Up@dawn 2.0

Monday, February 10, 2014

Daily Quiz


1. Which anceint Greek philosopher argued that fear of death was a waste of time and based on bad logic? 

2. What was the school Epicurus ran in Athens?  

3.  What was strange about Epicurus' Garden commune was that it openly included ______ and _____, which was a rare situation in Ancient Athens. 

4. According to Epicurus, how does one lead a happy life?

5. According to Hall & Lindholm, what is the supposed "11th commandment" in American society?

6. What country's ancient spiritual traditions may have influenced Pyrrho's skepticism?

7. What's the difference between extreme Pyrrhonian skepticism and moderate skepticism?

1. Epicurus (LH 23).  2. The Garden. -3. Women and Slaves pg. 23. 4. Overcome fear. 5.  ("Thou shalt not judge" AP pg. 51).  6. India. 7. Moderates (like Socrates and Shermer) seek truth (LH p.20.)

Also of note:

FQ- According to the LH book, what was the difference between the extreme skeptics and Plato and Aristotle? 

DQ- Should we be skeptics and always keep an open mind about EVERYTHING? Do you think that's a good way to live life?

FQ: Who was the first African American to hold a steady job in the Ivy League?... William Fontaine
DQ: What do you believe Walzer means when he says, (summarizing) in order to become an American.. "the process requires for its success the mental erasure of all previous identities"?
Quote/Link: "Happiness consists in the multiplicity of agreeable consciousness" 

FQ- What is Scepticism?( Answer-The idea that everything can be questioned everything doubted. Keep an open mind, and don't commit.)
FQ- Who was probably the most extreme sceptic of his time?(Answer-Pyrrho)
FQ- What is the poem On the Nature of Things by Roman philosopher -poet Lucretius about? (Answer- The poem summaried the teachings of Epicurus' school.)
FQ-Where was Epicurus' philosophy school and what was the Name?(Answer- In a house and was called The Garden). 

DQ- Is it possible to implement Epicurus' teaching of viewing your life after death as if you are viewing your life before you were born? Do the events and our experiences during life prevent us from doing so?
DQ- Do you agree with Phyrro's belief of not trusting your own senses? Why or why not?

FQ: What does APA stand for? American Philosophical Association 
DQ: What jobs do you think go along with a philosophy degree?
Link: www.apaonline.org to learn more about the American Philosophical Association

FQ: What did William James say you needed to be a real philosopher? (Answer: Hate someone else's thinking, page 36)

FQ: What did philosophy professors say an individual needed to belong to if they want to be considered a real philosopher? (Answer: The APA - American Philosophical Association, page 37)

FQ: In America the Philosophical, how many people did Jeremy Morris say the APA usually drew in, and how many did they actually draw in at that time? (Answer: Usually 2500, drew in 2000, page 38)

DQ: Why do you think philosophy jobs are so limited?
DQ: What do you think is required for an individual to be considered a real philosopher?

LINK: http://www.wikihow.com/Live-Like-Socrates

DQ: Epicurus summed up his philosophy with the quote "I was not; I have been; I am not; I do not mind." What does this mean to you, and do you agree with his outlook on death?

DQ: Do you think it's healthier (mentally) to follow Pyrrho's philosophy on uncertainty and fear in facing typically frightening situations?

FQ: A large source of information on Epicurus' teachings came from the long poem On the Nature of Things written by ______. - Lucretius

Link: http://marklindner.info/writings/Epicurus.htm
Here's a link summarizing Epicurus' view of death.

FQ: What kind of need did Epicurus teach? pg 24 Moderate

FQ: Epicurus' view was that we consist of _________(though what he meant by this term was a bit different from what modern scientists mean by it). pg 26 Atoms

DQ: Do you ever think about what it will be like after your death?

DQ: Would you live this free and worriless the way Pyrrho did?

FQ: Why was Epicurus no popular in Athens? His followers were slaves and women, which was frowned upon.

FQ: Who said "Death is not an event in life"? 20th century philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein

FQ: Which political theorist consider America a "nation of nationalities" and does not quite agree with the preposition used in the motto "E pluribus Unum"? (Michael Walzer AP pg. 55)

FQ: Name a blog for political philosophy? - APA, Public Reason (pg 44)

FQ: What does William James feel you need to do in order to be a real philosopher?

FQ: Which political theorist consider America a "nation of nationalities" and does not quite agree with the preposition used in the motto "E pluribus Unum"? (Michael Walzer AP pg. 55)

DQ: If you were to become a philosopher, what would be your main focus to "philosophize" about? 

DQ: What do political philosophers talk about?

DQ: Do you believe that the fear of death is just a state of indo to overcome and that death really isn't an experience at all?
DQ: What do you think Epicurus meant in his epitaph: "I was not: I have been; I am not; I do not mind"

DQ: Do you agree with Pyrrho's view that the senses are deceiving and we really do not know what is dangerous? Or do you think Pyrrho was mad and lucky to have lived so long?

DQ: Of the two philosophies in this week's reading, which one would be the most helpful (in moderation, of course) for most of the people today?

DQ: Is American culture an entity onto itself or is America merely a hodgepodge of multiple cultures? 

FQ: What did William James say you needed to be a real philosopher? (Answer: Hate someone else's thinking, page 36)

FQ: What did philosophy professors say an individual needed to belong to if they want to be considered a real philosopher? (Answer: The APA - American Philosophical Association, page 37)

FQ: In America the Philosophical, how many people did Jeremy Morris say the APA usually drew in, and how many did they actually draw in at that time? (Answer: Usually 2500, drew in 2000, page 38)

DQ: Why do you think philosophy jobs are so limited?

DQ: What do you think is required for an individual to be considered a real philosopher?

LINK: http://www.wikihow.com/Live-Like-Socrates

Here's a blast from the past with the Schoolhouse Rock song "The Great American Melting Pot". 

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqHUmMBGZlU - something I found while looking at this

Since a good portion of our group discussion this past Wednesday was based on the Calvin and Hobbes comics, I decided to find a comic strip about Pyrrho!
enjoy =]


http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs42/f/2009/091/2/7/Epicurus_quote_by_Philiposophy.jpg Morganne

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tao_of_Pooh Jason

http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs42/f/2009/091/2/7/Epicurus_quote_by_Philiposophy.jpg Maegan


Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylpbVqTS8So Heres a video of a lecture at one of the conferences. (it's pretty long)

Here is a little video of what I could have imaged that Pyrrho wanted to do, but at least it wasn’t a long fall for this guy. 

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