Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Giving up our free will to Google Cars? Marisa Fraley, Section 12, Group 3

Where we stand right now is that we have self-driving cars that have logged more than 700,000 miles of accident free driving that started in 2010.
Without a driver, these cars can carry out everyday tasks that a normal car requires a human to do.
Michigan, California, Nevada, and Florida are the only states that currently allow the self-driving car.
It is expected that the Google self-driving car is to be available to the general public in 2017.
Although these cars are incident free, all vehicular laws presume that a human is driving the vehicle, and driverless cars are exempt from these laws.
Not only do we have to change the legislature to use these cars, we have to look into what these cars are truly capable of.
For testing, there are ten cars total, and while they are on the road, they require a person in the driver’s seat. In the passenger’s seat are google engineers who monitor the vehicle.
The reason for the driver is for emergency situations where the driver would need to take control of the car. The car operates upon an auto-pilot function which acts like cruise control using Google Maps to traverse towns, cities, and even state lines.
Why do we let the cars dictate where we go and how fast we get there? Why are we so willing to hand our freedom to self-driving cars?

Is it morally permissible to put our lives into the hands of a computer? Why are jumping so fast to give up our free will to a computer that wouldn't know the difference of if we got into the car rather than a complete stranger?


  1. Really enjoyed reading this, we are so accustomed to technology now that we would choose a computer over a human any day.

  2. Really enjoyed reading this, we are so accustomed to technology now that we would choose a computer over a human any day.

  3. I'm sure the result of large numbers of these vehicles would be a reduction in traffic mortality. But it'll also move us a step closer to Wall-ee world. I'm gonna keep my hands on the wheel!


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