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Friday, February 21, 2014

Exam #1 Study Guide

I need to ask each group that hasn't already done so to please post your list of 10 proposed exam questions AND label your post with your section & group #s. Here's what I find so far. Have I overlooked any, or connected wrong team names to #s? If so, please add & correct ASAP. [UPDATE: because some group lists were still missing when I sat down to make the exam Sunday night, it reflects questions from both sections. So, study them all.]

Questions on the exam may be worded slightly differently from the original quiz questions, or put in Glossary or T/F (etc.) format. So, don't just memorize Qs & As in this Study Guide. When studying, locate, re-read, and reflect on the relevant texts. The exam will include material through Monday's class (Machiavelli, Hobbes, Posner, Dworkin, Danto, Cavell).

In addition to twenty (20) objective-format questions, the exam will include an extra credit Discussion Question: Select any two philosophers we've encountered so far this semester. What question would you ask them, if you could? How do you think they would reply? Would they agree with one another? Would you agree with either of them? Why? You can prepare and print your reply in advance, and turn it in on Wednesday. Maximal credit will be awarded to responses that have been prepared in advance and include at least two good paragraphs. If you prefer, you can supply and respond to the alternative Discussion Question of your choice.

After the exam, which should take less than half an hour, we'll begin Group #1's midterm report presentation. (If Group 1 needs more time they'll finish next Monday, before Group 2's report begins.) See the NEXT note about what your group needs to post and sign before your report day.

Happy studying, & good luck. (But remember what the old baseball philosopher said: "Luck is the residue of design.")

Group 1, Team Why Not
1. What was strange about Epicurus' Garden commune was that it openly included ______ and _____, which was a rare situation in Ancient Athens. (Women and Slaves)

2. What was the name of the woman in Boethius's book "The Consolation of Philosophy" who joins him in his cell and explains what he should believe? (Philosophy)

3. True or False: Epicurus thought death was something to fear.  (False)                           

4. Who was the 1st American thinker to dare to insist that his countryman could have an original relation to the universe? (Emerson)

5. According to Cicero, four main problems with growing older were that it gets harder to work, the body becomes weaker, ______________, and death is close. (Joy in physical pleasure goes)

6. Who refused to attend the celebration in Philadelphia because his state of New York fought hard to defeat ratification? (Alexander Hamilton)

7. Who was described as “the most profound, most complete expression of American genius?” (John Dewey)

8. What was the name of the painted porch in Athens where philosophers met? (Stoa)

9. What “fickle” and “random” thing should humans not depend on to be happy according to Boethius? (Luck)

10. According to Hall & Lindholm, what is the supposed “11th commandment” in American society? (“Thou shalt not judge”)

Group 2-
1. Which philosopher felt that God was the "uncaused cause of everything that is"? Aquinas (LH 50)

2. Who argued that taxation without consent is compared to forced labor?

3. What twentieth century philosopher was credited for "singlehandedly reviving political philosophy"? 
John Rawls (AP 105) 

4. Which philosopher was put to death 2,400 years ago in Athens for asking too many questions? –Socrates

5. Which philosopher constantly proved to people that they did not know as much as they thought they knew? –Socrates

6. Who wrote the book The Nicomachean Ethics and why was it named that? Aristotle and it was named after his son

7. What was the name of Aristotle's school in Athens? Lyceum

8. What was the school Epicurus ran in Athens, and what was different about this school? The Garden, and it included slaves and women.

9. Which ancient Greek philosopher argued that fear of death was a waste of time and based on bad logic? -Epicurus (LH 23)

10. Augustine believed moral evil is a result of? Adam and Eve's choices to disobey God.

Section 12, Group 3 (Oliver's Favs)

