Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Group Why Not?

I really liked this quote that Grant said today in class, " You can plan a pretty picnic but you cant predict the weather." So in group today we discussed Stoicism. I think we all came to the conclusion that having some emotion is a good thing. We also talked about how you have to live to look back on experiences in order to reflect. Now, going back to Grant's quote we ended our group discussion about the readings by saying that you have to live in the moment and that just because you make plans to grow old doesn't mean you will be able to live them out.

As far as our mid term project I think the plan is to maybe bring in some comic strips so we have something to start building ideas off of.

I thought this was a neat Comic from Calvin and Hobbes that sort of applied to what we talked about in our discussion today.
Calvin and Hobbes


  1. Erin, I really like the comic strip you found. :) The section my questions come from today is the one about Boethius from LH.

    FQ: What was the name of the woman in Boethius's book "The Consolation of Philosophy" who joins him in his cell and explains what he should believe? (Philosophy, LH pg. 41)

    FQ2: What "fickle" and "random" thing should humans not depend on to be happy according to Boethius? (Luck, LH pg. 42)

    DQ: Do people have free will or is everything predestined?

    Link: Here are some quotes from Boethius. . .

  2. Hello group, I read AP (78-97) and was charged with supplying an FQ and DQ on the first three pages of the reading, which was primarily focused on the origins of George Santayana. Santayana was a renowned Spanish-American philosopher, and a Harvard pragmatist, whose peers included William James and Josiah Royce.

    FQ: ___________ wrote of philosophers who ignored Santayana's work in the analytic heyday after 1950 that Santayana "may well come to be seen for what he was, the masters of them all."

    DQ: George Santayana was apparently "different" in some way. AP suggests that he might have been a homosexual. In fact, Charles William Eliot, who was president of Harvard at the time Santayana was there, wanted to impede Santayana's career on the basis that he (Eliot) did not believe Harvard should be promoting "a man so abnormal as Dr. Santayana." My question is this: Do you think that the reason many people are uncomfortable with homosexuality is based on their particular religious view or is it something that transcends religion?


  3. Hey group, I read AP & my questions came from page 87- 90.. Anzia Yezierska is well known for her work which is based on the hardships and life struggles of immigrants, especially Jewish immigrants in New York’s Lower
    Link about Anzia Yezierska :http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/yezierska-anzia
    FQ: Who was described as " the most profound, most complete expression of American genius." (John Dewey pg. 87)
    FQ: As a mature____________ philosopher, Dewey viewed life as an ___________ process in which man, always with focused aims, uses his intelligence to solve real problems in concrete situations. (Pragmatist, organic) pg. 88
    Link:The need for a recovery of philosophy summary
    http://www.uh.edu/~cfreelan/courses/americanphil/Dewey.htmlEast Side.

  4. Hellllllo group I read 85-95 in AP
    FQ: Dewey published poems in what year the revealed a more private side of his relationship. (1977)
    DQ: How do you feel about Dewey's approach to philosophy
    Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TevHVpqMw_Q

    I found this link that describes Dewey's approach to philosophy


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