Up@dawn 2.0

Friday, August 29, 2014

Socratarians Section 9

Thursday, we started off introducing ourselves to one another, primarily through first names, followed by an attempt to name our team. That epic attempt seemed to be a success phonetically, as we had created a brand new word: Socratarians. However, we as a group did not have much knowledge on the subject of the philosopher our name was derived from, Socrates. After we had realized we were okay with this indiscretion, we moved on to our personal beliefs of what philosophy really is, and although we may have all said something different, I distinctly remember a lot of "how you think"  as part of the"definition." And then, we embarked on a new journey of finding "our philosophy" through an online, seven question, questionnaire found on one of the most trusted websites: Google. Sadly, we ran out of time and could not finish.


  1. Anonymous1:05 PM CDT

    Lauren Williams Section 9. Here are my FQ's, DQ's, and links

    1. What philosopher is associated with peripatetics?
    2. What was the Lyceum?
    3. What emperor closed all of the philosophical schools in Athens?

    1. Do you agree with the emperor’s decision to close all philosophical schools in Athens? Why or why not?
    2. Do you think that by participating in peripatetic walks your personal viewpoints will be affected or influenced?
    3. Do you have a “This I Believe” philosophy? If so, what is it?

    Link: http://thisibelieve.org/essay/144207/

  2. Anonymous7:48 AM CDT

    Evan Wick Section 9 (Group 3).

    FQ - Who was the Lyceum named after?

    DQ -- Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?
    -- Is science compatible with religion?

    Link - http://thisibelieve.org/essay/145884/


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