Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Section 13 group 3

Today we discussed whether or not death is a fantastic thing because it is guaranteed. We talked briefly about and afterlife and what we think it could be life if there is one. We also discussed Pascal's gamblers argument and if it has any validity.


  1. Jim Bratton9:38 AM CDT

    FQs and DQs for next class:

    "Epictetus, Cicero, and Seneca"
    1. Where did the name "stoic" come from?
    2. How many titles did Seneca have?

    1. Do you agree with Cicero that the soul lives forever, so old people should not worry about dying?
    2. Do you believe that that our attitude to what happens is within our control even though what happens in certain situations often isn't?

    "Right and Wrong Part 1"
    1. What are the more abstract philosophical questions about the meaning of moral language referred to as?
    2. What is a maxim?

    1. Do you agree with Kant that as human beings we have certain categorical duties?
    2. Do you think that moral acts can sometimes be seen as immoral, and vice-versa?

  2. Anonymous6:21 PM CDT

    FQs: What two writers helped spread Stoic teachings?
    What is the ideal way to live according to a Stoic?
    DQs: Seneca believed most people wasted there time/lives on earth, but what qualifies as a waste of time to one person may not to another, so what is a waste of time/life to you?
    Is it better to live life as a reclusive person or a sociable person?

  3. "Epictetus, Cicero, and Seneca"
    1)Who were two important writers who helped spread the Stoic teaching?
    2)What was the name of the painted porch in Athens where philosophers would meet?

    1) Do you believe that if you live your life well, you won't be afraid of your own memories when you are older?
    2) Can one learn to embrace the natural process of growing older without having to undergo negative circumstances along the way?

    "Right and Wrong" Part 1
    1)What is the best-known type of consequentialist ethical theory?
    2) What is meta-ethics?

    1)Does philosophy play a big role in your fundamental prejudices of what is right or wrong?
    2)Do you think today's society has made the existence of God a questionable thought due to the commercialism involved in religion?

  4. Peyton Sorgenfrei11:03 AM CDT

    (T/F) Stoicism is based on the belief that we are responsible for what we feel and think.
    (T/F) A Kantian moral action is one performed out of a sense of duty rather than feelings or gains.

    In your opinion, what does it mean to live your life well?
    Are there really exceptional circumstances to the Ten Commandments?

  5. Epictetus, cicero, and Seneca

    FQ: T/F: Early Greek Stoics believed that we should only worry about the things that we could change

    DQ: Do you think that it is okay to supress all of your emotions just for the sake of peace of mind

    Right and Wrong


    T/F: according to Kantian Ethics, the action itself and its consequences was far more important than the motive of an action

    DQ: to you, what makes more sense when measuring pleasure and happiness? Bentham's "felicific calculus" or Mill's distinction between lower and higher pleasures?

  6. FQ
    T/F Epicteus started out as a slave?
    T/F Seneca thought life was too short

    How do you feel about Hippocrates statement "life is short, art is long"



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