Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, April 25, 2016

Environment and Philosophy

Khylan Walker 
Section 4 
Dr. Oliver 

Environment and Philosophy 
      An environment is defined as "the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates." Your environment affects you in every way possible; including your philosophy.  From the way you talk, the way you view things, to the foods you eat, all have an exceptional influence from your environment. All of these components that are affected by your environment, are each factors of a person’s philosophy. In fact, most of our own personal philosophy is manufactured by events that we encountered growing up as a child.  
Not only does our philosophy construct our morals, but we make decisions based off our personal philosophy, which is why every encounter we have is so vital to us.  Although each and every single person in the world has a  different philosophy, people from the same regions kind of have the same culture.  For example, residents in Jamaica have a strong connection with the Rastafarian religion. It is more less a lifestyle in Jamaica, and it mostly seen only in Jamaica. Another example is the practice of Polygamy in the Western states of the United States.  Polygamy is very uncommon here in the south, and even illegal in some states, but out in some western states  it is a way of life, which is a prime example of where you live affects your philosophy.  
Here in the South, we live in the Bible belt, and the majority of the residents that lay within the Bible belt are Protestant (mostly Baptist) Christians.  In fact, it is almost weird to not be a proclaimed Christian, and go to church on Sunday. This is also an example of how your environment influences your beliefs and traditions. Even traditions such as festivals and celebrations, for instance, in my hometown we have a local festival called the Slugburger Festival that everyone attends and has attended for years.  According to Barrieevans.com, the second World War came about because of certain philosophies  people "tagged" onto instead of pushing away. America as well as its allies felt this sense of vulnerability, and needed to take action.  
As I previously stated from the way we talk, the things we eat, and even some of our beliefs is all affected by our environment. The list could go on an on, but you cannot say that where you grew up did not have an affect on your philosophy, because I know it sure had an affect on mine.  

Image result for nature v nurture  

1 comment:

  1. We're heavily stamped by our environment, and reciprocally (we're finally learning) we lay a heavy footprint on the environment in turn. The interesting question is whether philosophical reflection can alter our impact on the environment as we become more conscious of the way it influences our beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, speech, (in)tolerance, etc.


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