Up@dawn 2.0

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Group 2/ Section 9- Philosobeasts

(sorry for the delay in the post, i've been having computer issues since class)

Hello all! In class on Thurday, we discussed the difference between death and what happens after. This brought about what we thought of "death" as children and how it related to "the process of leaving" and the afterlife. Most common questions that were raised were "should we be afraid of what we are not sure of?" We mostly agreed that the unknown sometimes frightens us. However, why would you doubt your happiness? If that's where you find most happiness, stay there.

"If you seek to understand you will." We discussed what happens to people who gamble with God. Also known as straddling the fence. When people only say they believe in God ti avoid being punished they're going to be punished anyway. You have to really want a relationship with God, not fake one.


  1. FQs

    1- Who were the 2 important writers that helped spread Stoicism?
    2- T/F Epictetus started off as a slave


    1- Cicero believed that the soul lived forever. What do you think happens to our souls after we die?
    2- Does the passive stoic way make us less human?

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tpL1K8ZqrU

  3. Alex Tate sec. 9 group 2
    1. The Stoa was printed on a what and where was it?
    2. What was the name of Cicero's book?
    1. Do you agree with Seneca's statement that the most fruitful way to exist is to study philosophy?

  4. Anonymous10:17 AM CDT

    Colin Copeland, section 9

    1. What were Cicero's four main problems of growing older?
    2. Which emperor was Seneca the tutor of?

    1. Do you agree with Cicero, that when the time comes we should just accept and wait for death?
    2.If faced with a command to commit suicide, as Seneca was, would you adopt his philosophy and be as calm as he was?

  5. Anonymous10:33 AM CDT

    Alex Finke, Sec 9
    1. Acording to christian ethics what is the meaning of wrong?

    2. In Utilitarianism what is the untimate aim of human activity?

  6. Sorry I could not find my groups post from Thursday so I posted here from Section 9 group 3, Annalise Williams.


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