Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Section 8 Group 3 FQ's and DQ's

1. Machiavelli believed that sometimes it was better to murder your enemies and tell lies. T/F LH 51
2. Machiavelli thought that human beings were reliable and trustworthy. T/F LH 54

1.Is perception reality and nothing more?
2. Does civil disobedience justify law breaking?


  1. The topic my group decided to report on is the ancient skeptic, Pyrrho. The part that I will be covering is his contributions to philosophy, or in other words, what he believed. To put it plainly, Phrryos form of philosophy was deemed skepticism. Skepticism, deriving from the Greek word skepsis which means examination and consideration, can be divided up into two categories: Academic, coming from Plato’s Academy, and Pyrrhonian, coming from Pyrrho.
    The main principle of Pyrrhonian skepticism is best described using the word acatalepsia, which means the inability of comprehending or conceiving a thing. It is the belief that human knowledge can never amount to certainty, but only to probability. It is a very abstract concept that is best explained like so: if I take a pen and hold out in front of me planning to drop it, I cannot know if the pen will fall. I can only use my past experiences with dropping a pen to form my judgment. However, I have never dropped this pen at this exact moment. Common sense will tell me that the pen will fall, but if I were to apply Pyrrho’s unique form of philosophy to this situation, it is only probable that the pen will fall, it is not certain. Pyrrho believed that this form of thinking freed the mind from the fear of worry, if you cannot know what will happen, why worry about it. It is, for all intents and purposes, the true form of skepticism.

  2. FQ
    1.Where does the basic knowledge of our external world come from?
    2.Malcolm stated, when dreaming I am not conscious, since I'm sleeping.P 107 T/F
    1.What purpose do dreams serve in our lives?
    2.Why are dreams sometimes hazy and only recalled in bits and pieces? Why aren't they all vivid and clear in meaning?


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