1. What is a "Socrates cafe?" (AP) Where people from different backgrounds gather and exchange ideas using the Socratic Method.
2. (T/F) Aristotle believed true happiness could be acquired in a single moment, or a few. F (True happiness requires a longer life”
3. What theory of Plato's describes thinking about things in an abstract way, not through examples and sensual perceptions? The Theory of Form
4. Who did the Christian Science Monitor call the “greatest existential philosopher ever?” Oprah
5. What does "eudaimonia" mean? Happiness or Welfare
6. According to Epicurus, how does one lead a happy life? Overcome Fear
7. Which Stoic philosopher took his own life due to a Roman emperor, Nero, accusing him of plotting against him and telling him to commit suicide? Seneca
8. What "kind and good" philosopher said (while still a young man) "my first act of free will shall be to believe in free will"? James
9. What was the name of the woman in Boethius's book "The Consolation of Philosophy" who joins him in his cell and explains what he should believe? Philosophy
10. What argument, and whose, claims that the fact that we have an idea of God proves that God Actually exists? Anslem’s Ontological Argument

Section 13
Group 1, Philosoraptors
1. Socrates did not write anything down. Who wrote down and kept record of Socrates conversations and ideas, as well as his own? Plato

2. What theory of Plato's describes thinking about things in an abstract way, not through examples and sensual perceptions? The Theory of Form

3. Professor of philosophy at Vanderbilt University who authored On Race and Philosophy.  Lucius Outlaw

4. What was the name of the school set up by Aristotle in Athens?  The Lyceum

5. Who developed and taught Aristotle? Plato

6. What's the difference between extreme Pyrrhonian skepticism and moderate skepticism?Moderates (like Socrates and Shermer) seek truth

7. Who was the woman that Boethius saw in his jail cell while awaiting his death? Why was she angry with him? Philosophy or “Philosophia”

8. Which Stoic took his own life at the demands of Nero? Seneca

9. What Spanish émigré studied and taught at Harvard, said those who don't learn history's mistakes are doomed to repeat them, called skepticism "chastity of the intellect," and was long deprived of "his rightful place in the intellectual history of our times" Santayana

10. Which philosopher believed that the fact that we have an idea of God proves that God exists?Anselm

Group 2

Group 3, Thundaa Dragons
1. Who "wed philosophical pragmatism to social and political activism" and "approached philosophy with the common man's touch" (and was paid a great compliment by a famous historian)? Answer: John Dewey

2. Which American philosopher rejected the name "pragmatism," threatened suicide, and said we should only entertain "real and living doubts"?  Answer: Peirce

3. Which ancient Greek philosopher argued that fear of death was a waste of time and based on bad logic? Answer: Epicurus

4. According to Epicurus, how does one lead a happy life? Answer: Overcome fear.

5. What does "eudemonia" mean, and how can we increase our chance of attaining it?                   (Answer- it means flourishing or success, and is the answer to how people should seek happiness in their lives according to Aristotle

6. Whose academy did Aristotle attend? Answer: Plato’s

7. (T/F) Aristotle believed true happiness could be acquired in a single moment, or a few. Answer: False

8. What theory of Plato's describes thinking about things in an abstract way, not through examples and sensual perceptions? Answer: Theory of Forms

9. Where (according to Romano) is "the most philosophical culture in the history of the world"? Answer: United States

10. Who did Jonathan Glover pick, "because he invented the whole thing"? (HINT: again, not Plato.)Answer: Socrates


  1. James McVey9:33 PM CST

    Section 12, Group 3 (Oliver's Favs)

    1. What is a "Socrates cafe?" (AP) Where people from different backgrounds gather and exchange ideas using the Socratic Method.
    2. (T/F) Aristotle believed true happiness could be acquired in a single moment, or a few. F (True happiness requires a longer life”
    3. What theory of Plato's describes thinking about things in an abstract way, not through examples and sensual perceptions? The Theory of Form
    4. Who did the Christian Science Monitor call the “greatest existential philosopher ever?” Oprah
    5. What does "eudaimonia" mean? Happiness or Welfare
    6. According to Epicurus, how does one lead a happy life? Overcome Fear
    7. Which Stoic philosopher took his own life due to a Roman emperor, Nero, accusing him of plotting against him and telling him to commit suicide? Seneca
    8. What "kind and good" philosopher said (while still a young man) "my first act of free will shall be to believe in free will"? James
    9. What was the name of the woman in Boethius's book "The Consolation of Philosophy" who joins him in his cell and explains what he should believe? Philosophy
    10. What argument, and whose, claims that the fact that we have an idea of God proves that God Actually exists? Anslem’s Ontological Argument

  2. I'm confused... Is this the final study guide?


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