Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Section 10, Group 3

Since we didn't have any group discussion time, we didn't get to set out a dedicated author.  I'm remedying that here.

The last class was spent making up for lost time due to last Thursday's class being canceled.  We had a crash session on two days of content. 

Place your FQ's, DQ's, Links and commentary here, so we can get back on track.


  1. Anonymous10:46 AM CST

    Teddy Freeman
    FQ: (T/F) Moore said that humans see the world through rose tinted glasses.

    DQ: Do you think using Felicific Calculus to measure happiness would improve society?

    Link: http://www.princeton.edu/~achaney/tmve/wiki100k/docs/Jeremy_Bentham.html

  2. Anonymous10:49 AM CST

    Teddy Freeman
    Answer: FQ: F, This was said by Kant.

  3. Anonymous11:44 AM CST

    Dustin Chitwood
    Did Kant think emotions come into morality? - No
    How would you measure happiness?
    The link above is about Bentahm and his beliefs and thoughts.

  4. Section 10 Group 3
    Hunter Coppinger
    According to Kant if you help someone because you feel sorry for them then you are not performing a action.

    For Kant Morality wasn't about what you do, but about why you do it.

    If someone is injured beyond recovery, and they asked you to end their life would you do it and would it be morally right?

    Would you agree with Kant regarding morals or not?

    This is an overview on morals with Kant

  5. Anonymous12:18 PM CST

    I really wish we had time for Voltaire the other day. He is probably my favorite of the “recognized” philosophers (Carlin still wins overall honors). I am particularly fond of his views on freedom of speech- "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it”- and his passive aggressive methods for bringing issues the power-that-be find objectionable into debate.

    Candide was a great example of this. He put together an indictment on the Pope, Leibniz, and optimists in general who like to think everything is good to go just because it is. The success of Candide however, came from its entertainment value as a parody. Voltaire knew that to get the people to accept a message, you needed a successful way to get it to them and comedy, as it does now, was a winner at communicating a message.

    FQ: What is another name for utilitarianism?
    Answer: The Great Happiness Principle

    DQ: Do you feel that Kant’s feelings on how man treats an animal shows his true colors is applicable to the incidents where law enforcement officers shoot dogs who pose questionable threats to officer safety?

    Link: For your reference about the dog shooting question posed above. This incident happened in Racine, Wisconsin when a SWAT team deployed to handle an incident regarding violent threats made by the dog's owner.


  6. FQ: (T/F) Kant believed that under no circumstances it is okay to lie?

    DQ: How do you decide what is morally right and wrong?

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwOCmJevigw

  7. FQ. Describe Kant's Rose-Tinted Spectacles.
    DQ: What is the nature of reality?


  8. FQ:
    Where was Hegel born (what it used to be called in 1770)?

    Hegel said "reality is constantly moving towards its goal of understanding itself."
    what do you thing he meant by this?\

    is there an end to history?


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