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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Bertrand Russell 3/4

Important Works of Bertrand Russell 

Bertrand Russell

Russell was a phenomenal writer in all mediums, here are all of his lifes works.

Books by Russell:
 German Social Democracy (1896)
An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry (1897)
The Principles of Mathematics (1903)
Our Knowledge of the External World (1914) Justice in War-Time (1916)
Why Men Fight (1917)
Political Ideals (1917)
Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism (1917)
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (1919)
Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays (1919)
The Problem of China (1920)
The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism (1921)
The Analysis of Mind (1921)
Free Thought and Official Propaganda (1922)
Icarus, or The Future of Science (1924)
The Conquest of Happiness (1930)
Prevent the Crime of Silence (1971) Reports from the International War Crimes Tribunal.

Articles by Russell:

"A Free Man's Worship" The Independent Review (1903)
"On Denoting" Mind 14 (Oct 1905). Russell's most important philosophical essay.
"To the Electors of the Wimbledon Division of Surrey" (May 3, 1907) Election Leaflet. Download pdf
Anti-Suffragist Anxieties (1910)
"The Elements of Ethics" (1910)
"The Ethics of War" International Journal of Ethics (1915)
"Non-Resistance and the Present War: A Reply to Mr. Russell"
"Letter From Russell"
"War and Non-Resistance" Atlantic Monthly (August 1915)
"The War and Non-Resistance
"Adsum qui Feci"
"On Propositions" Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes, vol. 2. (1919) "Dreams and Facts" The Athenaeum, nos. 4,642-3 (April 18 and 25, 1919). Repr. Sceptical Essays
Introduction to Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1922)
"Vagueness" Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 1 (June 1923): 84-92.
"Theory of Knowledge" Encyclopaedia Britannica, 13th ed. (1926)
"Philosophical Consequences of Relativity" Encyclopaedia Britannica, 13th ed. (1926)
"Why I Am Not A Christian" (London: Watts & Co, 1927)
"On the Value of Scepticism" (1928) Introduction to Sceptical Essays.
"How I Came by My Creed" The Realist (Sept 1929)
"Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization?"
"In Praise of Idleness" Harper's Magazine 165 (Oct 1932): 552-9.
"Education and Discipline" from In Praise of Idleness (1935).
"The Last Survivor of a Dead Epoch" The Listener (1936)
"The Bomb and Civilization" Forward 39, no. 43 (Aug 1945)
"The Philosophy of Logical Analysis" ch. 31, A History of Western Philosophy (1945)
"Philosophy for Laymen" Universities Quarterly 1 (Nov 1946
"The Copleston / Russell Debate on the Existence of God" (1948)
"Am I an Atheist or an Agnostic?" The Literary Guide and Rationalist Review 64 (July 1949)
"What Desires Are Politically Important?" (1950) Russell's Nobel prize acceptance speech.
"How I Write" The Writer, September 1954
"The Russell-Einstein Manifesto" (9 July 1955)
"Prologue" ("What I Have Lived For") to The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell (1967)

Essays by Russell:

"The Congo":  excerpt from Freedom and Organization 1814–1914 (1934), Chapter XXXI, Imperialism
"The Divorce of Science and ‘Culture’" (1958; Kalinga Prize acceptance speech)
"The Doctrine of Extermination"
"Ideas that Have Harmed Mankind"
"Ideas that Have Helped Mankind"
"Knowledge and Wisdom"
"A Liberal Decalogue" (1951)
"The Metaphysician's Nightmare" (1954)
"On Youthful Cynicism" (1930)
"The Impulse to Power" Introduction to Power (1938)
"The Theologian's Nightmare" (1961)
"The Twilight of Science: Is the Universe Running Down" (1929)
"What Is an Agnostic?" (1953)
"What Is the Soul?" (1928)
"Why I Am A Rationalist"

As you can tell Russell had an extensive portfolio of writing, from the very beginning of his career until his death he was always working towards a better world.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the Russell bibliography. So glad he stuck around to write it all!


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