Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, February 10, 2014


We came up with a topic and format for our midterm. So we decided to use SUPERVILLIANS AND PHILOSOPHY as our subject. We'll each pick a villain, so pick the one you prefer and a couple others as back-ups. We talked about a few points we could research for our villains:

1. what movie/comic/whatever they're from
2. What makes them villainous
3. What philosophy they can be grouped into

That's a good start I think. Any other points would be great. I did talk to our prof. after class and it will be fine to use fictional OR actual historical figures. That could make our research a little easier, and cheaper. We figure to each spend around 6 or 7 minutes presenting our research.

Here's our list of assignments to be done before WED.

1. Little history, chapter 5
    Morganne (Seneca)
    Maegan (Cicero)
    Elizabeth (Epictetus)

2. America the Philosophical, pgs. 57-78
    Morgan (Emerson)
    Evan (Walzer, The Constitution) Sorry man, looks like I accidentally gave you 2 assignments? If that's the case, pick one I suppose   
    Cody (Peirce)
    Victoria (James)

As far as Prof's presentation, we heard a lot about the idea of skepticism, and the idea of eliminating the idea of Philosophers as an elite group. We also heard and talked about Epicurus and his philosophy of living within your means and setting simple goals for yourself in live. Got a lot done.
Oh, and our name. I tried Philosophy bites, but no luck. Maybe "We Bite Harder".


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  2. FQ: Who was the eccentric philosopher that was dismissed from lectureship at Johns Hopkins University because of "unspecified moral grounds?"
    A: Charles Sanders Peirce (p. 72)

    DQ: Biographer Joseph Brent mentioned that rumors of "homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, chronic drunkenness, violence and drug addiction" swirled around Peirce, and they were often true. Brent went on to qualify Peirce as "impulsive, quick-tempered, and often perverse and arrogant," stating that Peirce "loved luxury and taking risks (p. 72)."
    Brent said that Peirce's character "caused him to fail at every turn of his career." How do you think a philosopher of Peirce's genius--as well as his erratic nature--would fare in today's society?

    Link: Learn more about Peirce here: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/peirce/

  3. Hey guys, here's what I found for Cicero in (LH)
    FQ: Along with being philosopher, what other occupations did he have? He was a lawyer and a politican.
    DQ: Do you agree or disagree that the soul lives on forever, like Cicero did and that old people shouldn't worry about dying?
    FQ: What four problems did Cicero identify in his book, On Old Age, with growing old? It gets harder to work, body becomes weaker, joy in physical pleasures go and death is close.
    FQ: In what empire did Cicero come from and whose teachings did he help spread? Roman empire and Stoic teachings.
    Link to a quote I enjoyed by Cicero

  4. Morganne Stanfill1:46 PM CST

    I was assigned the Seneca section of A Little History of Philosophy.

    DQ: Do you think the Stoics' idea that we should only worry about the things we can change a wise idea to live by? (LH29)

    FQ: Besides being a philosopher, what other occupations did Seneca find time to do? playwright, politician, and businessman (LH31)

    FQ2: How did Seneca feel we should spend our time? Studying philosophy (LH 32)

    FQ3: Which Stoic philosopher took his own life due to a Roman emperor, Nero, accusing him of plotting against him and telling him to commit suicide? Seneca (LH 32)

    DQ2: Do you agree with what Seneca believes? That life is not too short, but most people don't use their time wisely? (LH 31)

    LINK: Want to learn more about Stoicism and Seneca? Follow the link below.

  5. Sorry that I was not in class monday but I am in a way excited about what we were to read for today,Epictetus, Cicero, Seneca. Their philosophy is quite interesting I think and would love to actually discuss some on it today instead of talking about who is doing what.

    So here is a discussion question: How is being a "Stoic" psychotherapeutic?
    Here is an interesting site: http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780195389661/obo-9780195389661-0042.xml

  6. FQ: What political philosopher stated that the United States is a "nation of nationalities"?

    Michael Walzer

    DQ: Is politics a genuine philosophy?


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