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Sunday, July 24, 2016

July 27th Questions Chapters 29-Conclusion and 20-22.

Don Enss

Chapter 29. Worlds at War: Plato and Aristotle in the Violent Century.

1.      What did Popper do that he considered as important to saving the West as building ships or manufacturing bombs?
2.      What was the singularly dangerous vision of history that Popper believed that Plato passed on to posterity and why did he think that it was important?
3.      What reason did Herman give for Hayek’s conclusion that economists and politicians were wrong about how markets work?
4.      Werner Sombart divided the world into “traders” and “heroes.” How did he define both?


1.      According to Herman, what three events set the compass for the twenty-first century?
2.      According to Herman’s “distinguished economist,” Alex Pollock, of the conservative think tank, American Enterprise Institute, what will happen, “because uncertainty about the future is fundamental.”?
3.      According to Herman, where is Plato’s actual cave that he used in his allegory and can you still visit it today?
4.      Plato became the godfather of what? And Aristotle became the spokesperson for what?

Chapter 20-22 A Philosophy of Walking

1.      Gros describes people at the Tuileres as being in a permanent merry-go-round and behind differences, they were all alike. According to Gros, what did the poet mean by “they are all alike?”
2.      One of the three elements of strolling is the “crowd.” How has the common experience changed over time?
3.      What does Benjamin say is a “fantasmagoria?”

4.      When does the floating feeling derived from walking come?

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