Our lives are sufficiently long to do most anything we could want to do. Instead of complaining about how short our lives are, we should be grateful that they're as long as they are.

    10. I think I make good-enough use of my time. The way I see it, even if nothing is accomplished by it, it's never a waste of time to do something enjoyable.

    11. Like I said before, you can be a stoic and still have emotions. Stoics simply try not to display them. There are those who try not to feel in the first place, but they never succeed; it's human nature to feel.

  88. #10
    I handle the inevitable death of friends and family members by keeping small pieces of them with me wether they be death treasures or genetic information

  89. Anonymous11:31 AM CDT

    I can't say that I am afraid of dying, but rather afraid of what I am going to miss out on when I am no longer living.

  90. #9

    Yes I am terrified of dying. I don't want to die, yet at least. I want to experience as much as I possibly can. I counter this fear by living the best way I know how to every day.

  91. Anonymous11:33 AM CDT

    The best way to counter the fear of death is to remind yourself that we don't know what comes after. We are unable to speak to those who have died, so we cannot possibly determine if it is good or bad.

  92. Anonymous11:34 AM CDT

    Experiencing death to someone close to you is nothing to easily overcome. Losing someone who was a big part of your life takes a toll on everything about you, especially if they have shaped who you are.

  93. Anonymous11:35 AM CDT

    Dealing with death is unexplainable, but i find that its good to listen to music. Listening to music is the easiest outlet because you find songs that mimic your emotions and know that you are not alone.

  94. Anonymous11:37 AM CDT

    I dont think anyone actually knows how you decide what you can or cant change, I would say that it seems like something that would be up to the supernatural

  95. #10
    I maintain that Epicurus's disbelief in immortal souls does bring a great degree of relief from the fear of dying. This is because the theistic will in turn lose their fear of eternal damnation.

    Why did Diogenes hold a plucked chicken in front of Plato?

    Who was insulted and still admired Diogenes?

    What did Diogenes say he was looking for while carrying a lantern in the middle of the day?

    What was Diogenes’s one possession in life and what significant thing did he do with it after seeing a child drink with his hands?

    07; LH

      Diogenes of Sinop was a cynic philosopher that was known for his crass actions and attitude. In the philosophical community at the time, he was respected yet avoided. He challenged Plato, Alexander the Great, and the overall people of Athens. Diogenes lived in a barrel and begged for food, yet he saw this as a good thing as he was close to nature and the earth, living the best life he could.

  97. #10
    I side with the stoichs in that I believe we are all in control of our own emotions toward events. The only things we truly control for the most part is our own bodies.

  98. #10

    1. I have not had a prominent instance in which I have disagreed with a teacher that I deeply admire. Perhaps, back in elementary school, the teachers I once admired I no longer do. But I would argue that I did not have a strong basis for admiration to begin with. The teachers that I now admire, one in specific, I agree with deeply. I admire everything about her including her teaching style, political and moral beliefs and her involvement in the school. I would say that for me to admire a teacher, we will normally share the same values, therefore I will agree with most things about them.

    An example, however, of someone that I admire but disagree with is my father. I love him him and admire the person that he is but we disagree when it comes to most topics. We disagree in politics, especially with social aspects, religion, family, and the list goes on.

    2. I am afraid of death and dying. For me and most others it is the fear of the unknown. No matter what religion or belief you have no one really knows what lies after death. I have fear also in the recognition that life and the world will go on after I die and I will be blind to it. I consider the unknowing of those who will survive me to be one of the biggest fears of dying.

