Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Free Will, Post 1.

Is Free Will an illusion?

In this video, Benjamin Libet does an experiment to measure brain activity using an EEG machine, and when asked to perfume a simple hand gesture, Libet measured the brain activity to see when exactly they made a conscious decision to move their hands. Libet recorded that the test subjects had brain activity that initiated the movement hundreds of milliseconds before the decision to move their hand was. From this experiment, Libet found that it was not the conscious mind that caused the movement, it was the brain activity bringing about movement caused the subject to move his/her hand, which leads people to believe that free will is an illusion. They believe that our conscious mind is more like reports of what is already happening than the causes of our actions. Libet didn’t go with this, he believed that although we don’t have free will, there is still time for something called “free won’t”. Libet defined “free won’t” as it being a cautious veto of an action that is started in the brain. This idea is very skeptical because there was doubt because of the difficulty in finding the exact moment there was a subjective decision to move. I don’t really agree with what Libet’s experiment found because I think that you can’t change this idea of what free will is. God gave us free will, and the ability to do whatever we want to do in life, but we must understand that there are consequences that come with some actions. Free will gives us the power to choose our life, and live it the way we want to. I believe that there is this idea of free will because I believe that God wants us to live our life and make our own choices, but he has a plan for each and every person, it’s just our decisions help pave the way, and you might have your setbacks and feel like life is hard, but you always end up getting back up, and life becomes good again and you just have to keep moving forward on road you’re on. To watch the video, click the link below.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I couldn't get past "perfume a simple hand gesture..."

    Just kidding. "God gave us free will" hugely begs the philosophical question at issue. But grant that it might be so: how can a will that has been granted with the sufferance of an omniscient being (who already knows exactly how you'll use/abuse it) be genuinely "free"? OR, alternately, how can a will that's been conditioned by antecedent laws of nature be free?


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