Up@dawn 2.0

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ryan Parrow (1)

NAME:Ryan Nicholas Parrow
MINOR:Global Studies
CAREER PLAN:I plan on pursuing a doctoral degree in English and eventually teaching college level English courses.
ABOUT ME: I don't know if I can fully elaborate on who I am. Can a person explain themselves through their interests, aspirations, or experiences? Is a person defined by their actions,thoughts, or motives? Or is there a deeper significance that is the very essence of who anyone is that can't be explained. I admit that I fully don't understand myself or anybody else. I hope that one day I'll have a better understanding of who I am, but for right now I can just define who I am as someone who is unsure as to exactly as who I am.
WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY: To define philosophy would be to implicate that philosophy has any singular definition. Philosophy is such a large category that it would be impossible to describe it in any one definition. Throughout history philosophy has held numerous meanings to people. Philosophy to one person can be totally different to another. Most people tag philosophy with it's etymological roots as defined as "the love of wisdom". But to me even that's not enough to fully explain the denotation of this field of study.
WHAT INFLUENCES MY PHILOSOPHY: My philosophy is derived from a basic understanding of the "essence" of the world. My view on philosophy is very metaphysical, and I believe that the energy of the universe guides and directs us all. This is in no way spiritual, if anything it's the opposite, but coincides with a very primitive feeling that motivates and guides us all. I'm very open minded to learning about new forms of philosophy, so to state my present way of thinking is futile as I'm sure through this course of study my view on philosophy will change drastically.

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