Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ashley Eppert Section 14

Post 2 of 2

Marriage involving Religion

Marriage and religion tends to be a pretty sticky topic. Depending on your belief, if you have one,

many of the beliefs that involve organized religion tend to come with a set of rules chained to the foot

of marriage. One of those rules being, no sex before marriage. The basic problem with this one is the

obvious one: suspense

This is why many Christian couples marry so young, because of the anticipation of sex and starting a

family (obviously not the only reason but a huge factor no doubt).

"Ring by Spring" - a 'cute' catchphrase at a few Christian colleges up in Michigan

Also the 'ol "God told me you were my wife"...gets me everytime.
Then there are those who go in the opposite direction, questioning the fundamentals of marriage as a
whole. If we're having sex before marriage and are now capable of having children on our own, then
do we necessarily need a significant other at all?
 With all the drama that seems to be wrapped up in a marriage
and not to mention the divorce rates as they are, and then factor
in the couples religious views, yadayada... Soon
popping the "big question" won't be the big question anymore,
but rather the "big question" will turn into a series of big questions
 on womens Sperm Donor sheets. 


  1. How do you think the children will feel about "Dad" being just a donor?

  2. Exactly... I'll have to disagree with your paper and say that of COURSE we need a, what you call, "significant other" in order to rear children correctly. A family is intended to be just that: a family, a foundational basis of love and support in a child's life. How WOULD the child feel about their father being simply an anonymous sperm donor? How does that offer any support other than an obligatory check in the mail every month?

  3. (In addition):

    Though marriage is a massive commitment both of good times and hard times, the fact that it is a covenant made before God should tell you, Ashley, that it is intended to be a beautiful, meaningful part of life.

  4. Nikki SInning1:54 PM CST

    I like how you looked at marriage from all sides. I think over time marriage has lost its significance in the eyes of society. However, I think that it is, as said by Chase, a covenant made before God. It requires immense commitment and is not for those not willing to make the commitment for a lifetime, but I think it is a great thing that should be taken more seriously.


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