Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, April 9, 2015

H01 Group 3 Discussion Post

 On Tuesday, our group we discussed whether physical or emotional (mental) stimulants were more important to maintaining over all happiness. Most of us concluded that emotional well being was more impactful, on the grounds that physical pleasures and experiences are fleeting, and can only be experienced in the moment. We discussed how, even after these physical stimuli, we still dwell on them within our minds, reliving the experiences whether positive or negative. Also, when someone makes a negative or positive comment towards us, we are much more likely to suffer or gain mentally for an extended period of time than we would had it been a physical stimulant. These stimulants also cause more long term damage or good than a simple physical action (i.e. a compliment vs. a hug, or an insult vs. a hit to the back).  By this reasoning, the majority of our group concluded that the mind was the most important aspect for maintaining happiness.


  1. Anonymous2:59 PM CDT

    I think it is nearly impossible to draw the line at where physical stimulants end and mental stimulation begin.Until we definitively prove the existence of a soul then the brain is the only thing that is able to feel. Thus all stimulation physically exists only in the brain as chemical signals and electrical impulses. It is therefore almost impossible to sort our experiences into categories since all is basically the same at the level at which we experience in it.

  2. FQ: ________ debated Thomas Henry Huxely at the Oxford Museum of Natural History.
    FQ: What was the name of the ship Charles Darwin voyaged on?
    DQ: How do you feel about the fact that a lot of Americans do not subscribe to the scientific theory of evolution? Have you had any experience dealing with this in your own life/high school?

  3. @anonymous, I don't know if you could ever definitively prove the existence of a soul, considering it seems to transcend the more physical/scientific laws of life. The idea of all my experiences being reduced to neurological impulses is a rather depressing thought to me--I like to believe that there is more to humanity and life than what we experience through the bodies we inhabit.


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