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Monday, February 17, 2014

Daily Quiz


1. What was the name of the woman in Boethius's book "The Consolation of Philosophy" who joins him in his cell and explains what he should believe? 

2. What human trait does Augustine believe is responsible for evil? 

3. Who "wed philosophical pragmatism to social and political activism" and "approached philosophy with the common man's touch" (and was paid a great compliment by a famous historian)?

4. What Spanish emigre studied and taught at Harvard, said those who don't learn history's mistakes are doomed to repeat them, called skepticism "chastity of the intellect," and was long deprived of "his rightful place in the intellectual history of our times"?

5. What 20th century philosopher was concerned with "how language connects with the world," implicitly disagreed with Boethius about "the consolation of philosophy," and once attended a '70s party with Oliver?

6. What is the attempt to explain and defend how a good God could allow suffering?

1. (Philosophy, or "Philosophia"- LH pg. 41). 2. Free will (LH 38). 3. Dewey (Commager quote AP 86). 4. Santayana. 5. Quine AP 95-6. 6.  pg 38 answer: theodicy 


FQ: Who was described as " the most profound, most complete expression of American genius." (John Dewey pg. 87)
FQ: As a mature____________ philosopher, Dewey viewed life as an ___________ process in which man, always with focused aims, uses his intelligence to solve real problems in concrete situations. (Pragmatist, organic) pg. 88
Link:The need for a recovery of philosophy summary
http://www.uh.edu/~cfreelan/courses/americanphil/Dewey.htmlEast Side.

 Link about Anzia Yezierska :http://jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/yezierska-anzia (Anzia Yezierska is well known for her work which is based on the hardships and life struggles of immigrants, especially Jewish immigrants in New York’s Lower...)

FQ: ___________ wrote of philosophers who ignored Santayana's work in the analytic heyday after 1950 that Santayana "may well come to be seen for what he was, the masters of them all."

DQ: George Santayana was apparently "different" in some way. AP suggests that he might have been a homosexual. In fact, Charles William Eliot, who was president of Harvard at the time Santayana was there, wanted to impede Santayana's career on the basis that he (Eliot) did not believe Harvard should be promoting "a man so abnormal as Dr. Santayana." My question is this: Do you think that the reason many people are uncomfortable with homosexuality is based on their particular religious view or is it something that transcends religion?


DQ: Why do you think Quine hated abstractions?

FQ: Which philosopher won the National Book Award for Anarchy, State, and Utopia and taught at Harvard? -Robert Nozick (AP 97)


In his younger days, Augustine was a _______, but later rejected this belief for Christianity. pg 36
answer: Manichaean

Augustine LINK -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-t1HEoU6dE 

Dewey quote on "reconstruction in Philosophy" AP 88; our condition "critical but not hopeless" (AP 92)
FQ: Where was Augustine born? - Tagaste or Algeria; North Africa
FQ: When Eve and Adam betrayed God, they brought sin into the world. This sin is called what? - Original Sin
FQ: Augustine believed that _____ _____ gets passed on to each new generation by the act of _____ _____. - Original Sin; Sexual reproduction
DQ: In your own opinion, why did God brought evil to the world?
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-UIxGpWVJA

FQ: Name a book that Augustine authored? (Confessions, City of God)
DQ: Do you think Free Will is an adequate ideal of beliefs?
AUGUSTINE Link: http://www.iep.utm.edu/augustin/

FQ: Did John Dewey influence pragmatism? yes.
DQ: What ideas did you like from Santayana, Dewey, and Quine?
DEWEY Link: https://suite101.com/a/john-dewey-pragmatism-a35095 

FQ: What was the name of the last book Boethius wrote before he was executed? 
DQ: What do you guys think about Augustine's belief on the 'Original Sin' being passed down each new generation? 
Link: http://www.vision.org/visionmedia/article.aspx?id=227 Here's a link of more information on the 'Original Sin' and Augustine. 

FQ: What did Santayana write that became a staple of his writing and brought his sharp tone towards America to center stage?
FQ: What is the idea behind Emersonianism?
FQ: Who did McCormick claim to be the only philosopher whose writing came close to Santayana?
FQ: Who believed that philosophy did not amount to science, but a balance of mind and temper?
FQ: Which religion did Santayana inherit but reject?
FQ: Who supposedly said that there was nothing Spanish about Santayana, and that he was a New Englander with a Spanish name?

DQ: Are there any topics you are as critical about as Santayana is about America?

WRITING link: http://www.academia.edu/148909/Tips_On_How_To_Write_Philosophy_Essays

FQ: McCormick acknowledged that Santayana "___________, and argument is the staff of life of academic philosophy." p85 AP refuse to argue

FQ: Why did Santayana say he was never really comfortable at Harvard? p81 AP 
The atmosphere was "an unintelligible, sanctimonious and often disingenuous Protestantism." Meaning they were impossible to understand acting morally superior to others and not being sincere forms of Christian. 

Here is a video on some of Santayana quotes:

FQ: John Dewey being a "non-social individual what was his warning? p89 AP "is an abstraction arrived at by imagining what man would be if all his human qualities were taken away."

DQ: What is meant by Santayana saying "American life seems to neutralize every intellectual element, however tough and alien it may be, and to fuse it in the native good will, complacency, thoughtlessness, and optimism."?

Link: here are some great quotes by George Santayana. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/g/george_santayana.html

FQ: Who said American life "seems to neutralize every intellectual element"? AtP 82

DQ: Why do you believe that Santayana said he should not have lived in America?

Link: Here is a link to some quotes by George Santayana. This will give you guys an idea of his "style"


FQ: What did the Manchaeans believe about God? LH 36-37

FQ: What did Augustine believe that every child beared traces of from birth? LH 39

FQ: Who was the woman that Boethius saw in his jail cell while awaiting his death? Why was she angry with him? LH 41

DQ: Do you believe we are all living a predestined life? Or are we truly granted free-will?

DEWEY link: http://www.biography.com/people/john-dewey-9273497?page=1

DQ: What do you think of Dewey's more instrumental approach to philosophy and human experience?

FQ: What is a Manichaean? LH p. 36-37 
DQ: Do you pull your one strings in this life journey? 

FQ: What did Santayana consider to be "a certain kind of poetry"(85).

DQ: Santayana considered the beauty we perceive in art as a subjective experience. That is, our experience dictates what we find beautiful. Two people with different life experience can see the same work of art as either beautiful or ugly and terrifying. Do you agree? Or is the beauty in art there because the artist is talented?

LINK: http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2xb0fMy7j1rn6tojo1_500.jpg

FQ: Augustine in his younger days was a Manichaean, a religion originally from Persia; what did they believe? God wasn't supremely powerful.

FQ: According to the Manichaeans, where did good and evil come from? Good came from the soul and evil came from the body.

DQ: Do you believe evil is the result of our free will and mot directly due to God?

FQ: Augustine believed moral evil is a result of? Adam and Eve's choices to disobey God.

Link: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=augustine+quotes&qs=SS&sk=&FORM=QBIR&pq=augustine%20qu&sc=8-12&sp=1&qs=SS&sk=#view=detail&id=538B881B16BAAE964CDA11B42BCD48C1761AD03E&selectedIndex=0

FQ2: What "fickle" and "random" thing should humans not depend on to be happy according to Boethius? (Luck, LH pg. 42)

DQ: Do people have free will or is everything predestined?

DQ: (Boethius) Is luck actually random?

Link: Here are some quotes from Boethius. . .
M 17 - Augustine, Boethius(LH); Santayana, Dewey, Quine (AP 78-97)

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