Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

(#8) Philip Giguere & Imran Khan- Aristotle

LIFE Aristotle was not just a philosopher but a Scientist in the subject of Physics and Astronomy and even some Psychology and Biology. Aristotle set up his own school at a place called the Lyceum. He had a habit of walking around and about when he was teaching or talking and his followers later become known as peripatetics which means “to walk about”. For the next thirteen years he had two kinds of lectures: extremely detailed ones in the mornings with his advanced students and more generic ones in the afternoons with people who were just lovers of knowledge. Athens was the city in which he set up his school and was later overthrown. When this happened a charge of impiety was trumped against him and in order to escape prosecution he fled to Chalcis in Euboea where he later dies a year later. Throughout his life he made many contributions to other sciences especially physics explaining change, motion, void, and time. Aristotle also had a major fascination with animals and said that they related to humans in many ways.

ETHICS Aristotle viewed ethics as the attempt to find our end goal in life to basically achieve our own happiness. Aristotle believes that happiness can only be achieved through personal experience and facts, not in abstract ideas or things. He further breaks down happiness in an analysis of the human soul which can be broken into three virtues that make up the human soul. The first being intellectual virtue he calls this a rational element of the human soul. This part of the human soul is responsible for giving us humans the ability to reason logically and formulate scientific principles. The second part of the human soul is our moral virtue this part of the soul is responsible for all of our emotions and desires. He claims this to be a fully rational part of the soul. Lastly we have the nutritional virtue which is solely responsible for nutrition and growth. So it is basically about eating healthy foods so you can live long and prosper. Someone who does this well is referred to as some who has a nutritional virtue Aristotle refers to this part of the soul as a completely irrational element. Aristotle also formulated several general points about the nature of moral virtues. First he says that our skill in regulating desires is not instinctive but learned throughout our lives from our families, teachers, and so on. Second he says that if we stop these desires too much or too little this can also create problems. Lastly he said that regulating our virtues are character traits and are not to be interpreted as emotions.


  1. Karol Saleh [8]


    Are you fear of death, or dying?

    There is rarely a man not afraid of death. It may also be that fear is the fear of the unknown.
    Death is something unknown, it did not strip him fearful and well beyond death is also something unknown.
    The man is afraid of this death how to die? How his soul out of his body? All these young people frighten many...
    The fate ensures that after death, it is feared, but desires.
    Thus St. Paul the Apostle says: "I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better" (phil 1:23) There is no doubt that the thief right what he is afraid of death, after hearing the Lord promised him: "today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43). Simeon was not afraid of death, because it is requested from the Lord: "O Lord, now launches your servant in peace according to your word, because my eyes have seen your salvation" (Luke 3:29, 30).
    But fear death is repentant, and is ready for him. And feared by the likes of the present world.
    All this shows that in the written matter. Even the fear of death was a natural thing, but the reasons for this are here to fear, linear bearing meaning.
    Spiritual man preparing to die repentance and behavior in the love of God, and then the fear of it disappears, God gives him reassurance.

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  3. Fatima Rizvi (#12)


    People in the past lived longer than us. They lived up to being a thousand years old while people now are lucky if they can even get past eighty years. But if we think about living forever, our first thought is “What would we do for that long?” or “What kind of life could we have?” But if you think about it, a person can live forever if he/she gets a successful life and does something that can be left forever. Like what Shakespeare and other writers has done in the past, by writing books that make them alive in our hearts when we read or tell their stories. But in my opinion, I think it's greedy for us to live forever as we have a limited life and only one. The bottom line here is to live with legacy and leave something behind before you leave. Life will be meaningless if you don't really know what the purpose of your life is. Everyone has a mission to fulfill and that’s what everyone should focus on. We only have one life, so spend it wisely and meaningfully. We must not worry about having the latest handbag or the newest sports car. Those things will never benefit us. Kindness, love, and honesty will. A life without love is barely worth living. Most people with the most money have the most problems, as they are greedy and do not appreciate the little things, while a poor man appreciates even smallest of things. In the end, the millionaire gets buried next to the beggar so it really doesn’t matter where we come from, but how we choose to treat ourselves and the people around us.

  4. (8) Janet Peoples Extra Credit:
    Are you a calm, tranquil, laid-back person? Do you try to be? How do you (try to) achieve that state of mind? Ever since I was little, I've always been a very quiet and shy person. I can be calm in certain situations depending on how bad the issue is. In very bad situations I tend to freak out very bad and get really upset, that's always been an issue for me. I try to think positive and look at the issue in many different ways so I don't get mad or upset. I can be very much laid back when I'm feeling very comfortable around people I know really well. I help me stay calm and a laid back person is listening to music, it helps me relax and forget about everything. It's the best type of therapy, at least for me because it calms me down in any situation I'm in. Another thing that helps me stay calm is being around my pets, you can get anything off your chest and in a way they are listening to you. It's just like having a human to talk to but they can't just talk about to you and give you advice or an answer, but sometimes that's a good thing. Being a calm and lad back person helps you stay positive and be able to be happy with yourself and life. I try anytime I'm faced with an issue, I try to stay calm and find ways to make things better. I'm just going to take it day by day.

  5. (8) Janet Peoples Extra Credit:
    Are you a calm, tranquil, laid-back person? Do you try to be? How do you (try to) achieve that state of mind? Ever since I was little, I've always been a very quiet and shy person. I can be calm in certain situations depending on how bad the issue is. In very bad situations I tend to freak out very bad and get really upset, that's always been an issue for me. I try to think positive and look at the issue in many different ways so I don't get mad or upset. I can be very much laid back when I'm feeling very comfortable around people I know really well. I help me stay calm and a laid back person is listening to music, it helps me relax and forget about everything. It's the best type of therapy, at least for me because it calms me down in any situation I'm in. Another thing that helps me stay calm is being around my pets, you can get anything off your chest and in a way they are listening to you. It's just like having a human to talk to but they can't just talk about to you and give you advice or an answer, but sometimes that's a good thing. Being a calm and lad back person helps you stay positive and be able to be happy with yourself and life. I try anytime I'm faced with an issue, I try to stay calm and find ways to make things better. I'm just going to take it day by day.


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