    1. 10
      I know exactly what you mean because I feel the same way! I think the best thing that we can do is make the most of the time that we have

  99. #10
    1. When it comes to the topic of the fear of death I’m kind of on the fence. I know that I will eventually die, but I don’t want it to happen before I do anything important Or accomplish my dreams.
    2. No, I am not. I often seek pleasure in simpler things. Mostly because I don’t have the money to dabble in luxuries. But also because I feel as if the luxurious life is unnecessary. Why else would those who live luxuriously still be unhappy?
    3. I have not experienced the death of someone close. However, recently my great-grandmother passed away which took a toll on my father and his parents. The tears didn’t last long but there was an aura of sadness that loomed over us for quite a while, despite my inability to cry.
    4. I don’t believe in pain after death. But I do care about the fate of those who will survive. I think they are more important because I would want them to continue their lives and become successful.
    5. I would think it’s a simple common sense thing. Just as the saying goes “it is what it is”.
    6. I believe Cicero did. Simply understanding how inevitable death is can allow someone to become indistressed over the topic. At least for me it does. I know that it happens to everyone and that I can’t stop it so why fret over it at all.

  100. 10
    Have you experienced the death of someone close to you? How did you handle it? Yes. A little girl that I babysat for many years passed away young. I was in the 11th grade, and although
    I was able to pass my classes, I did the bare minimum. I thought about her a lot, and spent a lot of time with her family.

  101. Do you waste too much time? How do you think you can make the most of the time you have?
    I work an average of 26 hours a week, and I'm also enrolled in 15 credit hours. I don't have a lot of free time, but when I do, I like to relax. I wish I had the energy to that small amount of spare time differently, but it's very hard.

  102. #10 Alternative quiz questions:
    1.For Epicurus, what was the key to life?
    2.Do you experience death?
    3.What other method did epicurus think he could cure his followers?
    4.What did Epicurus believe could relieve pain?
    5. What group of philosophers do people echo when they say they are philosophical about what they believe?
    6. What is the heart of Stoicism?
    7.What is a benefit of living life well
    8. What was the Stoic ideal?
    9. How did Seneca die? Was he able to hold onto his philosophy?

  103. 10/4/2017
    DQs: When it comes to others dying I think of it as a way of life. We all live and die. When it comes to me dying I am terrified. It is one of my biggest fears. To not know what comes next if there is anything at all it scary.
    2. Probably
    3. My dad died four years ago on April fools day. I didn't want to believe it. His death was a long time coming though. I knew he was going to die. I went to work the same day. I went about my day like I always do. I took the death hard but I knew life must go on.
    4. Worrying about what will happen later would make life living unbearable. So who I spend my days with is more important to me.
    5.Evasion to me I think. I think ultimate mortality is in a way consoling.
    6.Change is happening always weather I influence it or not. I might not be purposing trying to change something and I could be. Something I do can cross the path of someone else and that could change something for them. Change happens.
    7. Sometimes our attitudes towards things are instinctual. I feel like I may do something and Ill look back like did I just do or act like that. It's like I was hotwired by previous things such as life, experiences and others interactions and I just acting a particular way without think thinking about it. SO yes I think they are wrong.
    9. I get worked up about both. I think the way I respond to things is almost natural. 24 years of doing the same things ad the same things happening or even watching things happen to other, its like they come natural.
    10. I like cicero's idea more. Its a bit more comforting.
    11. I do waste a lot of time. If I had more time in the day I would make the most of it though.
    12.Depends on the person and the cultural upbringing.

  104. #6
    1) Once upon a time I was afraid of dying because I was afraid of what came next. However, now I'm not. I believe that their is a paradise waiting for me beyond the skies. I fear living more than death, honestly.

    2) I would consider myself an epicurean sometimes. I like to enjoy the finer things in life (food, clothes, nail shops) when it's affordable. However, when my money is running low I definitely know how to live a simple (and enjoyable) life.

    5) I think the idea of an immortal soul is an evasion of dying and Ultimate mortality is mortifying. A life that goes on forever sounds tiring and irritating.

    10) I definitely think I waste too much time especially when it comes to social media. Sometimes checking a simple text message turns into 35 minutes of watching videos about I don't even know what. Then, 30 minutes worth of homework easily turns into 3 hours.

    6)I decide what I can change by identifying what I can control. examples: I cant control the past, others, the weather. Therefore I cannot change them .

