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Monday, March 31, 2014

Study Guide exam #2

Authors, paste your group's questions directly into this document if you can.

Why Not Study Guide for Exam #2

  1. What does 'Esse est percipi' mean?(Answer- to be is to be perceived)
  2. Who wrote in his Social Contract that "man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains,'" but also said people must sometimes be "forced to be free"? -Rousseau
  3. (T/F) John Locke believed that someone could be the same "man" but not the same person as time goes on. (ANS: True)
  4.  (T/F) Voltaire was strongly opposed to the separation of church and state. (F)
  5. What is amour-propre? pg.118 Is myself-esteem, my vanity, my sense of how others see me.
  6.  Rorty believed pragmatist could not sensibly attempt to specify the what __________? (nature of truth) 
  7. Who helped spark the collapse of high/low distinctions with his commentary on the arts and supported vaudeville, comics, TV, radio, movies, and jazz? (Gilbert Seldes, AP pg. 175)
  8.  According to___________ in the Weekly Standard, Rorty predicted in Achieving Our Country that, "we were about to become a________? (David Brooks, dictatorship) AP 147
  9. What economist taught philosophy at glasgow university and was a close friend to David Hume?Adam Smith
  10.  In 1839, lowbrow ___________ _________, performing in 'As You Like It' at Philadelphia's American Theater, shared the bill with a "magnificent display" of gymnastic position. (William Burton, pg. 172)

Philosoraptors STUDY GUIDE

Study time Raptors! 

FQ: In Rene Descartes’s 'Trademark Argument', it states that_____ exists because he left an idea_____ in our minds. God; implanted

FQ: Jansenists believed in ______. Predestination.

FQ: T/F. All philosophers agreed with Locke emphasis on self-conscious memory as the basis of personal identity. False

FQ: According to ______, being the same 'man' is very different from being the same 'person'. John Locke

FQ: ______ believed that the world and all that exist in it, exist only in the mind of the people. George Berkeley

FQ: Voltaire's real name was ________? Francois-Marie Arouet

FQ: Which philosopher stated ' I hate what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it’?Voltaire

FQ: T/F Hume was an Empiricist? –True

FQ: On his death bed, David Hume said that he should not worry about his afterlife because he didn't worry about the time before his life, which is an answer that an earlier philosopher ________ would have said. Epicurus.

FQ: Who stated ' Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains’? Jean-Jacques Rousseau

FQ: Rousseau felt that _______ were naturally good, and were corrupted by civilization. Humans.

FQ: What is General Will and which philosopher built the ground work for his philosophy on thisThe general will is to do whatever is best for the whole community in order to live freely within a society. Famed by Rousseau

FQ: Hume states different ways the eye could have been created; what are they? An old god who has died, a young god still learning, a single living God with power, or a team of lesser gods working together.

FQ: What philosopher claimed that lying under any circumstance was immoral? Kant

FQ: If it isn't right for everyone, it can't be right for _____?

Thunder Dragons Study Guide for Exam #2

1. FQ: Did Hume believe desire or reason governed human behavior? (Reason)

2. FQ: Who was Francois-Marie Arouet better known as? (Voltaire)

3. FQ: What book did Rorty believe knocked out the enterprise of epistemology itself? (Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature)

4. FQ: What position did Rorty believe in? (Middle-of-the-road)

5. FQ: Who was Pascal first educated by? (His Father, Étienne Pascal)

6. FQ: Who created the Cartesian co-ordinates? (René Descartes)

7. FQ: Did Pascal believe we should be closer to beasts or angels? (Beasts)

8. FQ: What branch of mathematics did Spinoza use to explain philosophy? (Geometry)

9. FQ- What did Pascal invent in 1642? (A mechanical calculating machine called the Pascaline)

10. FQ: Whose method is, "don't accept anything as true if there is the slightest possibility that it isn't"? (Descartes)

Oliver's Favs Study Guide Sec. 12

1. What's the all-time Philosophy best-seller (excluding the Bible)? Durant's Story of Philosophy, AP 170
2. What did Hume relate the basis of scientific reasoning to? (Animal Instinct, PB pg. 103)
3. What distinction of John Locke's did Berkeley reject? Primary/Secondary qualities
4. What does 'Esse est percipi' mean? To be is to be perceived
5. What does cogito ergo sum mean? I think therefore I am

6. What 18th century skeptical Scottish Empiricist rejected the Design Argument (aka Teleological Argument) for the existence of God? David Hume

7. Why did Hume say we tend to expect the future to resemble the past? Instinct

8. What did Richard Rorty think we understand better when we abandon notions such as "the intrinsic nature of reality" and "correspondence to reality"? Truth

9. Who invented Cartesian coordinates and invented the Cartesian method of doubt? (How many syllables in his name? What's it rhyme with?) Descartes

10. What English philosopher said the mind of a newborn is a blank slate? John Locke


  1. Monday during our walk we discussed the reality machine and how it would affect us and if we would even choose to be hooked up to it and under what circumstances. Most of the group would choose to be hooked up to it, but really only to get answers to their questions... Even so it would only be the answers that you perceive or the ones of another person (the creator of the machine). We talked about if actual reality would even have any effect or credibility to us. Looking forward to the study guides to be posted so I can start studying. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE

  2. Anonymous9:03 PM CDT

    Study Guide Questions
    1. Machiavelli said a prince needs ______, the Italian word for manliness. (Virtu)
    2. What 18th century skeptical Scottish Empiricist rejected the Design Argument (aka Teleological Argument) for the existence of God? (David Hume)
    3. What does cogito ergo sum mean? (“I Think, Therefore I Am”)
    4. Which French philosopher wrote a play parodying the idea that everything (including devastating earthquakes, disease, rape, murder, torture,...) always works out for the best in our "best of all possible worlds," and said we must each "cultivate our garden"? (Voltaire)
    5. What recently-deceased legal scholar rejected the separation of law and morality, and said only conscious beings have "interests"? (Ronald Dworkin)
    6. What's the all-time Philosophy best-seller (excluding the Bible). (Durant’s Story of Philosophy)
    7. What 18th century Irish philosopher/bishop denied the existence of matter and said that, in a world consisting of nothing but ideas, "to be is to be perceived"? (George Berkeley)
    8. Was Hume unworried about dying because he'd publicly declared himself an atheist? (No-He never publicly declared it)
    9. What did Richard Rorty think we understand better when we abandon notions such as "the intrinsic nature of reality" and "correspondence to reality"? (Truth)
    10. Who invented Cartesian coordinates and invented the Cartesian method of doubt? (How many syllables in his name? What's it rhyme with?) (Descartes)

    My group's questions were in a comment on a previous post, so I figured I'd post them here and make them easier to find.

  3. Gil and I both walked around campus on Monday discussing lying and its moral correctness. We concluded that lying in a circumstance normally discussed, (lying to tell a murder a false place where a loved one is kept), is totally acceptable. Why? Because it's for the betterment of the human race.

    FQ: Whose writing is seen as extremely difficult to interpret, as it is sometimes made up of unknown words? Sometimes the author doesn't even comprehend what he writes completely. (Answer: Hegel)
    FQ: What is the German word for spirit? (Answer: Geist)
    DQ: Is one's spirit/soul one with the mind or are they separate?
    Link: http://www.biography.com/people/georg-wilhelm-friedrich-hegel-9333532


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