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Monday, December 5, 2016

Final Report - 2nd Installment H3

The New Alignment of Science, Religion and Philosophy
In this second installment, I included different insights on time that shape into the world’s theories today. The entirety of the world’s existence cannot produce an ultimate definition of time that can be proven through anything but another theory. In the first part, I explain how the religion of Buddhism interprets time through the present being. Second, I include information about how metaphysics can distinctly explain time in a physical sense. Also, I researched the theory of questioning the actual existence of time. Lastly, I wrote about how psychoactive drugs can skew a person’s perception of time. After the text, I posted links to a few interesting documentaries that have altered my view on time and religion. Feel free to take a look J
The effect of these new discoveries on our culture will be staggering in its power to lead the people of the world to enlightenment. The majority of our world population still embraces the material and scientific as the only real truth of reality.
It’s ironic that for the first time it may be these very scientific beliefs that will cause many to look beyond the walls of analytical science and step into a deeply personal, thoughtful and inspiring journey that will help them find their true place in the universe, and the universe within themselves. 
The impact of science, religion and philosophy now aligned so closely for the first time cannot be underestimated. This could open a floodgate ushering the masses of the world’s population into the new age and lead to a new enrichment of the human experience for more people across the globe than ever before experienced in the documented history of civilization.
It is very impressive that this “new” view of the universe, the same views held by metaphysicists and eastern mystics for thousands of years is now being rediscovered in the strangest of places, in the scientific laboratories all around the world.
The Buddhist Conception of Time and Temporality
During the early period of Indian thought, time baffled the Indian thinkers to such an extent that they came to look upon it not only as the cause of the universe but also as an all-pervading principle which governs everything in it. But as speculation advanced, time came to be considered one of the causes which determines the course of natural phenomena.
With the insight, he gained as he sat contemplating under the bodhi tree on the bank of the river Nera~njaraa, the Buddha realized that everything in this world of experience is causally produced, it was this insight that enabled him to eliminate all the doubts he had entertained regarding the nature of existence. Thus, in early Buddhism, there stood recognition of the fact that everything is impermanent, conditioned, and causally produced, along with the denial of anything with a permanent speculation regarding time. But it must be emphasized that during this early period of Buddhist thought, whatever reflections there were on the problem of time were invariably connected with speculation on the nature of things which are temporal.
There is a profound connection between the reality of time and the existence of an incalculable element in the universe. In the early Buddhist texts, this is referred to as the theory of self-causation and was based on the belief in a self, considered to be the essence of everything. Thus, "everything exists". This leads to the view that the consequence preexists in the cause, the future in the present. Such a strictly determined causal principle would also mean that we can, by examining the present, predict with absolute certainty what will happen in the future, for the future is merely the hidden present. For this reason, temporality becomes a mere illusion. None of the extrasensory perceptions recognized in early Buddhism refer to the future.
The famous quatrain in the Jaataka runs:
              Time consumes all beings
              including oneself;
              the being who consumes time,
              cooks the cooker of beings.

Although time is supposed to overwhelm ordinary human beings, the one who has attained enlightenment is able to bring time under his control.
Zen master Dogen composed a fascicle of Shobogenzo called "Uji," which usually is translated as "Being Time" or "The Time-Being":
"Time is not separate from you, and as you are present, time does not go away. As time is not marked by coming and going, the moment you climbed the mountains is the time-being right now. If time keeps coming and going, you are the time-being right now."
The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche said,
“... our fundamental nature of mind is a luminous expanse of awareness that is beyond all conceptual fabrication and completely free from the movement of thoughts. It is the union of emptiness and clarity, of space and radiant awareness that is endowed with supreme and immeasurable qualities. From this basic nature of emptiness everything is expressed; from this everything arises and manifests.”
Is the Human Mind a Time Machine?
Neurophysiology states that the process of the brain, including thinking, are achieved through the process of depolarization and repolarization of the membranes of the neurons that build the nervous system. The end result is the creation of electrical currents and energy.
We know from Einstein’s famous equation “E = MC2” that mass and energy are interchangeable. But it is certain that energy will be far superior than mass if we were trying to accelerate one to near the speed of light. Any mass no matter how small would require infinite energy to reach the speed of light. 
According to modern physics this is not possible and light speed is a real limitation for any object. However, energy may be a different story. Pure energy can travel very easily at the speed of light. By considering all the above can we conclude that thinking, which is an energy-mediated process, should allow for the processes that govern time viewing, time travel and phenomenon such as precognition? 
By continuing to explore the energy-mediated processes of the human mind we may begin to better understand that it may be just as easy for our mind to interact and possible control time itself.
Does Time Exist?
Barbour's theory explains, “The only evidence you have of last week is your memory. But memory comes from a stable structure of neurons in your brain now. The only evidence we have of the Earth's past is rocks and fossils. But these are just stable structures in the form of an arrangement of minerals we examine in the present. The point is, all we have are these records and you only have them in this Now.”

Altered States of Consciousness Using Psychoactive Drugs

Altered states of consciousness are sometimes characterized by a different estimation of time. Some psychoactive substances – such as entheogens – may also dramatically alter a person's temporal judgment. When viewed under the influence of such substances as LSD, psychedelic mushrooms, and peyote, a clock may appear to be a strange reference point and a useless tool for measuring the passage of events as it does not correlate with the user's experience. At higher doses, time may appear to slow down, stop, speed up, go backwards and even seem out of sequence. A typical thought might be "I can't believe it's only 8 o'clock, but then again, what does 8 o'clock mean?" As the boundaries for experiencing time are removed, so is its relevance. Many users claim this unbounded timelessness feels like a glimpse into spiritual infinity. Marijuana, a milder psychedelic, may also distort the perception of time to a lesser degree. In some religious practices, these drugs are used to seize a glimpse into the mind and seek further explanation on the inquiries of human life and divine guidance.

Word Count: 2,314



  1. I apologize for the little question mark links by the pictures. They are from previous pictures I tried to post. I don't know how to delete them :(

  2. "The only evidence you have of last week is your memory" - not so. I also have the evidence of a (virtual) stack of papers to grade.

    Gleick's "Time Travel" argues that presence is overrated. My view is that the present is large enough to contain past and future, hence the possibility of imaginative time travel.

    Sure hope Einstein was wrong about light speed. I really want to imagine humans going to warp, one day.


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