    7) Stoics was right. Just become something terrible happens in my life doesn't mean I have to let it consume my life. "If you don't like something change it, if you cant change it change your attitude" -some wise man

  105. #6 Discussion question 10-04-2017

    1. I'm honestly not afraid of death. I know where I'm going after i die, and that only excites me to be with my Father again. Along with my family members, we all have the same strong values and beliefs, that there is no doubt in my mind where will end up after our soul leaves our bodies. If you are afraid of death, my advise to you would be to research, ask questions, and find yourself. I think once you have understood and discovered all three of these things, you will too be at ease with death.
    3. I recently lost my grandfather two years ago. I do know it affected my grades in school, but I was also taking care of him until he passed away. I think I was more upset about seeing his body at the viewing than anything else. Just the way he had drastically withered away infront of my very eyes upset me. Which I still see my grandfather as the strong man, who was a scout for the Dodgers, fighting with granny in the kitchen on Thanksgiving about how to cook (I guess it's an Italian thing I don't know), and didn't take "crap" from anyone. Not the man who's organs where slowly shutting down rapidly. Grieving over him wasn't a long process, I was back to normal within a day after the viewing because I knew I would get to be with him again one day. So I guess you could say I deal with death just fine, what I don't deal with very well is seeing them as something I never saw them as in the first place.
    7. I think they were definitely on to something. I do know that you can choose to react in situations. If someone hits your car, you can either be mad at the person, or you can just be thankful you both are safe. I think it something that you have to take with a grain of salt. Say your entire family dies out of the blue, yes your'e going to cry and get angry. But thats when you'd choose how you will react to this situation from then on out. Are you going to choose to be angry at the world until you die, or are you going to pick yourself up and learn to adapt.

  106. #6 Discussion Questions:
    1. I honestly am afraid of dying. I'm afraid to leave my family and the people I love behind hurting without me here. I'm afraid I'll die a painful or tragic death, and I'm uncertain of what kind of afterlife will come, if any, and I'm afraid of it just being nothing but blackness after I die and it's just over. Something that helps me cope with this fear is to just realize that I'll die when I'm meant to and there's not much I can do about it.
    3. When I was a sophomore in high school my three best friends were in a car wreck and two of them died. It was a Friday night, we were all in marching band together and our band director and a school administrator told us right before the game and we didn't perform. It was truly the worst night of my life. The next few days were a blur. I could barely function at school, I was crying all the time. Blake's funeral was a closed casket, but Colton's wasn't. I almost couldn't bring myself to walk by his casket, but I did, and when I saw him and the scars on his face from the wreck... I'll never forget it. One thing I really struggled with and still struggle with is the fact that I was supposed to be in the car with them. I hung out with them almost every Friday before the football games. We were literally walking to Blake's car when my dad called me and told me I couldn't go. My dad still says that something inside him just told him to call me and make sure I wasn't going with them, and he may have saved my life. November 1st will make four years since that day, and I still wonder how things would be different if I was there. I had some really great friends who were there for me and took care of me, and I'm so thankful for that. I miss them so much but I know they watch over me every day.
    4. As much as I don't want to, I do believe there may be some kind of hell or painful afterlife, and I do care about the lives of the people I'll leave behind. Both of these are reasons I am scared to die. I'm honestly not sure which one I think is more important.
    6. For me, I just think about if there's anything I can do to control the situation or not. A lot of times you do have some sort of control, but there's also a lot of times where things are just out of control and you have to just accept that and roll with it.
    8. For me it's easier for me to not get worked up about small things. Not always, but a lot of times. I've gotten a lot better about realizing when things don't really matter, when they're out of my control, or when it's small and manageable and I'm just freaking out for no reason. I do think you should be calm in both if you can, but you should also recognize when something is big and important enough for you to freak out a little bit in order to be safe, get it done, whatever it may be.

    an article about how philosophy and Buddhism work with grieving

    this lady has to explain to her daughter what happens after death due to their cat dying, and it leads her to see that there's more to life than death and worrying about the afterlife

    this woman's husband died, and after his funeral she found one of his shirts and it comforted her and allowed her to release her emotions and ground her when she missed him or needed to remember him. it led her to see that love and life matters more than death in the long run. i loved this one because i remember finding a shirt of each of my best friends' that i had borrowed, and holding them and crying into them after their death, so i could really relate and feel this one in my heart

