Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, December 1, 2014

Charles Darwin and Ra's al Ghul

Charles Darwin, the most recognizable name in the scientific and environmental world is also accredited with influencing many great philosophers throughout the decades.  Charles Darwin didn’t display any real intelligent or thoughtful characteristics until his voyage on the HMS Beagle, before his trip no one had any clue that he would one day provide the field of biology with one of its core theories. This theory would cause quite a controversy in the views of the church and would provide atheists with their main argument against the existence of an all powerful God.
            As a scientist he was an observer and on the Galapagos Islands he made observations that shake the world. Darwin noticed that the finches on the islands were all different from one another , each bird had different characteristics from  one another resulting in favorable and unfavorable conditions pertaining to their rate of survival and subsequently, breeding. These observations provided the basis for his theory of evolution; species will experience change of certain inherited characteristics over successive generations .
            In comparison to a certain villain, I would say that Charles Darwin would very much resemble Ra's al Ghul. Ra’s al Ghul translated from Arabic means “the head of the demon” ; many members of the Christian church in the 19th century believed that Darwin’s work was the work of the devil. Ra’s al Ghul as a villain is an immortal eco-terrorist; if Darwin was an extremist I believe that he would have been an eco-terrorist. If Darwin had a dark side, I believe he would have possessed even more traits that carried similarity to Al Ghul.  

1 comment:

  1. I'd say the dark side of Darwin was represented by the Social Darwinists, who misconstrued Darwin's position and thought he was arguing for a "survival of the fittest" mentality applied to all human affairs. He did not. In fact he was a liberator, not a demon. He brought a message of vigor, health, and happiness. He celebrated the "grandeur" of life. Sadly, that's not well or widely understood here yet.


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