Up@dawn 2.0

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Carlin Romano at MTSU

November 8, 2013

Carlin Romano, inaugural Fall Lyceum lecturer

And also worth a look:

1 comment:

  1. Here's an example of the sort of quick & easy post that'll get you 'round the bases. (I'm impersonating one of you, replying to your group author's post. The author gets to circle the bases automatically.)

    FQ: What 19th century French visitor said America is the least philosophical country? -Alexis de Tocqueville

    DQ: Is Oprah a philosopher?

    LINK: Here's a cool documentary I found called "American Philosopher"-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sQOmGEwuSo
    That's all it takes to circle the bases and score your first run. 1 run=4 total bases (TB).

    Now, each additional comment, FQ, DQ, or link that you posted anywhere on our site since last class gets you another base, which you can "score" on the scoresheet with a + sign. Now, say you commented on another group's author post, and found another relevant link: that's two of these: + +. So now you have 6 total bases today, which you can record in the little box in the lower right corner of your square. And let's say you supplied a FQ that was used on today's quiz, AND you aced it. That's two more runs, for a total of 3 today. Record that number in the little box in the lower left.

    And that's it. Not rocket science.


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