Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Section 10 Group 3

In Thursday's class our group decided to talk on the topic of inherited sin, as well as morality of euthanasia. 
      With inherited sin, we agreed that it wasn't right to condemn someone based on who their ancestors were or on what ethnic origin they were. For example, you can't assume that Johnny is going to steal your stuff just because his father was a thief. Even deeper, the issue of slavery. Caucasians are still, to this day, condemned by many people based on what their ancestors in the 1800's. How is it that something like that has transcended through 200 years even though slavery is no longer an issue?
      Our last topic was on the morality of euthanasia. For those who don't know, euthanasia (or assisted suicide) is "the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma." Is it "right" to take someone's life if it meant that they wouldn't suffer any longer? We concluded that the only reason that it would be justified is if the patient is completely brain-dead. Otherwise, it would be considered immoral. It is not your decision to take take the life of another human being. 


  1. Anonymous11:07 AM CDT

    Dustin Chitwood
    What does the word speciesism imply?
    What do you believe and or think about the paradox of an all-knowing God with people that still have free will?
    This link has a lot of really good quotes an thoughts on speciesism.

  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/animals/rights/speciesism.shtmlq:
    Briefly define speciesism.

    Do you believe animal suffering is different from human suffering? Yes or no and on what way?

  3. FQ: Boethius died 20 years before what?

    DQ: Do animals actually deserve rights? Why or why not?

    RL: Apparently there was a movie that came out last year that was titled "Speciesism"? I thought it was interesting.


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