Up@dawn 2.0

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Section 10 group 2 ~Kant touch this~

Today we talked about one of the discussion questions: if you had to choose between benevolence ( all good), omniscience (all knowing), and omnipresent ( all present), for God which one would you choose. We also talked about religion and if it's necessary for a functional society. We decided it can be beneficial, but isn't always necessary. Also, how religion affects our beliefs and actions.


  1. Factual questions:
    1) Who was the US fighter pilot who lived by Epicurus's teaching while he was held captive in Vietnam?
    2) True or false: Immanuel Kant believed that moral action was performed out of a sense of duty
    3) What is a maxim?
    4) Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill believed that the ultimate goal of all human activity was what?

    Discussion Questions:
    1) Do you believe the stoic outlook on life is a good one? Or was it simply a way of not committing to anything and not acknowledging negative things in life?
    2) Life is not black and white. We live in a world of grey areas. Because of this, how do we teach morality to young children?
    3) Do you believe happiness is every human's ultimate goal?

    "There is in reality nothing desired except happiness."- John Stuart Mill


  2. Anonymous5:51 PM CDT

    Kristopher Rollins

    FQ: Kant stated that you should only pursue maxims that you would want to be ____________ applicable.

    DQ: What is a maxim you would want to be universally pursued? Do you attempt it?

    Link: http://willyoupressthebutton.com/

  3. Brittney Tate - FQ's & DQ's


    1. What is based on the assumption that the ultimate aim of all human activity is happiness?
    - Utilitarianism
    2. Who claimed that cultivating the virtues is the way to flourish as a human being?
    - Aristotle


    1. Do you agree with Aristotle, that everyone wants to flourish? Why or why not?

    2. What is your definition of happiness?

    Link: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/534392/Lucius-Annaeus-Seneca

  4. FQ:
    (T/F) Stoics believe we should, wherever possible, remove emotions altogether.
    Answer: True

    DQ: should moral decisions be regulated by emotional response?

    Link: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/03/070321181940.htm

  5. Hayley Mengaziol Section 10 group 2
    FQ: What is it called when the ultimate goal is in some way happiness?
    DQ: Is morality easier to form at a young age?
    link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7xt5LtgsxQ


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