Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Robert Bagwell: Team Ball is Lyfe Contribution

For the presentation with my group, Team Ball if Lyfe in Section 12, we decided to do our presentation on the English lawyer, philosopher, and author Thomas More. My individual contribution for the presentation, is to cover the later/political life of Thomas More and some of his legacy through a couple of PowerPoint slides. I will cover his rise to high ranking member in the court of the infamous King Henry VIII, to his eventual canonization by Pope Pius XI through a series of bullet points and dates and by elaborating on them. In more detail I will cover Thomas More's ascent from a successful under-sheriff of London to a member of the House of Commons to him becoming extremely close to King Henry VIII. I will also delve into how his religious views helped persuade his political actions as his time as Lord Chancellor of England under King Henry VIII. Also, I will be briefly covering the reason why Thomas More had a falling out and was executed by King Henry VIII. My contribution fits into my groups presentation by showing a huge reason why he is still relevant to this day, which is due in part to his high political stature and position and his relationship with the legendary King Henry VIII. My contribution also helps, a little, highlight Thomas More's religious devotion and how it would effect his philosophical ideas and thoughts. As a whole though, my contribution is to briefly detail and envelope on the political life, and slightly into the spiritual part, of his life to show why he is a historically significant individual.

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