Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Section 10, Group 2 Kant Touch This

I had to leave before we discussed authors, so I'm not sure who is up for it. Hence, here ya go. Today in class we took our daily quiz, and then started final presentations. We only got through one presentation, but it was a very fascinating topic about how each of us perceive things and therefore form our own realities. We also reviewed who would be presenting presentations and who would not need to do so due to exemptions.



  1. Factual questions:
    1) True/ False Pragmatism is concerned with the ideal value of something
    2) Which American philosopher is responsible for starting the pragmatist movement in the later 19th entury?

    Discussion questions:
    1) What do you think of Nietzsche's belief that 'God has stopped being reasonable?'
    2) Can we control our unconscious thoughts with enough practice and discipline?

    From the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

  2. FQ: What is it called when one accidentally reveals a wish that he does not realize he has?
    - Freudian Slip
    DQ: Do you consider yourself tender-minded or tough-minded?


  3. Who first used Psychoanalysis?
    Thoughts on God?

  4. Caitlin Bates
    FQ: Charles Pierce...aka founder of ___.
    FQ: (T/F) One of the key tenets of his philosophy is the concept of "life-affirmation," which embraces the realities of the world in which we live over the idea of a world beyond.
    DQ: Do you believe there are multiple realities out there? Why don't we all perceive thoughts the same way?


  5. Brittney Tate
    1. _________ is a philosophical approach that became popular in the United States in the late nineteenth century.
    - Pragmatism
    2. Who believed that for a statement to be true there had to be some possible experiment or observation to support it?
    - Pierce
    1. What are your thoughts on what truth is?

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkOZ4IyAbNA

  6. FQ: who made fun of William James' pragmatic theory of truth?
    A: Bertrand Russell


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