  107. Hayley Gray10:05 AM CDT

    #6 LH DQ
    1. No, death is just another part of life, except you will be living somewhere greater than where you are now. If you fear death, get closer with the Lord if that is who you believe in.
    2. Yes, I love luxurious things as well as fine foods.
    3. Yes, it was such a shock that I had to readjust my whole life. I took the days off from school that I needed and tried to find a way to make sense of it. I wanted to pretend it never happened but that was not going to help me in the long run to get over it. I have learned that time helps heal a broken heart. There will always be a piece of it missing though.
    4. Yes, I believe those that live immoral lives without asking for forgiveness will be punished in the afterlife. I hope that those who survive me continue to live their lives without me and that they do not dwell on my absence. That is what is most important to me.
    7. No, our attitudes and emotions are sometimes overpowering to control. You cannot help how an event affects you.
    8. I think both small and large things are still equally hard to not get worked up about. You might should be calm in the face of both but it is easier said than done.
    10. I waste a lot of time especially by overthinking. I should live a little more and think a little less.

  108. Hayley Gray10:08 AM CDT

    #6 Alternate Quiz Questions
    1. Epicurus said the point of philosophy was what?
    2. Epicurus said the best way to live was how?
    3. What people were renowned for their lessons in how to be psychologically tough in the face of unfortunate events?
    4. What are Cicero's four main problems with growing older?
    5.Who was Seneca accused of having an affair with?

  109. Are you afraid of death, of dying, or of any other aspect of human mortality? Why or why not? What's the best way to counter such fear?

    I'm not afraid of death. It's inevitable, so I don't see the point in worrying about it. However I am afraid of the act of dying because I have a fear it'll hurt and I don't want to be in pain. I think the best way to counter that fear is to realize that I don't know how I will die or even if it will hurt at all.

    Are you epicurean in any sense of the word?

    I am in the way Epicurus meant it. I often remember past pleasures to subside current pain.

    Have you experienced the death of someone close to you? How did you handle it?
    No but I'm sure I would not handle it well. I may not be afraid of death, but living without the people i care about seems scarier.

    Do you waste too much time? How do you think you can make the most of the time you have?

    I definitely waste too much time. I think I need to start applying myself to things i enjoy, but I'm often distracted or too lazy to pursue endeavors.

    • Do you believe in the possibility of a punitive and painful afterlife? Do you care about the lives of those who will survive you? Which do you consider more important? Why?

    I currently don't believe in any afterlife. However, I do care about the future of humanity and those who survive me. We cannot control what comes after death, but we can control whether or not we better ourselves in future generations.

  110. #6

    1.Are you afraid of death, of dying, or of any other aspect of human mortality? Why or why not? What's the best way to counter such fear?

    I think that I used to be afraid of dying, and I can still say that I am — but I have come more to terms with the fact that I won’t live on this Earth forever. I think the best way to counter the fear is to just accept it, and then think to yourself “how can I make this world a better place before I go?”

    10.Do you waste too much time? How do you think you can make the most of the time you have?

    I do think that I waste too much time, or at least spend too much time on things that don’t necessarily matter. But I think to make the most of my time is to do thing that I know will benefit others and not just myself.

  111. #9(Cayla Cantrell,Akosua Akomeah,Jade Johnson)

    Epicurus Questions:
    1. What was Epicurus's main belief?
    2. What is pleasure according to Epicurus?
    3. What is the definition of "phronesis"?

    Aristotle Questions:
    1. What is he considered the father of?
    2. True of False: Aristotle was the first to develop a formalized system for reasoning?

    Plato Question
    1. Who was Plato's teacher and student?
    2. According to Plato, what is the highest aim of moral thought and conduct?

    In a society that is constantly changing, what are our values and how do we determine them? Through Epicurus, Plato, and Aristotle we can find similarities between all their philosophical ideas and how they have somehow became part of our reality.


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